Penicillidmus lagunensis, Jałoszyński, 2019

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2019, Three new species of Penicillidmus in the Philippines (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 4563 (1), pp. 185-190 : 187

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scientific name

Penicillidmus lagunensis

sp. nov.

Penicillidmus lagunensis View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 2, 6–7 View FIGURES 1–8 , 9 View FIGURE 9 )

Material studied. Holotype: male ( PHILIPPINES, LAGUNA PROVINCE): three labels: "( PHILIPPINES) / Mt. Maquiling / alt. 400 m / Laguna Prov. / Luzon, 12. IX. / 1985, K. Ishikawa " [white, printed], "Tullgren sample / of fallen fruit / of Ficus sp." [white, printed], " PENICILLIDMUS / lagunensis m. / P. Jałoszyński, 2018 / HOLOTYPUS " [red, printed] ( EUMJ).

Diagnosis. Male: BL distinctly below 1 mm; frons and vertex with punctures only slightly more distinct than those on pronotum and elytra; pronotal base with one pair of large submedian and one pair of smaller lateral pits not connected by groove; aedeagus with very narrow, slender subtriangular apex.

Description. Body of male ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–8 ) elongate but moderately slender, strongly convex, with short and robust appendages, BL 0.89 mm; cuticle glossy, pigmentation uniformly brown, vestiture of setae yellowish.

Head weakly and evenly convex, transverse, broadest at eyes, HL 0.19 mm, HW 0.23 mm; tempora in dorsal view distinctly shorter than eyes; vertex and frons confluent, weakly and evenly convex; supraantennal tubercles small and feebly elevated. Eyes large, weakly emarginate posteriorly, each composed of 14–15 ommatidia, distinctly projecting laterally from the head silhouette. Punctures on vertex and frons distinct and dense, but with diffuse margins, separated by spaces subequal to diameters of punctures; setae short and dense, nearly recumbent. Antennae slender but short, AnL 0.28 mm; antennomere I about as long as broad, II distinctly elongate, III–X each transverse, XI indistinctly longer than X but slightly narrower, about as long as broad.

Pronotum broadest near middle, PL 0.23 mm, PW 0.23 mm; anterior margin weakly arcuate, lateral margins rounded in anterior half, distinctly angulate at papillate insertions of lateral setal brushes and behind them weakly concave and strongly convergent posteriorly; posterior pronotal corners obtuse-angled and blunt; posterior margin arcuate; base with two pairs of antebasal pits, of which submedian pits are large and lateral ones are much smaller, transverse groove absent. Sides of pronotum lacking longitudinal carinae. Punctures on pronotal disc similarly dense as those on frons and vertex but indistinctly shallower; setae dense, longer than those on vertex and suberect.

Elytra oval, as convex as pronotum, broadest indistinctly in front of middle, EL 0.48 mm, EW 0.35 mm, EI 1.36; basal impressions short but deep; elytral apices separately rounded; narrow stripe at each side of suture distinctly raised in anterior half of elytra. Punctures on elytral disc less distinct than those on pronotum, superficial; setae short, moderately dense and suberect. Hind wings long, functional.

Legs moderately long and slender, unmodified.

Aedeagus ( Figs 6–7 View FIGURES 1–8 ) slender, AeL 0.10 mm; median lobe drop-shaped, broadest near base and gradually narrowing up to subapical third, where it narrows more rapidly to form a conspicuously long and narrow apical portion, which is subtriangular and its tip is sharp-angled; endophallus with an asymmetrical pair of long rod-like structures in proximal half. Parameres were damaged during preparation.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ). Philippines, southern Luzon, Laguna Province.

Etymology. Locotypical, after the Laguna Province.

Remarks. The aedeagus of P. lagunensis differs from that of all congeners in the conspicuously narrow and long apical portion of the median lobe; it also has a dorsal apical plate similar in shape, but much shorter than the ventral apical projection; in all remaining species the dorsal apical plate is either short or indistinctly defined ( P. masseyensis , P. unicolor and P. lavongai ), much shorter and broader ( P. maquilingensis ), or truncated at apex ( P. luzonicus ).


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