Phobaeticus mjoebergi (Günther, 1935), Hennemann & Conle, 2008

Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2008, Revision of Oriental Phasmatodea: The tribe Pharnaciini Günther, 1953, including the description of the world's longest insect, and a survey of the family Phasmatidae Gray, 1835 with keys to the subfamilies and tribes (Phasmatodea: " Anareolatae ": Phasmatidae), Zootaxa 1906, pp. 1-316 : 166-167

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scientific name

Phobaeticus mjoebergi (Günther, 1935)

comb. nov.

Phobaeticus mjoebergi (Günther, 1935) comb. nov., stat. nov.

(Fig. 386)

Nearchus maximus mjöbergi Günther, 1935a: 10 View in CoL . HT, ♀: Zentral Borneo , Mt. Tibang, 1700m (NHRS).

Nearchus maximus mjobergi, Bragg, 1995b: 274 View in CoL .

Bragg, 2001: 394.

Otte & Brock, 2005: 209.

Diagnosis: Closely related to the Bornean Ph. redtenbacheri ( Dohrn, 1910) but distinguished by: the smaller size; relatively longer mesonotum; lacking any larger teeth or lobes on the legs and the smooth medioventral carina of the meso and metafemora.

Etymology: Dedicated to Dr. E. Mjöberg a Swedish naturalist who predominantly worked in Indonesia and collected the HT of this species on an expedition to Central Borneo during 1925–1926.

Description: The following characterization is based on Günther’s original description of the HT in NHRS (1935a: 10).

♀♀: Very long (body length 206.0 mm, including subgenital plate 249.0 mm) and slender species (width of metanotum 5.5 mm) with a very long lancet-like subgenital plate, which prominently projects over the posterior margin of the anal segment (by 43.0 mm). Anal segment keeled, posterior margin truncate and straight. Supraanal plate keeled and rounded apically. Cerci short, small and tapering towards the apex. Praeopercular organ formed by two blunt spines at posterior margin of abdominal sternum VII. Anterodorsal carina of profemora strongly serrate, posteroventral carina with numerous long and slender teeth. Protibiae with minute teeth at wide intervals on all carinae. Meso and metafemora with all carinae regularly dentate, the dorsal teeth are small and those on the ventral carinae long and slender. Medioventral carina of meso and metafemora unarmed. Meso- and metatibiae densely but rather minutely serrate, medioventral carina with a few small teeth at wide intervals. Any larger teeth or lobes are lacking.

Comments: Günther (1935a: 10) originally described P. mjoebergi as a subspecies of Nearchus maximus Redtenbacher, 1908 (= Phobaeticus magnus nom. nov.) which however is restricted to continental Asia. Although the HT in NHRS could not be examined its distribution in Borneo and some of the features mentioned by Günther clearly prove it to be a valid species. It is undoubtedly more closely related to Ph. redtenbacheri (Dohrn) from Borneo rather than to Ph. magnus nom. nov. Bragg (2001: 394) provided an English translation of Günther’s original description.

Only known from the unique ♀ HT. ♂ and egg unknown.

Distribution (Fig. 386): Central Borneo (Kalimantan: Mount Tibang 1700 m).

Number of specimens examined: None

* according to Günther (1935a: 10)














Phobaeticus mjoebergi (Günther, 1935)

Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V. 2008

Nearchus maximus mjobergi

Bragg, P. E. 1995: 274

Nearchus maximus mjöbergi Günther, 1935a: 10

Gunther, K. 1935: 10
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