Parasuctobelba vohimana, Mahunka, 2009

Mahunka, S., 2009, Oribatid Mites From The Vohimana Reserve (Madagascar) (Acari: Oribatida) I., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 89-122 : 110-113

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584807


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scientific name

Parasuctobelba vohimana

sp. nov.

Parasuctobelba vohimana View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 43–45 View Figs 43–45 )

Material examined. Holotype: Malagasy Republic, Vohimana Reserve , primary forest. 17. 04. 2008. Leg. CS . CSUZDI (Afr-996) . 1 paratype from the same sample. Holotype (1775-HO-09) and paratype (1775-PO-09) deposited in HNHM .

Diagnosis. Rostrum elongated, rostral margin smooth. Tectopedial field indistinct, lamellar knob small, narrow, oblong. Interbothridial field very large, bothridial lobe distinct. Sensillus with large, aciculate head. Two pairs of conspicuously large notogastral condyles present. Notogastral sigillum finely punctuate, indistinct. Ten pairs of notogastral setae present. Epimeral region strongly sclerotised, epimeres well framed, but not touching medially. Two pairs of strong tubercles present on the posterior borders. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3, Genitoanal setal formula: 5–1–2–3.

Measurements. Length of body: 236–247 µm, width of body: 134–140 µm.

Prodorsum. Rostral apex elongate, conical. Dorsal surface of the whole prodorsum strongly sclerotised. Lateral margin of prodorsum smooth, lateroprodorsal pattern observable. Rostral setae setiform, well pilose. Behind them 5 pairs of angular field present ( Fig. 43 View Figs 43–45 ), lateral margin of tectopedial field distinct, median ones indistinct. Along the lamellar knob two pairs of tubercles present, both in opposite position. Lamellar knob narrow, small, oblong, lamellar setae arising at its basis. Interbothridial field very large, bearing interlamellar setae. Bothridium large with large bothridial lobe. Sensillus long, its head large, well dilate, surface aciculate.

Notogaster. Dorsosejugal region with two pairs of conspicuously large condyles ( Fig. 43 View Figs 43–45 ). Median pair larger than lateral one, well dilated, rounded anteriorly. Lateral one slightly smaller, both pairs with long laths directed posteriorly. Lateral ones waved, an unpaired oval sigillum present between them. Its surface finely punctuate. Ten pairs of notogastral setae, among them six anterior pair much longer than the others.

Lateral part of podosoma ( Fig. 45 View Figs 43–45 ). Lateral margin of prodorsum smooth. Both pairs of notogastral condyles with loop, including a slit-shaped formation medially.

Ventral parts ( Fig. 44 View Figs 43–45 ). Epimeral region strongly and conspicuously sclerotised. All apodemes and borders, as well as secondary laths in lateral part of epimeres visible. Epimeres not touching medially, ending far from each other, therefore sternal apodema absent, sternal field wide. Bo. 2, bo. sej. with transversal, bridge-like crests. Last epimeral borders (bo. 4) wide, double, with two pairs of large, angular tubercles directed posteriorly. Surface of epimeres 3–4 ornamented with very fine polygonal pattern. Epimeral setae short, simple. Five pairs of long genital setae present, all nearly equal in length and arising in two longitudinal rows. Adanal setae slightly longer than the anal ones, setae ad 1 arising on small tubercles, setae ad 3 located far anteriorly. All three pairs with some fine cilia.

Legs. All normal suctobelboid type.

Remarks. The system of the family Suctobelbidae JACOT, 1938 is not well elaborated, nearly confuse, therefore the ranging of a new species sometimes is very problematic. In this case we relegate the new species to the genus Parasuctobelba HAMMER, 1977 , however, this genus is not related to Fenestrobelba BALOGH, 1970 , as indicated by SUBÍAS (2008). The new species is primarily characterised by the prodorsal sculpture, by the rounded form of the notogastral condyles, and by the punctuate notogastral sigillum. On this basis is closely related to Parasuctobelba tricornuta (MAHUNKA, 1989) . However, in the form of its rostral setae and sensillus, in its longer posterior lath of the notogastral condyles and in the two pairs of large tubercles on the posterior epimeral borders the new species is distinct from its relatives.

Etymology. Named after its origin in Madagascar.


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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