Prosevania austrina Rameshkumar et Kazmi, 2021

Daniel, J. A., Rameshkumar, A. & Kazmi, S. I., 2021, A new species of the genus Prosevania Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Evanioidea: Evaniidae) from India, Far Eastern Entomologist 430, pp. 7-10 : 8-10

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scientific name

Prosevania austrina Rameshkumar et Kazmi

sp. nov.

Prosevania austrina Rameshkumar et Kazmi , sp. n. FE539933-55D6-49FE-8674-CE9CF37B75FB

Figs 1–6 View Figs 1–6

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype – female, India: Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore, Paddy Breeding

Station, 10059 ’43.24” N, 76054 ’59.22” E, 427 MSL, 12.VIII 2015, coll. J. Alfred Daniel

( NZCI, Reg. No. NZSI 23494/H3).

DESCRIPTION. Female. Body length 4.2 mm.

Head. Black except clypeus, supra clypeus, basal of malar space, mandible, antennal sockets orange brown; ocelli silvery; antennal scape brownish except apex, pedicel, F1,

basal 2/3 of F2 pale, rest antennal segments black; uniformly distributed silvery hairs on head; head almost as long as wide; frontovertex about 2.0× of head width, equal to scape length; mandible 4– dentate; a median line carina on face, both side strigate; POL 2.0× of

OOL, 2.8× of OAL; malar length 1.5× of POL; genae strigate; antenna 12 segmented; scape

5.8× longer than broad; pedicel almost quadrate; F1 0.4× of scape length; F1, F2 distinctly longer; apex of clava slightly truncate on ventral side. Relative measurements (in mm): head width (height) – 1.17(1.0); frontovertex width – 0. 6; POL – 0.20; OAL – 0.07; OOL – 0.11;

eye length (width) – 0.76 (0.48); malar space length – 0.32; scape length (width) – 0.76 (0.13);

pedicel length (width) – 0.14 (0.11); F1 – 0.32; F2 – 0.27; clava length – 0.28.

Mesosoma. Pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum orange; tegula pale yellow and transparent propodeum black except base of propodeum orange; mesoscutum 0.7× longer than wide;

scutellum 0.6× longer than wide, 1.6× shorter than mesoscutum; sparsely distributed black long erect setae on thorax except base of propodeum densely distributed; thorax shallow foveate; mesopleuron less foveate; paraspidial furrow prominent reaching up to posterior margin. Legs: Fore coxa, trochenter, tibia pale brown; femur, tarsi brown except apex of femur; mid coxa, trochenter pale; femur tibia, tarsi brown except apex of femur, basal of tibia pale brown; hind coxa, femur, tibia dark brown except ventral apex of coxa pale brown;

trochenter, basal 1/2 of tibia pale; tarsi dark brown except basal ½ of metatarsus, tibial spur pale; hind tibia 1.1× longer than mesosoma hight, as long as hind femur, 1.7× longer than 1st

metatarsus; 1st metatarsus 0.48×of tarsal length. Relative measurements (in mm): mesosoma height – 1.40; mesoscutum length (width) – 0.56 (0.71); scutellum length (width) – 0.33

(0.51); dorsellum length – 0.42; hind femur length (width) – 1.67 (0.31); hind tibia length

(width) – 1.63 (0.23); hind metatarsus length – 0.96; tarsal length (1-5) – 2.0; interior tibial spur length – 0.34; exterior tibial spur length – 0.55.

Wings. Hyaline; 7 cells; r-m vein spectral; 2M, 3M, 3CU present as nebulous vein; 1M

close and convergent with Sc+R; 1st marginal cell 2.1× longer than wide; fore wing 2.6×

longer than wide hind wing with 5 feneral hooks, M+ CU shorter than jugal lobe. Relative measurements (in mm): fore wing length (width) – 3.12 (1.20); hind wing length (width) – 1.

72 (0.56).

habitus, lateral view; 2 – head, frontal view; 3 – antenna; 4 – fore wing; 5 – metasoma with petiole, lateral view; 6 – hind leg.

Metasoma. Black; ovipositor concealed; petiole black except basal half pale brown and longitudinally striate; petiole 0.7× longer than metasoma, 5.2× longer than wide, 2.0× length of dorsellum. Relative measurements (in mm): petiole length (width) – 0.84 (0.16); metasoma length (width) – 1.20 (1.0).

MALE. Unknown.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. After examining the holotypes and original descriptions of Prosevania euerythrothorax (Mani, 1943) and P. parerythrothorax (Muzaffer, 1943) we found that the new species differs from above mention species in the following characters:

head as wide as long; OAL 1.5× of OOL; mandible 4-dentate; antennal socket arises about

1/3 of eyes length; scape 5.8× as long as wide; a prominent median carina present on face;

longitudinal striate on both side except median part; hind wing with 5 feneral hooks, M+CU vein present and shorter than jugal lobe; petiole 2.0× length of dorsellum, 0.7× longer than metasoma, ovipositor concealed within metasoma. P. euerythrothorax is characterized by following characters: head 2.5× as wide as long; OAL as long as OOL; antennal socket arises about 1/2 of eyes length; median carina present on face but not prominent; longitudinal striate evenly on face; hind wing with 11 feneral hooks, M+CU vein absent; petiole 1.5× length of dorsellum; ovipositor exserted. P. parerythrothorax is characterized by following characters:

head 2.8× as wide as long; OAL 0.5× of OOL; mandible 3-dentate; antennal socket arises about 1/4 of eyes length; scape 4.0× as long as wide; no median carina and lateral longitudinal striate on face; hind wing with 6 feneral hooks with M+CU vein; petiole half the length of metasoma).

HOSTS. Unknown.

DISTRIBUTION. India: Tamil Nadu .

ETYMOLOGY. The name of new species is originated from Latin adjective “ austrinus ”

(southern) refers to type locality situated in southernmost part of India .


Zoological Survey of India, National Zoological Collection













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