Procollina quadrimaculata, Sanborn, 2018

Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69 : 12-16

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Procollina quadrimaculata

sp. nov.

Procollina quadrimaculata View in CoL n. sp.

( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 )

Type material. Holotype. “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. / Reserva La Fotuna / Estac. Biológ. el. 3900 ft. / 08° 43’ 18”N, 82° 14’ 17”W / at light, 4–8–VIII–1 999 / A. Gillogly & J.B. Woolley // TAMU-ENTO / X0431367” one male ( TAMU) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. / Reserva La Fotuna / Estac. Biológ. el. 3900 ft. / 08° 43’ 18”N, 82° 14’ 17”W / at light, 4–8–VIII–1 999 / A. Gillogly & J.B. Woolley // TAMU-ENTO / X0433259” one male ( TAMU) GoogleMaps ; “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. / Reserva La Fotuna / Estac. Biológ. el. 3900 ft. / 08° 43’ 18”N, 82° 14’ 17”W / at light, 4–8–VIII–1999 / A. Gillogly & J.B. Woolley // TAMU-ENTO / X0431382” one male ( TAMU) GoogleMaps ; “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. / Reserva La Fotuna / Estac. Biológ. el. 3900 ft. / 08° 43’ 18”N, 82° 14’ 17”W / at light, 4–8–VIII–1999 / A. Gillogly & J.B. Woolley // TAMU-ENTO / X0369933” one female ( TAMU); GoogleMaps “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. / Reserva La Fotuna / Estac. Biológ. el. 3900 ft. / 08° 43’ 18”N, 82° 14’ 17”W / at light, 4–8–VIII– 1999 / A. Gillogly & J.B. Woolley // TAMU-ENTO / X0369902” one female ( TAMU); GoogleMaps “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. / Reserva La Fotuna / Estac. Biológ. el GoogleMaps . 3900 ft. / 08° 43’ 18”N, 82° 14’ 17”W / at light, 4–8–VIII–1999 / A. Gillogly & J.B. Woolley ” one male and two females ( AFSC); GoogleMaps “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Pr. / Reserva La Fotuna / Estacion Biologica / at light. Elev. 1150 m. / June 25–28, 1996 / Gillogly & Schaffner ” one female ( AFSC); GoogleMaps “ PANAMÁ: Chiriquí / Fotuna, VI–13 – / 15–1985 E.G. / Riley & D. Rider ” one male ( AFSC); “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prv / 7 k S Fotuna Dam / 15–17 May 1996 / Wappes Huether & Morris ” one female ( FSCA); “ PANAMA: Chiriqui Prv / Finca Suiza nr Hornito / 1–4–VII–1997 / Wappes & Morris ” one female ( AFSC); “ PANAMA: Chiriqui / 4.7 km N Valle de las / Minas, 8 July 1997 / R. Turnbow ” one male ( AFSC).

OTHER MATERIAL. The STRI website ( search?stxt= mura + elegantula & type =All) has an image of a specimen identified as Mura elegantula Distant, 1905a . This specimen is reported to be from Fortuna Dam, 8.7333°N 81.75°W, Chiriqui Province. The infuscation in the fore wing and the lateral expansion of the pronotum eliminate M. elegantula as the correct identification of this specimen.

Etymology. The name is a combination of quadri – (L. quattuor, four) and – maculata (L. spotted) and is in reference to the four spots of infuscation on the crossveins and apex of the fore wings.

Description. Ground color of head and thorax testaceous marked with piceous and fuscous, abdomen tawny. Testaceous in head and thorax may be green in fresh specimens based on the distribution of green in the paratypes.

Head. Head wider than mesonotum, testaceous with transverse band across vertex from anterior to eye and lateral supra-antennal plate extending to lateral ocelli expanding to enclose the ocelli, longitudinal extension on either side of fascia lateral to lateral ocelli in anterior cranial depression, head greenish posterior to fascia, fascia reduced laterally in some paratypes, supra-antennal plates with piceous anterior margin, transverse mark castaneous laterally and anteriorly and piceous medially in holotype, all piceous in some paratypes, reduced in size in one paratype. Piceous drop-shaped mark extending from posteromedial eye, posterior cranial depression piceous. Sparse piceous pile on dorsal head, long golden pile posterior to eye. Ocelli rosaceous, greenish in some paratypes, eyes castaneous, tawny in some paratypes. Ventral head testaceous, piceous spot on medial gena at junction with anterior lorum, piceous spot on medial lorum and at junction with postclypeus and anteclypeus, marks in lorum expand and fuse in some paratypes, lorum completely piceous in some paratypes. Some white pubescence and sparse, long silvery pile on ventral head. Postclypeus testaceous with transverse piceous mark across apex expanding laterally, castaneous fascia extending onto ventral postclypeus angled toward midline giving the appearance of an incomplete V, ventral side flattened laterally and centrally with thin carina, dorsal surface testaceous with transverse piceous frontoclypeal suture. Postclypeus with seven transverse grooves, short, silvery pile on lateral postclypeus. Anteclypeus testaceous with castaneous spot in center. Rostrum testaceous with piceous tip reaching to anterior of hind trochanters, middle of sternite II in females, with long golden pile, denser on tip. Scape greenish testaceous except piceous annular mark on distal scape, dorsal and distal half of pedicel, all but distal tip of first flagellar segment and band around proximal second flagellar segment that are piceous.

Thorax. Dorsal thorax testaceous with variable greenish areas to mostly green in different specimens. Pronotum with triangular piceous marks on either side of anterior midline, short, transverse mark across midline anterior to ambient fissure, extending onto anterior pronotal collar in some paratypes, castaneous mark in anterior paramedian fissure, curved castaneous mark on disk between median paramedian fissure toward posterior lateral fissure, piceous in lateral fissure extending to ambient fissure surrounding lateral disk, mark extends onto anteromedial region of pronotal collar anterior angle, entire ambient fissure piceous in some paratypes. Sparse piceous pile on pronotum, denser in anterior paramedian fissure, short silvery pile in anterior lateral fissure. Pronotal collar testaceous, greenish regions in some paratypes, completely green in one paratype. Mesonotum greenish testaceous, submedian sigillae fuscous, fuscous mark in lateral and posterior lateral sigillae incomplete centrally, elongated triangular piceous mark between anterior submedian and lateral sigillae, rectangular fuscous mark on midline of disk posterior to submedian sigillae with posterolateral extension fusing to fuscous triangular marks anterior to anterior arms of cruciform elevation, mark expanded to cover majority of disk including scutal depressions or reduced in some paratypes, scutal depression fuscous, fuscous mark on posterior to anterior arm of cruciform elevation, cruciform elevation testaceous, anterior arms greenish, completely green in one paratype, darker medially on X in some paratypes, wing groove greenish ochraceous with longitudinal piceous mark on medial margin near anterior and piceous spot on lateral anterior margin, short piceous pile within wing groove. Metanotum testaceous with piceous anterior spot. Silvery pile between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, short, piceous pile on posterior mesonotum. Ventral thoracic segments testaceous, green in some paratypes, light castaneous marks on lateral anepisternum 2, katepisternum 2, basisternum 2, and medial episternum 3, with white pubescence and sparse, long silvery pile.

Wings. Fore wings and hind wings hyaline with eight and six apical cells respectively. Venation testaceous, green in some paratypes, becoming darker distally, cubitus posterior +anal vein 1 red, posterior anal vein 2 + 3 with piceous posterior margin. Basal cell clear. Pterostigma present. Infuscation on base of radius anterior 2 extending across radial crossvein, radiomedial crossvein, and medial crossvein, small infuscation on proximal basal cell, arculus with light infuscation on distal cubitus anterior 2, reduced or absent in some paratypes. Basal membrane of fore wing white anteriorly, gray posteriorly. Venation of hind wing testaceous, with except greenish median vein, becoming darker distally. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal vein 3 gray, anal cell 1 and 2 along anal vein 2 gray.

Legs. Legs testaceous, green in some paratypes, with fuscous spots on lateral base of coxa, fuscous distal coxae, proximal, anterior and distal trochanters, anterior and distal femora, fuscous spot on proximal tibiae, distal half of tibiae castaneous, and distal end of tibiae fuscous. Fore femora with fuscous along spines, proximal spine absent, secondary spine triangular, angled, with piceous tip, small apical spine angled more than secondary spine. Tarsi and tarsal claws fuscous, darker distally, tibial spurs and comb castaneous.

Operculum. Male operculum with lateral margin slightly curved, smoothly rounded posterolateral margin, curved posterior margin, reaching to anterior of sternite II, testaceous with fuscous around base of meracanthus and small fuscous mark on lateral base, covered with white pubescence, greenish or greenish ochraceous in some paratypes. Medial margin rounded, extending beyond middle of hind coxa. Meracanthus pointed, testaceous with fuscous base, not reaching to middle of operculum, with sparse white pubescence. Female operculum similarly shaped and colored to male but medial margin only reaches to middle of meracanthus, reaching to middle of sternite II. Female meracanthus almost as long as operculum, similar coloration and pubescence to male.

Abdomen. Tergites tawny with green posterior margin, tergite 8 with piceous posterior margin, lateral tergite 1 and tergite 2 on medial timbal cavity fuscous, covered with piceous pile along dorsal midline and angling across dorsolateral regions of tergites 3–7, dorsolateral tergite 2, and on lateral tergites 3–4, silvery pile on lateral tergites 1–2, dorsolateral tergite 3, posterior dorsolateral and posterolateral tergite 4, dorsolateral tergite 5, dorsolateral and posterolateral tergites 6–7, and dorsolateral tergite 8, thicker in paratypes, silvery pile appears as two chevrons across dorsal abdomen in specimens where majority of pile remains. Timbal cover recurved, testaceous exposing timbal, short silvery pile radiating from timbal cover. Timbal with three long and one intercalary ribs, dark spot on timbal plate. Female abdominal segment 9 castaneous dorsolaterally, ventrolaterally and spot anterior to ventroposterior angle, caudal beak tawny, piceous pile dorsally, silvery pile laterally and ventrolaterally, with long, golden pile, very dense on posteroventral angle. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 sinuate. Sternites and epipleurites tawny, transverse castaneous fascia near posterior margin of sternites II–VII, mark smaller in females except dark transverse mark on anterior and posterior margin including notch on sternite VII, male sternites III–VII translucent, sternite VIII broad U-shape radiating long silvery pile. Female sternite VII with sinuate posterior margin and medial notch, light castaneous spot laterally. Spiracles white.

Genitalia. Male pygofer tawny, lighter dorsally and ventrally, covered with long, radiating silvery pile laterally, short piceous pile dorsally, rounded distal shoulder angled medially, dorsal beak broadly triangular. Pygofer basal lobe indistinct, pygofer upper lobes with fuscous tips, elongated with center depressed along its length and medial bend at two-thirds its length, adpressed to pygofer with rounded terminus. Anal styles piceous, anal tube gray surrounded by castaneous. Median uncus lobe ochraceous with castaneous base. Lateral branch of uncus ochraceous, medial castaneous mark on midline and posterior margin, wrapping around sides of median uncus lobe and meeting along midline posterior to median uncus lobe, recurved laterally forming an approximately triangular notch in lateral view with rounded terminus forming a V-shaped notch on posterior midline, basal lateral uncus lobes rounded forming a support around base of aedeagus. Aedeagus tubular, dark castaneous.

Female gonapophysis VIII tawny, gonapophysis IX castaneous. Gonocoxite X piceous extending past dorsal beak with radiating golden pile. Anal styles dark tawny extending to level of the dorsal beak.

Measurements (mm). N = 8 males or 7 females, mean (range). Length of body: males 19.21 (17.2–20.9), females 17.71 (16.2–18.9); length of fore wing: males 27.10 (25.5–28.1), females 25.57 (24.0–27.6); width of fore wing: males 9.00 (8.4–9.6), females 8.56 (8.1–8.8); length of head: males 2.56 (2.2–2.8), females 2.53 (2.4–2.7); width of head including eyes: males 6.18 (5.9–6.5), females 5.85 (5.6–6.2); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: males 7.09 (6.7–7.4), females 6.69 (6.3–7.0); width of mesonotum: males 5.84 (5.4–6.3), females 5.43 (5.1–5.7).

Diagnosis. The only other species of Procollina to have a head as wide as or wider than the mesonotum are P. parva Sanborn, 2018a and P. stigmosa n. sp. Procollina quadrimaculata n. sp. can be distinguished from P. parva by the lack of infuscation in the fore wings along the distal veins between apical cells 2-8 that extend onto the ambient vein, on the node, on the medial and mediocubital crossveins, on the nodal line intersections of median vein 1+2 and median vein 3+4, and on cubitus anterior 2, the less angulate lateral pronotum, the lack of marking on the anterior lateral part of the pronotal collar, the lack of a primary spine on the fore femora, the male operculum being smoothly rounded rather than triangular, and the depression in the lateral branch of the uncus is semi-circular when viewed from the side rather than triangular as it is in the new species. It can be distinguished from the other Panamanian species by the heavily bronzed fore wings with multiple small spots of infuscation on the veins in P. biolleyi and by the larger body size (greater than 24 mm in males and 21 mm in females), the infuscation in the fore wings that expands into the wing cells, the more translucent male abdomen, the posterior margin of the male operculum is transversely oriented until close to the medial margin rather having a curved posterior margin, and the uncus is curved rather than straight when viewed from the side in P. stigmosa n. sp.

Distribution. The species is known only from the type series collected in Chiriqui Province, Panama.


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