Pityophthorus procerus Bright

Gomez, Demian F., Johnson, Andrew J. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2020, Potential pest bark and ambrosia beetles from Cuba not present in the continental United States, Florida Entomologist 103 (1), pp. 96-96 : 96-

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Pityophthorus procerus Bright


Pityophthorus procerus Bright ( Coleoptera : Curculionidae )

Diagnosis: Diagnosed from similar species in southeastern USA by the absence of a groove along the posterolateral margin of the pronotum, elongated body, size (1.8 mm); the female frons is flat with a dense brush of setae with scattered pronotal asperities (not arranged in concentric rows), and a steep and bisulcate elytral declivity.

Distribution: Caribbean: Cuba (Oriente Province).

Hosts: unknown. Species in this genus infest small branches, twigs, and seedlings of several species of shrubs, vines, as well as coniferous and deciduous trees.

Notes: Details on ecology are unknown.

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