Plasmodium sp.

Chavatte, Jean-Marc, Grès, Virginie, Snounou, Georges, Chabaud, Alain & Landau, Irène, 2009, Plasmodium (Apicomplexa) of the skylark (Alauda arvensis), Zoosystema 31 (2), pp. 369-383 : 380

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Plasmodium sp.


Plasmodium sp.

( Fig. 3B, F View FIG )

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype: France. Landes , Saint-Julien-en-Born, 44°03’42’’N, 1°13’33’’W, blood smear of A. arvensis number 740U, 25.X.1996 ( MNHN P2 About MNHN -XXV, 24-43); 741U, 25.X.1996 ( MNHN P2 About MNHN -XXV, 44-64). GoogleMaps

DISTRIBUTION. — Known only from the type locality, Saint-Julien-en-Born, Landes, France.

HOST. — Alauda arvensis (type host).


This parasite of the skylark is close to P. rouxi . A detailed description will be published in another work on the tetranucleate Plasmodium . This species differs from P. rouxi principally by its rounded shape that contrasts with the rectangular P. rouxi , and by the disposition of the protruding nuclei in a semi-circle rather than as two opposed bunches as in P. rouxi .


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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