Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius) kangdingensis Liu et Shi

Liu, Hao-Yu & Shi, Fu-Ming, 2014, Two New Species Of The Genus Pteronemobius Jacobson (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) From China, Far Eastern Entomologist 284, pp. 19-23 : 21-23

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Carolina (2021-05-20 15:40:46, last updated 2023-12-01 01:23:52)

scientific name

Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius) kangdingensis Liu et Shi

sp. nov.

Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius) kangdingensis Liu et Shi , sp. n.

Figs 3–4 View Figs , 9–12 View Figs

MATERIAL. Holotype – ♂, China: Sichuan province: Kangding, Pengta , 28-31.VIII 2005, coll. Fu-Ming Shi ( MHBU) . Paratypes: 16 ♂, 22 ♀, the same data as for holotype ( MHBU)

DESCRIPTION. MALE. Body small-sized and pubescent. Head as wide as width of anterior margin of pronotum, frontal rostrum very short and about 1.3 times as wide as scapus; median ocellus small and projecting forward; lateral ocelli large and slightly projecting outward; maxillary and labial palpi rather thin and long, both last joints claviform. Pronotum trapeziform, slightly widened posteriorly, about 0.65 times as long as width of posterior margin, anterior and posterior margins almost straight. Tegmina nearly extending to 9th tergite of abdomen, present with one oblique vein, mirror small, distinctly wider than long, lateral field with 6 oblique subcostal veinlets; wings absent. Fore tibia with an oval tympanum on outer side. Hind tibia with 4 pairs of dorsal spines, the first inner spine very short and tuberculiform, fourth inner spine obviously curved and swollen at base ( Fig. 12 View Figs ). Supra anal plate longer than wide, rounded at posterior margin. Subgenital plate truncate at posterior margin and slightly emarginated in middle. Genitalia ( Figs. 9–11 View Figs ): apical part of epiphallus slightly bent inwards, blunt at apex; apical parts of ectoparamers distinctly bent inwards, acute at apex, nearly as long as epiphallus.

FEMALE. General appearance similar to that of male. Tegmina nearly extending to 7th tergite of abdomen, present with 5 veins on dorsal field. Hind tibia with the first and fourth internal spines normal. Subgenital plate with posterior margin deeply emarginated in middle. Ovipositor short, about 0.6 times as long as length of hind femur, with several small teeth on dorsal side.

Body dark brown. Head with 3 black longitudinal stripes. Dorsal area of pronotum and dorsal field of tegmina brown, other parts black.

MEASUREMENTS. Length of body ♂ 6.3–7.3 mm, ♀ 6.0– 8.5 mm; length of pronotum ♂ 1.2–1.4 mm, ♀ 1.2–1.5 mm; length of tegmen ♂ 3.2–3.5 mm, ♀ 3.1–3.5 mm; length of hind femur ♂ 4.6–4.8 mm, ♀ 4.7–5.1 mm; length of ovipositor 2.5–3.2 mm.

DIAGNOSIS. The new species is similar to P. indicus (Walker, 1869) , but differs by the shape of apical parts of ectoparamers of male genitalia and dark brown body.

ETYMOLOGY. The specific name is derived from type locality, Kangding , Sichuan, China .

Gallery Image

Figs. 1–4. Pteronemobius spp., body from above. 1-2 – P. (Pteronemobius) ruficeps sp. n.:

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Figs. 5–12. Pteronemobius spp., male. 5-8 – P. (Pteronemobius) ruficeps sp. n.: 5 – genitalia, dorsal view, 6 – the same, ventral view, 7 – the same, lateral view, 8 – hind tibia from inner side; 9-12 – P. (Pteronemobius) kangdingensis sp. n.: 9 – genitalia, dorsal view, 10 – the same, ventral view, 11 – the same, lateral view, 12 – hind tibia from inner side. Scale bars=1 mm.