Orophyllus grandivalvatus Xie, Wang & He, 2021

Xie, Hui-Cong, Wang, Han-Qiang, Li, Kai & He, Zhu-Qing, 2021, Taxonomy of genus Orophyllus Beier, 1954 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae), Zootaxa 4990 (1), pp. 147-159 : 155-156

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Orophyllus grandivalvatus Xie, Wang & He

sp. nov.

Orophyllus grandivalvatus Xie, Wang & He sp. nov.

Figs. 6A–J View FIGURE 6

Material examined: Holotype: 1 male, CHINA, Zhejiang Prov., Tiantongshan (121.79°E, 29.79°N), alt 92m, 27- vi-2020, coll. Xie Hui-Cong ( ECNU). GoogleMaps

Paratype: 2 males, CHINA, Guangxi Prov., alt 500–1100m, 30-vii–6-viii-2013, coll. Zhu, Liu, Wang & Zhang ( SEM) ; 1 female, CHINA, Guangxi Prov., Maoershan (110.48°E, 25.88°N), 24-viii-1992, coll. Liu Xian-Wei & Yin Hai-Sheng ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, CHINA, Guangxi Prov., Maoershan (110.48°E, 25.88°N), 25-viii-1992, coll. Liu Xian- Wei ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, CHINA, Guangxi Prov., Maoershan (110.48°E, 25.88°N), 25-viii-1992, coll. Liu Xian-Wei ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 2 females, CHINA, Guangxi Prov., Maoershan (110.48°E, 25.88°N), alt 500–1100m, 30-vii–6-viii-2013, coll. Zhu, Liu, Wang & Zhang ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, CHINA, Guangxi Prov., Maoershan (110.48°E, 25.88°N), 11-viii- 2020, coll. Xie Hui-Cong ( ECNU) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, CHINA, Sichuan Prov., Qingchengshan (103.55°E, 30.90°N), 29-vii- 1986, coll. Huang Wen-Hua ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 2 females, CHINA, Zhejiang Prov., Tiantongshan (121.79°E, 29.79°N), 29-vii- 1986, coll. Liu ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, CHINA, Zhejiang Prov., Qingyuan (119.18°E, 27.73°N), 12–20-viii-1996, coll. Jin Xing-Bao & Zhang Wei-Nian ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 4 males, CHINA, Zhejiang Prov., Tiantongshan (121.79°E, 29.79°N), 18–20- vii-2010, coll. Liu, Qiu & Gao ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 4 males, CHINA, Zhejiang Prov., Tiantongshan (121.79°E, 29.79°N), 18–20- vii-2010, coll. Liu, Qiu & Gao ( SEM) GoogleMaps ; 2 females, CHINA, Zhejiang Prov., Tiantongshan (121.79°E, 29.79°N), 30-x-2015, coll. He Zhu-Qing ( ECNU) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, CHINA, Zhejiang Prov., Tiantongshan (121.79°E, 29.79°N), 1-ix- 2015, coll. He Zhu-Qing ( ECNU) GoogleMaps .

Description. Male: Body medium to large sized. Fastigium of vertex conical and furrowed, protruding over the edges of antennal base, with a medial longitudinal groove posteriorly. Frons relatively flat, nearly square, and inclined backwards ( Figs. 6A, B View FIGURE 6 ). Surface of pronotum without granular protrusions, the anterior margin slightly arcuate, and the posterior margin blunt and rounded ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 6 ). Lateral lobes longer than deep, the front and back margins nearly straight ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ). The apex of tegmina somewhat recurved and pointed, Rs farther from the R than M, which located almost in the middle between Cu and Rs. Sc far from R from the base to the end. The tip of the tegmina pointed. Hind wings shorter than the tegmina and transparent. Both dorsal carinae unarmed. Fore coxae with a spine. Fore femur ventrally with 4–7 inner spines, mid femur ventrally with 6–10 inner spines, hind femur ventrally with 12–15 inner spines. No black stripe on the inner side of the hind femur ( Fig. 6F View FIGURE 6 ). Prosternum unarmed, meso- and metasternum strongly transverse, the former with entire, non-crenellated anterior margin ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ). Epiproct ovoid, shorter than the length of cerci, and emarginate at the end. Cerci long and conical, with spines at the end and curved inwards ( Fig. 6G View FIGURE 6 ). Subgenital plate gradually narrows toward the end, and the end stalk-shaped. Styli significantly long, thickened at the base, narrowing towards the end, and pointed at the end ( Fig. 6H View FIGURE 6 ).

Female: Larger than male. Generally, the tip of tegmina recurved and pointed ( Fig. 6E View FIGURE 6 , Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ), C and Sc area broader than female of other species ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ). Epiproct longer than wide, oval, with a shallow notch at the end. Styli conical and long. The basal half of the dorsal valves of the ovipositor straight, the distal half narrowing from the base to the end. Base of the ovipositor yellowish-brown, then gradually darkened ( Fig. 6J View FIGURE 6 ). Subgenital plate as in O. nigrisartorius , a triangular wide notch in the center of the rear edge, with rounded corners on both sides ( Fig. 6I View FIGURE 6 ).

Measurements (in mm): Male: SZ 52.44–53.95, PR 7.17–8.06, FW 41.74–46.20, HF 17.62–19.72; Female: SZ 67.63–72.24, PR 9.47–10.10, FW 57.41–59.13, HF 21.77–22.98, OV 32.17–32.34.

Etymology: Species name grandivalvatus relates to the ovipositor being long and robust.

Distribution: Anhui, Guangxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang.















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