Pseudolycoriella fiordlandia, Köhler, 2019

Köhler, Arne, 2019, The genus Pseudolycoriella Menzel & Mohrig, 1998 (Diptera, Sciaridae) in New Zealand, Zootaxa 4707 (1), pp. 1-69 : 62-63

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scientific name

Pseudolycoriella fiordlandia

sp. nov.

Pseudolycoriella fiordlandia View in CoL sp. n.

( Fig. 55 View FIGURES 55–60 )

Material studied. Holotype male. New Zealand: South Island , Southland, Fiordland, Fiordland NP, 3 km E Milford Sound, mixed podocarp/broadleaf forest, Malaise trap, 01– 21.12.2002, leg. M. & C. Jaschhof & U. Kallweit ( NZAC) . Paratypes. 5♂♂ South Island , Southland , Otago Lakes , Fiordland NP, Eglinton River Valley, Deer Flat, Nothofagus forest, Malaise trap, 01– 20.12.2002, leg. M. & C. Jaschhof & U. Kallweit (2x NZAC; 3x SDEI) .

Description. Male. Head brown; eye bridge two to three facets wide. Scape and pedicel concolourous with flagellomeres; fourth flagellomere 2.4–2.8 times as long as wide; necks of flagellomeres differentiated; surface of flagellomeres rough with deep pits; sensilla of two different lengths; setae sparsely scattered, approximately as long as flagellomere width, more curved towards the apex; some setae on the basal flagellomeres with conspicuous bases. Prefrons and clypeus moderately bulging. Maxillary palp three-segmented; first palpomere longest, third slightly longer than second; first palpomere with three to four bristles and an inconspicuous patch of sensilla. Thorax pale brown, slightly paler than head. Posterior pronotum bare. Anterior pronotum with five to eight bristles. Episternum 1 with six to eight bristles. Mesonotum with several longer bristles among the lateral bristles and among the dorsocentral bristles. Scutellum with four robust and some shorter bristles. Katepisternum bicoloured, basal part pale brown, apical third brown; as long as high. Wing. Length 1.8–2.0 mm; width/length ratio 0.39–0.42. Membrane transparent and without macrotrichia, anal area well developed; all posterior veins distinct except faint stem of M, all without macrotrichia; apical quarter of R 5 with macrotrichia on the ventral and dorsal side; bM and r-m bare, r-m exceptionally with one to two macrotrichia (in three of the paratypes, only developed on one wing each); R 1 short, 0.58–0.80 times as long as R; M-fork longer than stem of M; c/w ratio 0.60–0.75; r-m/bM 0.6–0.8 (not easy to measure due to faint stem of M). Haltere brown. Legs pale brown, except mid and hind coxae which are slightly darker; coxal bristles dark. Fore tibia with one to two spines among vestiture on ventral side; tibial organ comprising more than half of tibial apex, consisting of a patch of bristles surrounded by a robust circular border. Mid tibia with three to four robust anterioventral and up to two posterioventral spines among the vestiture. Hind tibia with a dorsal, posterioventral and a ventral row of robust spines; the dorsal one three-quarters of the tibia length. Basal tarsomere of all legs with conspicuous robust spines. All tibial spurs equal in length. Claws with two teeth. Abdomen. Pale brown, with dark bristles. Hypopygium ( Fig. 55 View FIGURES 55–60 ) pale brown, like the abdomen. Gonocoxites longer than wide; ventrally v-shaped and not fused, without a basal lobe of bristles; apex of gonocoxites stretched. Gonostylus curved, bean shaped, 2.8–3.4 times longer than wide; in basal third with a robust insertion area for the adductor tendon; apically with dense setae and a group of approximately ten small spines, which are not easy to distinguish; subapically one to two long whip-lash hairs. Tegmen large and strongly sclerotized; as long as wide, with very robust parameral apodemes; margin of tegmen laterally sclerotized and with a prominent ledge on each side; sclerotized margin apically interrupted by a small membranous area; dorsal structures present. Area of teeth with approximately ten tiny teeth. Ejaculatory apodeme very dark with a large slightly paler base. Posterior portion of gonocoxal apodeme apodeme broad and brown. Anterior portion of gonocoxal apodeme apodeme medium-sized and dark.

Body size: 1.6–1.9 mm.

Female. Unknown.

Genetic distances. No genetic data available.

Etymology. The new species is named after the Fiordland National Park where the type locality and the second sampling site are located.

Distribution. New Zealand.

Discussion. Pseudolycoriella fiordlandia has a unique tegmen with conspicuous lateral ledges and very robust parameral apodemes. In addition, the gonostyli are more curved than in the other species of this complex.


New Zealand Arthropod Collection













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