Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) crassiglobum, Zhang & Wang, 2004

Zhang, Ruilei & Wang, Xinhua, 2004, Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) Oyewo and Saether from China (Diptera: Chironomidae), Zootaxa 565 (1), pp. 1-38 : 12-14

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scientific name

Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) crassiglobum

sp. nov.

Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) crassiglobum View in CoL sp. n.

( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Type materia l: Holotype male ( BDN No.02191): CHINA: male, Guizhou Province, Fanjing Mountain Natural Conservation, Huoguo Temple , 2. VIII. 2001, R. Zhang . Paratype: 3 males, Guizhou Province, Jiangkou County, 27. VII. 2001, R. Zhang .

Etymology: From Latin crassu, stout and globus, round as a ball, refers to the shape of inferior volsella.

Diagnostic characters: Differs from other members of the subgenus in having 4–5 inner setae on the superior volsella and a parallel­sided inferior volsella.

Male imago (n = 4 except when otherwise stated)

Total length 2.70–2.92, 2.83 mm. Wing length 1.50–1.60, 1.55 mm. Total length/ wing length1.80–1.89, 1.83. Wing length /length of profemur 1.85–1.98, 1.92.

Coloration. Entirely yellow except brown fore tarsi.

Head. AR 1.13–1.28, 1.20. Temporal setae 9–11, 10; including 3–3, 3 inner verticals; 4–5, 5 outer verticals and 2–3, 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 10–14, 13 setae. Tentorium 117– 115, 121 m long, 33–45, 39 m wide. Palpomere lengths (in m): 34–36, 35; 33–45, 38; 117–138, 129; 103–130, 117; 195–205, 200.

Wing ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). VR 1.23–1.35, 1.29. Brachiolum with 1 setae, R with 17–20, 18; R 1 with 12–18, 15; R 4+5 with 22–30, 26. Squama with 6–9 (2) setae.

Thorax. Dorsocentrals 10–14, 12; acrostichals 13–19, 16; prealars 4–4, 4. Scutellum with 11–12, 12 setae.

Legs. Terminal scale ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ) of front tibia oval, 23–30, 26 m long; spur on median tibiae 48–55, 51 µm long including 23–28, 26 m long comb, un­spurred comb 23–26, 24 m long, spur on posterior tibia 55–57, 56 m long including 29–31, 30 m long comb, un­spurred comb 23–28, 26 m long. Width at apex of front tibia 49–52, 50 m, of middle tibia 49–55, 51 m, of hind tibia 55–62, 58 m. Lengths (in m) and proportions of legs ( Table 5):

Hypopygium ( Figs. 5C–F View FIGURE 5 ). Anal tergite bands fused basal to median anal tergite setae. Anal tergite with 10–12, 11 strong median setae, laterosternite with 2–4, 3 setae. Anal point 48–60, 52 m long, gradually tapering to nearly parallel­sided towards apex. Phallapodeme 62–90, 79 m long; transverse sternapodeme 34–39, 37 m long. Gonocoxite 125–143, 135 m long. Superior volsella 39–43, 41 m long, base with 45 inner setae and 1 apical seta, microtrichiae present at apex; apicomedial projection 21–29, 25 m long. Inferior volsella 68–78, 75 m long, parallel­sided for entire length with 11–13 oral setae and a prominent apical seta. Gonostylus 117–133, 125 m long. HR 1.04–1.24, 1.12. HV 2.03–2.49, 2.27.

Distribution: The species was collected by light trap in a subtropical mountain area in Guizhou Province (Oriental Region).

Remarks: The species closely resembles P. (U.) convictum (Walker) but differs in several characters. Superior volsella with 4–5 inner setae in P. (U.) crassiglobum sp. n, 1–3 in P. (U.) convictum ; apex of superior volsella straight in P. (U.) crassiglobum sp. n, projecting posteriorly in P. (U.) convictum ; apex of inferior volsella rounded and swollen in P. (U.) crassiglobum sp. n, slender and pointed in P. (U.) convictum . The shape of the superior volsella also is similar to P. (U.) annulatum and P. (U.) platum, but the species can be distinguished from those by the coloration pattern.

TABLE. 5. Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) crassiglobum sp. n. Lengths of legs (in m).

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 777–850, 546–580, 882–960, 641–690, 441–480, 389–450, 168–200, 1.55–1.66,
  804 370 911 666 458 417 118 1.61
p2 830–900, 662–720, 380–400, 210–221, 158–160, 95–106, 63–69, 0.55–0.60,
  865 689 392 215 159 102 65 0.57
p3 882–940, 750–810, 560–578, 290–326, 240–294, 147–170, 68–80, 0.74–0.76,
  909 773 572(3) 307(3) 266(3) 156(3) 73(3) 0.75(3)

Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile















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