Poeciloderrhis marombensis, Silva & Lopes, 2020

Silva, Leonardo De Oliveira Cardoso Da & Lopes, Sonia Maria, 2020, Three new species of the genus Poeciloderrhis Stål, 1874 from Brazil (Blattodea Blaberidae, Epilamprinae) and neotype designation for Poeciloderrhis imperialis Rocha e Silva & Jurberg, 1978, Zootaxa 4810 (3), pp. 523-530 : 527-528

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scientific name

Poeciloderrhis marombensis

sp. nov.

Poeciloderrhis marombensis sp. n.

Figs. 22–31 View FIGURES 22‒31

Diagnosis. General coloration shiny brown ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 22‒31 ). Head with dark-brown vertex ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 22‒31 ); ocelli filmy; maxillary palps brown with dark-brown apical segment, with golden setae eyes gray. Pronotum semi-transparent brown, with diminute dark-brown spots on the side edges, trapezoidal central spot extending from the base to the apex ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 22‒31 ); tegmen semi-transparent, brown, with dark brown spots; discoidal vein dark brown; legs light brown with brown spines and claws; pulvilli and arolia white. Abdomen pale brown with dark brown punctuations.

Dimensions of holotype male (mm): total length 22.9; total length of pronotum 5.0; width of pronotum 7.0; length of tegmen 20; width of tegmen 5.6.

Description of holotype male. Head with interocular space measuring 1.17 mm wide. Abdominal tergal modified, with longitudinal elevation in the middle of the first segment followed by two elevations on the second segment ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 22‒31 ). Cerci surpassing length of supra-anal plate ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 22‒31 ); in ventral view left style of subgenital plate long, and the right styleshort ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 22‒31 ); left phallomere sclerotized ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 22‒31 ); median sclerite sinuous in the apical third, with thorn-shaped, sclerotized apex ( Figs. 29, 30 View FIGURES 22‒31 ); right phallomere with membrane bearing eleven spines ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 22‒31 ).

Female. Unknown.

Material examined. Holotype male, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro State, Itatiaia, PNI, Maromba Complex, Véu-da- Noiva´s waterfall, PNI-M2A, 22º25’36.10” S, 44º37’05.80 W, XI-XII/2015 , BIOTA / FAPERJ Project. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The species name, marombensis , is derived from the name of the locality where this specimen was collected.

Remarks. Poeciloderrhis marombensis sp. n. and P. mediansclerostylatus Silva & Lopes, 2018 have the same tergal modifications (elevation in the middle of the first segment followed by two elevations on the second segment). The new species is shorter than P. mediansclerostylatus (23 mm vs. 30‒31 mm). The morphology of the genitalia also differ: the apical third of the median sclerite is straight and a preapical projection is present in P. mediansclerostylatus ), while in P. marombensis sp. n. the apical third of the median sclerite is sinuous and lacks a preapical projection.













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