Plesionika philippinensis Chace, 1985

Li, Xinzheng & Komai, Tomoyuki, 2003, Pandaloid Shrimps From The Northern South China Sea, With Description Of A New Species Of Plesionika (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51 (2), pp. 257-275 : 267

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Plesionika philippinensis Chace, 1985


Plesionika philippinensis Chace, 1985 View in CoL

( Fig. 6 View Fig )

Plesionika philippinensis Chace, 1985: 97 View in CoL , fig. 44 [type locality: northern Srigao Strait , Philippines].

Material examined. – 1 female (cl 10.5 mm) ( IOCAS)(its rostrum was broken and the apical portion lost maybe when it was collected), CN 6-2 , 18 30’N, 110 30’E, 112 m, sandy mud, AT, coll. J. Liu, 27 Jan.1959 GoogleMaps ; 7 females (cl 4.9-7.4 mm) ( IOCAS), CN SIII28 B-18, 21 45’N, 116 00’E, 103 m depth, sand, AT, coll. W. Zhang, 19 Jul.1959 GoogleMaps .

Distribution. – Previously known only from the northern Surigao Strait, Philippines, at depths of 123- 135 m. The present material extends its geographical range to the northern part of the South China Sea at depths of 103- 112 m.

Remarks. – Plesionika philippinensis has been represented only by the type material from the northern Surigao Strait in the Philippines. The present specimens from the South China Sea agree well with the original description of the species by Chace (1985) in the following particulars: rostrum distinctly overreaching antennal scale, armed dorsally throughout length with 11-13 teeth, including 4 to 5 on carapace posterior to orbital margin, the fifth one usually just above the margin, 4-6 posteriormost teeth with distinct basal suture, and ventrally with 10-16 teeth; fourth and fifth abdominal somites each with posteroventral tooth on pleuron; telson 1.30-1.40 times as long as sixth abdominal somite, bearing 4 pairs of dorsolateral spines, including pair adjacent to lateral pair of posterior spines; ocellus skewed somewhat laterad, in rather broad contact with cornea but distinctly constricted at juncture with cornea; antennular stylocerite acute, slightly overreaching dorsal arc of distal margin of first antennular segment; third maxilliped with penultimate segment 0.75-0.80 times as long as terminal segment; third maxilliped through fourth pereopods with hooked epipods; second pereopods strongly unequal, right (shorter) one with 18 carpal articles, left (longer) one with 92 carpal articles; third pereopods not greatly elongate, overreaching antennal scale by length of dactyl and 0.75 of propodus, dactylus about 0.26 as long as propodus with accessory distal spinule more than half as long as and not much separated from main unguis, and with 3 accessory spinules in proximal 0.30 of flexor margin. As Chace (1985) mentioned, this species is very similar to P. binoculus and P. izumiae .


Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Scineces


Wellcome Collection of Bacteria, Burroughs Wellcome Research Laboratories














Plesionika philippinensis Chace, 1985

Li, Xinzheng & Komai, Tomoyuki 2003

Plesionika philippinensis

Chace, F 1985: 97
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