Pseudorientalia ceriti, Gürlek & Online & Version, 2017

Gürlek, Mustafa Emre, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2017, Three new truncatelloidean gastropod species from Turkey (Caenogastropoda: Littorinimorpha), Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (6), pp. 991-997 : 994-996

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Pseudorientalia ceriti

sp. nov.

Pseudorientalia ceriti View in CoL sp. nov.

Holotype: Shell height 1.54 mm, width 0.72 mm, from type locality. HUZOM-M1105 .

Paratypes: 5 specimens from type locality in HUZOM-M1106 .

Additional material examined: 24 ex. from type locality, 15 specimens in coll. Gürlek ( Mehmet Akif Ersoy University , Turkey) .

Type locality: Kahramanmaraş-Çağlayancerit , near ‘şelale göz lokantası’, 3 km Çağlayancerit to Kahramanmaraş. 37°44′32.56″N, 37°16′31.62″E, 1163 m a.s.l., 8.7.2013 GoogleMaps .

Etymology: Named after the town (Çağlayancerit = Cerit) where the new species was collected.

Description: Ovoid whitish shell with 4–4.5 whorls, pointed apex, and deep sutures. Aperture high and angular at the top. Umbilicus semiopen and slitlike, outer lip thin and straight ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ). Operculum orange. Minimum shell height 1.36 mm and shell width 0.85 mm; maximum shell height 1.83 mm and shell width 1.2 mm ( Table 3).

Soft parts: Snout dark-colored. Penis long, pointed at the tip, wide at proximal part, and warped to the distal part. The distal part of the penis black ( Figure 4B View Figure 4 ).

Remarks: Natural spring water and small waterfalls. Material collected on the stones and aquatic plants.

Family: Bythinellidae Kobelt, 1878

Genus: Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856

Bythinella yerlii sp. nov.

Holotype: Shell height 1.35 mm, width 0.54 mm; from type locality in HUZOM-M1107 .

Paratypes: 5 specimens from type locality in HUZOM-M1108 .

Additional material examined: 43 ex. from type locality, 5 specimens in coll. Gürlek ( Mehmet Akif Ersoy University , Turkey) .

Type locality: Balıkesir-Dursunbey to Osmaniye village 28 km (south of Dursunbey). N 39.426192 E 28.723969, 613 m a.s.l., 5.10.2016.

Etymology: Named after Prof Dr Sedat V Yerli (Hydrobiology Department, Hacettepe University, Turkey), an outstanding expert on freshwater fish biology.

Description: S hell cylindrical-conical and having 3–3.5 whorls and changes from yellowish to whitish. Aperture ovoid, sutures deep, apex blunt. Umbilicus slitlike ( Figure 5A View Figure 5 ). Minimum shell height 1.56 mm and shell width 0.9 mm; maximum shell height 1.96 mm and shell width 1.11 mm ( Table 4).

GÜRLEK / Turk J Zool

Soft parts: Head black, tentacles unpigmented and short. Eyes are clearly visible. Penis unpigmented and shorter than the penial appendix ( Figure 5B View Figure 5 ).

Remarks: Natural spring and small outflow. Material collected on stones and aquatic plants.

The new species, Pseudobithynia adiyamanensis sp. nov., differs from the other Pseudobithynia species of Turkey. First, it can be distinguished from P. yildirimi by its longer shell and number of whorls. The shell is between 2.35 and 5.5 mm high and has 4.5 clearly stepped whorls ( Odabaşı et al., 2013). Pseudobithynia adiyamanensis sp. nov. is more conical than P. pentheri and P. yildirimi and has a blunter shell apex than Pseudobithynia adiyamanensis sp. nov. It has 5–5.5 whorls with deep sutures. Both species show a swelling in the middle of the penis. The shell shape of Pseudobithynia adiyamanensis sp. nov. is similar to Pseudobithynia hamicensis , but they are distinguished from each other by penis morphology. The penis of Pseudobithynia adiyamanensis sp. nov. is darker and wider in the proximal part than that of P. hamicensis . The distal part of the Pseudobithynia adiyamanensis sp. nov. penis is also longer (Glöer et al., 2012).

Pseudorientalia ceriti sp. nov. can easily be distinguished by penis shape. Although Pseudorientalia ceriti has a warped penis, those of P. natolica (Küster, 1852) and P. tzekovi ( Glöer and Georgiev, 2012b) are more awl-like. The umbilicus of the Pseudorientalia ceriti is semiopen and slitlike, while that of P. tzekovi is closed. With this study, there is a second new species belonging to this genus described from Turkey. Apart from this species, P. tzekovi was described from Greece and Szarowska et al. (2014) recorded the genus from Samos Island, but it has not been confirmed by molecular methods. As mentioned by Glöer and Georgiev (2012a), more species of this genus could be found in both regions.

Bythinella yerlii sp. nov. is separated from Bythinella kazdaghensis , Bythinella anatolica , Bythinella istanbulensis , Bythinella magdalenae , and Bythinella wilkei by its ovoid aperture shape. These five species have more angular apertures. The penises of B. anatolica , B. magdalenae ,

GÜRLEK / Turk J Zool and B. wilkei get thinner toward the tip, but the penis of Bythinella yerlii sp. nov. is wide at the tip.

Turkey is one of the main fields of Prosobranchia speciation and the rate of endemism is very high ( Yıldırım et al., 2006). Description of new species is very important for conservation of wetland habitats. In particular, when hydrobiids that prefer clean waters are protected, this will ensure the preservation of habitats.

Nomenclatural acts: This work and the nomenclatural acts it contains have been registered in ZooBank. The ZooBank Life Science Identifier (LSID) for this publication is: 51A0FCDC-8AA1-4770-AE7E-27EAB961AFA0


I would like to thank malacologist Peter Glöer ( Germany) for useful comments on the genus Pseudobithynia and Pseudorientalia . In addition, I wish to thank Dr Silvio FB Lima (UFCG/CFP/UACEN), three anonymous reviewers, and the editor for their constructive comments, which improved the manuscript.

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