Promalactis magnispina Wang, 2020

Wang, Shuxia & Liu, Chen, 2020, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) IX. The maculosa species-group, with descriptions of eighteen new species, Zootaxa 4890 (1), pp. 38-66 : 44-45

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scientific name

Promalactis magnispina Wang

sp. nov.

Promalactis magnispina Wang View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs 6 View FIGURES 1‒6 , 24 View FIGURES 19‒24 )

Type material. CHINA, Yunnan: Holotype ♂, Pukawang Village (27.84°N, 98.32°E), Dulongjiang Town, Gong-shan County , 1335 m, 9.VI.2017, leg. KJ Teng et al., slide No. JYY17718 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1♂, Qinlangdang , Mt. Gaoli-gong, 380 m, 28.V.2017, leg. KJ Teng et al .; 1♂, Lvshilin, Xishuangbanna , 20.V.2015, leg. ZG Zhang.

Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners in male genitalia by the costa produced to a strong, inwardly curved apical spine, the juxta with lateral arms bent at middle and extending inward distally, and the aedeagus with a hooked process apically.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1‒6 ). Wingspan 9.0–12.0 mm. Head grey. Labial palpus with second segment black on outer surface, brown on inner surface; third segment black except white at base and apex. Antenna with scape white dorsally, grey ventrally; flagellum black annulated with white on dorsal surface, dark brown on ventral surface. Thorax and tegula with basal half dark brown, distal half ochreous yellow. Forewing ochreous yellow; markings white margined with black scales: costal spot beyond middle, narrowed to above posterior angle of cell, with dense black scales at inner and outer margins anteriorly; cell with a stripe beyond basal 1/4; fold with a short streak at base, with a large spot above middle and distal 1/3; dorsum with four evenly spaced stripes, third one obliquely outward and reaching fold; apical spot sub-rounded; terminal spot smaller, elliptical; tornus with a white dot surrounded by diffused greyish black scales; cilia yellow, white mixed with black around tornus. Hindwing and cilia deep grey. Legs brownish grey ventrally, black dorsally; tibiae of fore- and midlegs with a white spot at base and middle respectively, with a tuft of short white scales at apex, tarsi white at apices of basal two tarsomeres, and on entire apical tarsomere of mid tarsus; hindleg yellowish brown ventrally, tarsus white at apices of basal four tarsomeres and on entire apical tarsomere.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 19‒24 ). Uncus sub-rectangular, with setae laterally; apex notched semicircularly at middle, forming two short posterolateral lobes. Gnathos shorter than uncus; mesial plate lingulate, obtuse at apex; basal arm as long as mesial plate. Tegumen widened anteriorly; lateral arm short, obliquely truncate on anterior margin. Valva wide at base, slightly narrowed to rounded apex, setose distally; costa produced semicircularly at base, concave medially, produced to a large heavily sclerotized apical spine curving inward; sacculus wide at base, narrowed to 3/5 length of ventral margin of valva. Saccus sub-triangular, wide at base, narrowed to rounded apex. Juxta semicircular basally; lateral arm heavily sclerotized, bent at middle, extending inward and spine-like distally, reaching middle of tegumen apically. Aedeagus shorter than valva, straight, with a hooked process apically, with a heavily sclerotized band ventrodistally; cornutus a long spine, more than half length of aedeagus.

Female unknown.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species is derived from the magni - and spinus, referring to the apical spine of the costa.













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