Reikosiella (Hirticauda) cornuta, Fusu, Lucian, 2013

Fusu, Lucian, 2013, A revision of the Palaearctic species of Reikosiella (Hirticauda) (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 3636 (1), pp. 1-34 : 12-13

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Plazi (2016-04-13 22:48:47, last updated 2024-11-27 00:15:11)

scientific name

Reikosiella (Hirticauda) cornuta

sp. nov.

3. Reikosiella (Hirticauda) cornuta sp. nov.

( Figs 4 View FIGURES 1 – 6 , 16 View FIGURES 7 – 16 , 24 View FIGURES 23 – 30 , 33 View FIGURES 31 – 40 )

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Holotype Ƥ: S. KOREA: Kangwondo/ Chuncheon, Nam-myeon/ Magog-li along Hongchoen riv./ Mal. tr., clearing, pine+larch for/ N 37˚43.786’ E 127˚34.589’, 70m / 12.VI–11.VII.2004 Tripotin rec. (AICF) [card mounted on the right side, uncontorted, entire]. Paratype: 1Ƥ, S. KOREA: Kangwondo/ Chuncheon, Nam-myeon/ Magog- li, along Hongchoen riv./ 70m, 5 Mal. trs., larch planted/ forest N 37˚43.786’ E 127˚34.589’/ 24.V–12.VI.2004 Tripotin rec. (AICF, will be deposited in CNC).

ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet refers to the two tufts of black setae on the scutellum that resemble two horns.

DESCRIPTION. FEMALE. Holotype Ƥ: length 3.2 mm. Head ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 6 ) yellowish-brown, with a faint goldengreen lustre on frontovertex, interantennal prominence and on gena behind malar sulcus, and scrobal depression with violet glimmer under some angles of light ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 7 – 16 ); maxillary and labial palpi yellowish-brown. Antenna dark-brown except scape yellow with dorsal margin brown, pedicel and F1 with distinct blue and violet lustres, and F2–F3 with distinct bluish-green lustre. Mesosoma ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 7 – 16 ) similar to head, with scutellum and axillae yellow, contrasting somewhat with the more infuscated surrounding sclerites, and following areas brown: a spot on lateral corner of pronotum anterior to each spiracle, tegula, thin line along convex anterior part of median mesoscutal lobe and dorsal ridge of each lateral lobe, propodeum, metapleuron, and upper mesepisternum medially; posterior edge of median mesoscutal lobe and outer side of lateral lobe with bluish-green lustre, depressed median area with a faint violet longitudinal stripe that looks blue medially under some angles of light. Fore wing with brownish venation except stv and pmv darker and median part of submarginal vein paler; infuscated in proximal part of basal and costal cells and beyond base of parastigma except for arched hyaline cross-band with parallel edges extending behind marginal vein to posterior margin, and with infuscation gradually fading beyond postmarginal vein toward apex of wing ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 23 – 30 ). Legs including coxae mostly yellowish-brown with a dark brown stripe along dorsal margin of posterior surface of hind femur, dark hind coxa and dorsal surface of middle coxa and with following paler, yellowish: dorsal surface of fore femur, anterior surface of fore leg, ventral surface of middle femur, two wide fuzzy rings at base and apex of mid tibia, ventral surface of hind femur, dorsal margin of hind tibia, and all knees and tarsi except claws. Metasoma with Mt1 brownish, Mt2 and Mt3 white and translucent, with anterodorsal angles of Mt2 tinged with brown, Mt4–Mt6 dark-brown, Mt7 and Mt8 dorsally with a strong golden-green lustre. Ovipositor sheath with a broad submedian dirty-white ring, graduated brownish-yellow apically (only moderately darker than the medial pale region) and abruptly dark brown in basal third.

Head shiny, with following areas of almost effaced sculpture: finely coriaceous on vertex and lower face, becoming alutaceous toward malar sulcus (area near sulcus polished), alutaceous on upper scrobal depression, temples and occiput, and rest almost polished ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 6 ); scrobal depression shallow and wide, subrectangular, imperceptibly merging into frons, in lateral view with slightly angular lower parascrobal region. Head with numerous setiferous pinprick-like punctures except on middle of frons and scrobal depression; setae on frontovertex and along internal eye margin conspicuously long, black and erect, but more prostrate on occiput, and pale and shorter on lower face. Frontovertex 0.35× head width, with ocelli arranged in a right triangle. Eye inconspicuously microsetose with setae much shorter than an ommatidium. Toruli with upper margin in line with lower orbit. Scape in dorsal view strongly curved, in outer view 5× as long as wide with a very narrow ventral lamina in apical 3/5, and ventral margin slightly sinuate and narrowed basally, otherwise nearly parallel sided; in outer view pedicel 2× as long as wide, F1 clearly elongate, 2× as long as wide and 0.7× as long as pedicel; F2 very long, more than 4× as long as wide, and following segments gradually shortened and broadened toward clava but all longer than wide; clava more than 2× as long as wide, only slightly longer than combined length of apical two funiculars; pedicel plus flagellum 1.8× HW. Relative measurements: HW 57, FV 20, HL 28, HH 50, EL 33, EW 24, MS 19, LOL 4, OOL 3, POL 6.5, MPOD 5, SL 35, SW 7.

Pronotum and mesoscutum shiny; pronotum medially divided, with fine alutaceous sculpture especially on lateral surfaces, and with long erect setae as follows: 10 in row along posterior margin, 3 on posterior half of each lateral margin and 4 at anterior margin; mesoscutum polished except convex median lobe and dorsal surface of lateral lobes finely coriaceous (lateral lobe with very small mesh size), with black erect setae as follows: a group of about 8 setae posteriorly on convex part of median lobe, a line of 7 setae along outer surface of lateral lobe, another line along lateral margin of mesoscutum, a few scattered setae on sides of median depressed area, and a line of 4 setae at its posterior margin, lateral lobes carinate in posterior half. Axillae obliquely alutaceous with narrow cells, appearing striate, with anterior edge in same plane as scutellum base, gradually convexly sloping posteriorly, with a few black, erect setae on posterolateral slope; scutellum convex, dorsally circularly coriaceous to reticulateimbricate mesally (mesh size much smaller than an ommatidium), becoming semicircularly imbricate-coriaceous posterodorsally and polished on posterior surface, with a tuft of erect, black setae on each side dorsally ( Figs 16 View FIGURES 7 – 16 , 24 View FIGURES 23 – 30 ) and a pair of similar setae at most convex point. Dorsellum polished, with a rounded median lobe covering apex of scutellum. Propodeum without plical depression, with wide plical region slightly below plane of callar regions, mostly smooth, with a longitudinal median carina, anteriorly broadly V-shaped and posteriorly broadly ∩- shaped carinate; callar region slightly convex with dense, long white setae in outer half, and with large spiracle about as large as a posterior ocellus and separated from anterior margin by distance equal to its own smallest diameter. Acropleuron bare, coriaceous anteriorly and alutaceous along dorsal and ventral margins, but much less so posteriorly and polished medially; cuticle very thin so attachment site of mesotergal-mesopleural muscle clearly visible; mesepisternum alutaceous, with white setae except for extreme anterior region, the setae denser and longer in front of mid coxa and along acropleural sulcus. Hind coxa finely alutaceous, with dense white setae along ventral margin and on anteroventral corner of outer surface, and a few long setae on posterior margin of dorsal edge. Mesotibia with 8 apical pegs. Fore wing 3× as long as wide; basal cell bare except setose basally and with 3 or 4 setae on mediocubital fold; costal cell microsetose at base on ventral side and with a single median line of longer setae; parastigma with longer, darker setae than rest of disc, which is evenly setose with setae dark brown on infuscated areas and white on translucent band; venation with long uncus and stigma not enlarged ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 31 – 40 ), cc: mv: stv: pmv: uncus: u-pmv = 5.9: 10: 1: 2.6: 0.4: 1.1. Relative measurements: MSL 96, MSCL 44, MSCW 46, SCL 23, SCW 18, AXW 14, AXL 14, FWL 160, FWW 52, cc 41, mv 70, stv 7, pmv 18, uncus 3, u-pmv 8, HWL 144, HWW 33, MT 66, HT 65.

Metasoma with terga finely alutaceous, sparsely setose mostly on sides; Mt7 alutaceous-polished in basal half and polished with scattered pinprick-like punctures in apical half; Mt8 (syntergum) polished, with sparse erect black setae on lateroventral side; Mt2–Mt4 emarginate medially, Mt5 only slightly emarginate; Mt8 (syntergum) with a distinct dorsal surface anterior to emargination surrounding posteriorly facing anal sclerite. Ovipositor sheath only slightly shorter than hind tibia. Relative measurements: MTL 110, MTW 45, OL 62.

VARIABILITY. The paratype is very similar to the holotype except for the following measurements: length 2.9 mm, HW 55, FV 19, HL 27, HH 47, EL 31, EW 23, MS 18, LOL 4, OOL 3, POL 6, MPOD 5, SL 32, SW 6.5, MSL 86, MSCL 40, MSCW 41, SCL 21, SCW 16.5, AXW 11, AXL 11, FWL 147, FWW 50, cc 40, mv 62, stv 6, pmv 17, uncus 3, u-pmv 8, HWL 128, HWW 30, MT 60, HT 58, MTL 112, MTW 46, OL 55.

MALE. Unknown.

RECOGNITION. Females of Reikosiella cornuta are most similar to R. bolivari and R. graeca because of their mostly yellowish-brown body color with bright yellow scutellar-axillar complex and dark antennal flagellum. They can be readily differentiated from the latter two species by the long, conspicuous setae on the scutellum, which are arranged in two tufts, a larger body size, and their fore wing infuscation pattern.

BIOLOGY. Unknown.


Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 6. Reikosiella (Hirticauda) Ƥ heads: 1, R. rostrata. 2, R. andriescui. 3, R. gordoni. 4, R. cornuta. 5, R. hungarica. 6, R. tripotinorum. Scale bar 0.1 mm.

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FIGURES 7 – 16. Reikosiella (Hirticauda) Ƥ: 7, R. andriescui dorsal habitus. 8, R. vanharteni head. 9, R. koreana head. 10, R. rostrata dorsal habitus. 11, R. hungarica dorsal habitus. 12, R. tripotinorum dorsal habitus. 13, R. gordoni dorsal habitus. 14, R. bolivari dorsal habitus. 15, R. graeca dorsal habitus. 16, R. cornuta dorsal habitus. Scale bar 0.5 mm for 7, 10 – 16 and 0.1 mm for 8 – 9.

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FIGURES 23 – 30. Reikosiella (Hirticauda) 3 habitus: 23, lateral R. gordoni Ƥ habitus. 24, lateral R. cornuta Ƥ habitus. 25, lateral R. vanharteni Ƥ habitus. 26, dorsal R. vanharteni Ƥ habitus. 27, lateral R. koreana 3 habitus. 28, lateral R. koreana Ƥ habitus. 29, dorsal R. koreana Ƥ habitus. 30, lateral R. vanharteni 3 habitus. Scale bar 0.5 mm.

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FIGURES 31 – 40. Reikosiella (Hirticauda) Ƥ fore wing venation: 31, R. andriescui (inverted image of left wing). 32, R. bolivari. 33, R. cornuta. 34, R. hungarica. 35, R. graeca. 36, R. gordoni (ventral side of left wing). 37, R. koreana. 38, R. rostrata. 39, R. tripotinorum. 40, R. vanharteni. Scale bar 0.2 mm.











