Quammenis spectabilis Erwin, 2000

Erwin, Terry L., 2000, A New Genus And Species Of Lachnophorini And Two New Species Of Lebiini From Costa Rica (Coleoptera: Carabidae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 54 (3), pp. 279-283 : 280-282

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/0010-065x(2000)054[0279:angaso]2.0.co;2

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scientific name

Quammenis spectabilis Erwin

sp. nov.

Quammenis spectabilis Erwin View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 1a, 1b View Fig )

Type Series. Holotype female, COSTA RICA: Heredia Province, Estacíon Magsasay, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo , 200 m, LN 64600,531100, October, (A. Fernandez)( INBio: CRI 000–647080).

Derivation of Name. The species name, spectabilis , is an adjective describing the elegance of this metallic green mountain beetle.

Diagnosis. ( Fig. 1a View Fig ) As described for genus.

Description. As described for genus. Size moderately small: 6.44 to 7.32 mm in length, 2.56 to 2.76 in width. Aedeagus ( Fig. 1b View Fig ) without armature on the endophallus; right paramere small, narrow.

Specimens Examined. Paratypes: COSTA RICA: 1 male, Cartago Province, Pacayas , 1600 m, 098559N, 0838489W, (C. Werckele)( AMNH)

ADP44192; 1 female, San Jose Province, Estacíon Zurqui , 500 meters before the tunnel, 1600 m, LN226800,535200, April, (G. Maass)( USNM) ADP100513 About USNM .

Notes. Remarkably, this species has remained unnoticed. I suspect it lives among mossy boulders at the steep sunny edges of mountain torrents, a slippery and perhaps dangerous place to collect.

Lebiini : Lebiina Lebia (Chelonodema) inbio Erwin , new species ( Figs. 2a, 2b View Fig )

Type Series. Holotype male, COSTA RICA: Guanacaste Province, Estacíon Pitilla , 9 km S Santa Cecilia, 700 m, LN329950,380450 #4355 (C. Moraga)( INBio: CRI 002­134601 View Materials ) . Paratypes, 5 males, 13 females from the type locality (11­ INBio, 2­ CAS, 2­ UASM, 3­ USNM) , 1 male, Estacíon Maritza, west slope of Volcan Orosi , 600 m, LN326900,373000 (K. Taylor)( INBio: CRI 000­394820) ; 1 male, Alajuela Province, Estacíon San Ramon , 620 m, LN318100,381900 #2817 (F. Quesada)( INBio: CRI 001­776999 View Materials ) , 1 male, Sect. San Ramon de Dos Rios , 1.5 km N Hde. Nueva Zelandia, 620 m, LN 318100,381900 #7332 (F. Quesada) ( USNM) , 1 male, Finca San Gabriel , 2 km SW Dos Rios, 600 m, LN318800,383500 (GNP Biodiv. Survey)( INBio: CRI 001­024138 View Materials ) .

Derivation of Name. The specific epithet, inbio , an acronym for the Costa Rican institution in which the type series was encountered is used as a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. This is the only species of Lebia (Chelonodema) with two longitudinal and bordered spots on the elytron ( Fig. 2a View Fig ) which cover 2/3 of the elytral surface.

Description. Testaceous; each elytron with 3 ‘‘spots,’’ the scutellar one black, the discal ones beige with back borders; palpi, antennomeres 3–11, femoral apex, tibiae and tarsomeres black. Pronotum broadly explanate; disc finely rugose. Size moderately large: 9.8 to 11.84 mm in length, 5.38 to 5.86 mm in width. Aedeagus ( Fig. 2b View Fig ).

Specimens Examined. The type series of 23 specimens is listed above. Notes. This species does not trace satisfactorily in Reichardt’s key (1972)

due to the unique elytral color pattern; the key will need to be significantly reordered rather than simply adding a step.


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


American Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


California Academy of Sciences


University of Alberta, E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum













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