Pheidole schmalzi Emery, 2003

Wilson, E. O., 2003, Pheidole in the New World. A dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press : 504

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Donat (2009-09-12 18:48:22, last updated 2023-11-30 03:35:22)

scientific name

Pheidole schmalzi Emery

new status

Pheidole schmalzi Emery   HNS , new status

Pheidole dimidiata var. schmalzi Emery   HNS 1894d: 161. Syn.: Pheidole rehi   HNS Forel 1900h: 285, n. syn. Pheidole rata   HNS Borgmeier 1929: 206, n. syn.

Types Lectotype and paralectotype of schmalzi   HNS : Mus. Civ. Hist. Nat. Genova.

Etymology Named after the collector "Signor Schmalz."

diagnosis A medium-sized reddish yellow to brown member of the flavens   HNS group; both major and minor are immediately recognizable by the large, "sharkfin" shape of the humerus in dorsal-oblique view, meaning that the anterior margin is straight and the posterior margin convex in profile, tipped with an acute or right angle. Very similar to angulifera   HNS , and in varying degree also to arhuaca   HNS , caulicola   HNS , chalca   HNS , chalcoides   HNS , mincana   HNS , sagana   HNS , tambopatae   HNS , and tragica   HNS in overall appearance but distinctive in the humeral shape and other traits in body shape, sculpture, pilosity, and color.

Measurements (mm) Lectotype major: HW 0.94, HL 0.94, SL 0.46, EL 0.10, PW 0.48. Paralectotype minor: HW 0.50, HL 0.54, SL 0.58, EL 0.08, PW 0.34.

color Lectotype major of schmalzi   HNS : body and appendages light brown, waist and gaster dark brown ( rehi   HNS syntype major is yellowish brown; rata   HNS syntype major is light reddish yellow).

Paralectotype minors of schmalzi   HNS : body light to medium brown, appendages light brown.

Syntype minors of synonymous rehi   HNS and rata   HNS : light brown.

Range Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Bolivia; Venezuela.

Biology Unknown.

figure Upper: major (syntype of synonymous P. rata   HNS Borgmeier). Lower: minor (syntype of synonymous P. rata   HNS Borgmeier). BRAZIL: Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, type locality of synonymous P. rata   HNS . (Type locality of schmalzi   HNS : Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil.) Scale bars = 1 mm.











