Paranigilgia mariannae, Kallies, Axel, 2013

Kallies, Axel, 2013, New and little known Brachodidae from tropical Asia and Papua New Guinea (Lepidoptera, Cossoidea), Zootaxa 3641 (3), pp. 241-259 : 252-253

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scientific name

Paranigilgia mariannae

sp. nov.

Paranigilgia mariannae sp. nov.

( Figs 19 View FIGURES 18 – 27 , 30 View FIGURE 30 )

Holotype: 3 “ Indonesia, Sulawesi Utara, Gunung Mogogonipa, 20–22. V. 1985, 1008 m, leg. M. Horak, Project Wallace” (ANIC). Paratype: 13, same data as holotype (ANIC).

Etymology. This beautiful species is named in honour of Marianne Horak (ANIC), an eminent Australian lepidopterists and friend of the author, who collected the type material of this species as part of the Wallace project.

Description (holotype, male, Fig. 19 View FIGURES 18 – 27 ). Alar expanse 20.5–21.5 mm. Head: labial palpus and frons shiny bright copper, basal segment of labial palpus white; pericephalic scales ventrally white, dorsally dark. Thorax: patagia shiny bright copper, otherwise lead-grey with numerous individual white scales; ventrally dark grey with a white patch laterally; triangular scale sheet before the forecoxa white basally and at tip, black laterally; coxa black with white scales, distally white; mid- and hindfemurs black with individual white scales; midfemur baso-laterally with golden metallic scales, distally white, spurs white; hindfemur with ventral edge white; mid- and hindtibiae distally white. Forewing: black base not well developed, partially covered with shiny metallic scales; inner black fascia at about 1/3 very narrow; a short black transverse streak at costa between base and inner fascia; a distinct black patch at costa at 2/3. Hindwing: dark fuscous to grey, somewhat lighter in centre; ventrally grey, with costal margin bright yellow-white in outer 2/3; fringe yellowish. Abdomen: dark grey to black, ventrally each segment white, except for most basal part.

Genitalia. Male (Gen. Prep. AK488 / ANIC 10606, Fig. 30 View FIGURE 30 ). Ventral part of the valva well sclerotized, with a strong and long hook-like process and a row of long setae; phallus longer than valva; setae of gnathos short.

Diagnosis. P. mariannae sp. nov. is similar to P. m o ro s a and P. brandti sp. nov. The holotype of P. m oro s a is in poor condition; however, P. mariannae sp. nov. can be distinguished by details of the forewing markings (inner black fascia wide and well developed, black subapical patch along the costa divided by two minute white transverse lines in P. morosa ), and the color of the tarsi (ochreous in P. morosa ). P. mariannae sp. nov. differs from P. brandti sp. nov. by its larger size, the colour and the shape of the labial palpus (small and dark coppery in P. brandti sp. nov.) and the thorax (without or with very few white scales in P. brandti sp. nov.), the color of the legs (black without white speckles, without any metallic scales, hindfemur without white edge in P. brandti sp. nov.), the color of the hindwing (costa ventrally dark in P. brandti sp. nov.), details of the forewing markings (black fasciae wider, black patch at 2/3 of the costa extends into a well-developed outer facia in P. brandti sp. nov.) and the male genitalia (subapical hook-like process at the ventral edge of valva smaller, phallus stronger and with scalelike structures apically, saccus wider in P. brandti sp. nov.).















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