Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) menetriesi (Blanchard, 1851)

Vallejo, Luís Fernando & Wolff, Martha, 2013, The genus Phyllophaga Harris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) in the Colombian Andean Mountains, Zootaxa 3722 (2), pp. 101-142 : 122

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scientific name

Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) menetriesi (Blanchard, 1851)


15. Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) menetriesi (Blanchard, 1851)

Redescription. Length 18.2–23.3 mm in males and 18.6–26.4 mm in females. The species is dark chestnut-brown in color with some dull tones. The body is elongate, widens towards the dorsal surface, and is densely covered with short setae on the surface and long and fine setae on the abdomen, especially in the thoracic region. The dorsal surface has punctures that are more pronounced on the pronotum and on the surface of the elytra. The pronotum ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ) is wider than it is long, with sinuous lateral margins. The clypeus ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ) is straight with raised margins. The antennae ( Fig. 71 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ) have 10 antennomeres and the antennal club is narrow and short. The prothoracic, mesothoracic, and metathoracic tibiae ( Fig. 72 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ) are flat, with three lateral teeth; the first two teeth are pronounced and the third tooth is shorter; the pair of metatibial spurs are easily seen, the outer spur larger than the inner spur, and both are joined to the tibia ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ); the metatibiae have medial carinae. The claws are cleft, with a long, sharp, tooth at the mid position. Sexual dimorphism is marked, females are larger; in males the pygidial plate is convex ( Figs. 74–75 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ). The male genital capsule ( Figs. 76–77 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ) is strongly sclerotized and angular; parameres are short and compact with two lateral acute and sharp projections, and a short articulated spine at the base; the aedeagus is membranous and adorned with numerous and minute spines at its basal position from where two long, wide, straight, membranous structures are projected.

Comments. This species was originally described as from “Caracas”, with a wide distribution from southeast Mexico to Venezuela and Colombia where it has been recorded in the Departments of Antioquia (Municipality of Bello) and Valle del Cauca. In Central America it is considered as one of the most important species within the complex of underground pests affecting more than 10 staple crops, industrial crops, and vegetables (King 1984).

Geographic records. Departamento de Antioquia: Municipio de Santa Rosa de Osos (2,600 m), May 2005, Fernando Vallejo, 17 males, 9 females. Departamento de Caldas: Municipio de Manizales (2,200 m), February- June 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 19 males, 12 females; municipio de Manizales, vereda La Cabaña (1,780 m), April, May, and June 2006, 2007, Fernando Vallejo, 4 males, 5 females; municipio de Aguadas (2,170 m), February-June 2006; vereda El Diamante (1,650 m), February-June 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 27 males, 19 females; municipio de Pácora (1,860 m), April-June 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 17 males, 9 females; municipio de Salamina (1,780 m), April-June 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 7 males, 9 females; municipio de Aranzazu (1,880 m), April-May 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 5 males, 2 females; municipio de Neira (1,980 m), March-May 2006, Fernando Vallejo 3 males, 2 females; municipio de Riosucio (1,800 m), March 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 11 males, 3 females; municipio de Samaná (1,500 m) June 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 5 males, 4 females. Departamento de Tolima: Municipio de Fresno, cabecera municipal, (1,650 m), April 2007, March 2008, Fernando Vallejo, 27 males, 12 females. Departamento de Risaralda: Municipio de Santa Rosa de Cabal (1,600 m), February-May 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 7 males, 3 females; municipio de Quinchía (1,825 m), March-May 2006, Fernando Vallejo, 24 males, 11 females; municipio de Santuario, vereda Planes de San Rafael (1,900 m) March 2004; Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá (1,900 m), March 2004, Fernando Vallejo, 6 males, 4 females. Departamento de Quindío: Municipio de Salento (1,960 m), May and June 2006, 3 males, 3 females, Fernando Vallejo. Departamento del Cauca: Municipio de Santander de Quilichao, vereda San Antonio (1,800 m) October 1991, Luis Carlos Pardo-Locarno, 3 males, 2 females; municipio de Caldono, vereda Pescador (1,670 m), November 1998, Luis Carlos Pardo-Locarno, 2 males, 2 females.

















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