Phytoseius birbikrami, Kar & Karmakar, 2022

Kar, Anamika & Karmakar, Krishna, 2022, Seven new species of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Tripura, northeastern India, Zootaxa 5120 (2), pp. 213-241 : 223-226

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scientific name

Phytoseius birbikrami

sp. nov.

Phytoseius birbikrami sp. nov.

( Figs 16–20 View FIGURES 16–20 , 51–55 View FIGURES 45–55 )

Diagnosis. The new species is characterised by dorsum smooth, anteriorly striated with a distinct incision at level r3, dorsum without conspicuous large solenostome at the level z5, most of the dorsal setae serrated, setae j4, j5, j6, J5, z2 and z4 are smooth; ventrianal shield with three pairs of pre-anal setae; fixed digit of chelicerae with three teeth and movable digit single toothed, leg IV with three macrosetae.


Female (n= 5). Dorsum ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16–20 ). Dorsal shield 263 (260–265) long and 120 (118–123) wide, smooth, anteriorly striated with five pairs of solenostomes (gd2, gd4, gd5, gd8 and gd9); 15 pairs of setae on the dorsal shield: j1 23 (21–25), j3 35 (33–36), j4 5 (4–7), j5 5 (4–7), j6 8 (7–9), J5 5 (4–7), z2 7 (6–9), z3 20 (19–21), z4 9 (8–10), z5 5 (4–7), Z4 56 (54–58), Z5 63 (62–66), s4 76 (75–78), s6 63 (61–65), r3 35 (33–36), R1 9 (8–11). Most of the setae serrated, setae j4, j5, j6, J5, z2, z4, z5 and R1 smooth.

Peritreme ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16–20 ). Extending up to the bases of j1.

Venter ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 16–20 ). All shields are smooth. The sternal shield wider than its length, posterior margin indistinct. Sternal shield 65 (65–67) long and 84 (82–85) wide at level of setae st1–st3 and st3–st3 respectively, with three pairs of setae and two pairs of poroids; one pair of setae (st4) on metasternal platelet 23 (21–24) long. Distances between st2–st2 70 (68–72), st5–st5 61 (60–65). The base of the genital shield broad, concave posteriorly. one pair of metapodal platelet present, 19 (17–20) long and 3 (3–5) wide, Genital shield smooth, broad at the base and narrow at genital opening with irregular circular flap. Ventrianal shield smooth, sole-shaped 90 (89–92) long, 43 (42–45) wide at level of ZV2 and 40 (39–42) wide at anus level with three pairs of pre-anal setae, JV1 15 (14–17), JV2 15 (14–17), ZV2 15 (14–17) and one pair of small pre-anal pores gv3 24 (22–25) apart below seta JV2. Membrane surrounding ventrianal shield with three pairs of setae ZV1 20 (18–21), ZV3 7 (5–9) and JV5 40 (38–42); the later one is long and slightly serrated.

Chelicera ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 16–20 ) Fixed digit 24 (22–25) long with three teeth and distinct pilus dentilis, movable digit 25 (24–27) long with single tooth.

Spermatheca ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 16–20 ). Calyx elongated, funnel shaped 13 (11–15) long with conspicuous atrium, minor duct and major duct visible.

Leg ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 16–20 ) The genu and tibia of leg IV with macrosetae of bilobed tip, macroseta of tarsus bulbous and of following lengths: genu 15 (14–17), tibia 30 (28–32) and tarsus 17 (15–18). Chaetotactic formula of genu II: 1 2/1 2/0 1 and genu III 1 2/1 1/1 1. Length of leg I 312 (310–315), leg II 234 (233–235), leg III 235 (235–238) and leg IV 340 (338–342).

Type specimens. Holotype: female (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/8601 /2021) deposited in the NZC, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, collected from unidentified shrub at Laxmipur , Atharamura hill: 23°51'18"N, 91°42'9"E, 91m AMSL, Tripura, on 26 th August , 2019; 6 paratype females (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/8601–8602 /2019) collected from same collection data as holotype. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The new species Phytoseius birbikrami has been dedicated to the famous king of Tripura, Maharaja Birbikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur.

Remarks. The new species P. birbikrami sp. nov. is different from all the nine species under the species group purseglovei (Chant &Yoshida, 1992) by having short leg macroseta with bilobed tips. However, the new species is closed to P. ikeharai Ehara, 1967 , P. subtilis Wu & Li, 1984a and P. incises Wu & Li, 1984b by having similar dorsum without large conspicuous solenostomes at the level of seta z5 but differs from these close species by the presence or absence of notch at podo-scutum at the level r3 and position of seta r3, length of dorsal setae, shape of ventrianal shield, number of teeth in fixed and movable digit of chelicera, leg macrosetae and shape of spermatheca. All the differences between the new species and closed species are presented in Table 4 View TABLE 4 .

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