Odontosyllis brevichaetosa, Paresque, Karla, Fukuda, Marcelo Veronesi, Martín, Guillermo San & Nogueira, João Miguel De Matos, 2015

Paresque, Karla, Fukuda, Marcelo Veronesi, Martín, Guillermo San & Nogueira, João Miguel De Matos, 2015, Amblyosyllis, Eusyllis, Odontosyllis, Perkinsyllis and Streptodonta (Annelida: Syllidae) from Brazil, with descriptions of two new species and new records for the country, Zootaxa 4000 (3), pp. 301-334 : 314-320

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4000.3.1

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scientific name

Odontosyllis brevichaetosa

sp. nov.

Odontosyllis brevichaetosa View in CoL sp. n.

Figures 8–11 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 ; Table 1 View TABLE 1

Material examined. Project ' BioPol-NE'. State of Paraíba, Mataraca, Barra de Camaratuba (6°36.196'S 34°57.867'W), intertidal: 1 specimen ( MZUSP 2817), coll. 12 August 2010. Baía da Traição, Praia do Farol (6°41.331'S 34°55.803'W), intertidal: 66 specimens ( MZUSP 2813), coll. 0 9 August 2010. Rio Tinto, Barra de Mamanguape (6°46.140'S 34°55.025'W), intertidal: 47 specimens ( MZUSP 2812), coll. 11 August 2010. João Pessoa, Cabo Branco (7°8.815'S 34°47.773'W), intertidal: 5 specimens ( MZUSP 2811), coll. 0 2 February 2010. Conde, Praia de Jacumã (7°16.535'S 34°47.969'W), intertidal: 1 specimen ( MZUSP 2818), coll. 29 January 2010. State of Pernambuco, Goiana, Praia de Pontas de Pedra (7°36.927'S 34°48.296'W), intertidal: 91 specimens ( MZUSP 2819), coll. 13 December 2012. Ilha de Itamaracá, Ponta do Jaguaribe (7°4.243'S 34°49.291'W), intertidal: 7 specimens ( MZUSP 2821), coll. 11 December 2012.

Type series. All specimens collected by the Project ' BioPol-NE '. State of Pernambuco, Goiana, Praia de Pontas de Pedra (7°36.927'S 34°48.296'W), intertidal: Holotype ( MZUSP 2806), Paratype 1 ( MZUSP 2807) and Paratype 7 (ZUEC-POL17003) collected 13 December 2012. State of Paraíba, Baía da Traição, Praia do Farol (6°41.331'S 34°55.803'W), intertidal: Paratype 2 ( MZUSP 2808), Paratype 3 ( MZUSP 2809), Paratype 4 ( MZUSP 2810), Paratype 5 (ZUEC-POL17004), Paratype 6 (ZUEC-POL17005) and Paratype 8 ( MNCN 16.01/16550), coll. 0 9 August 2010; Rio Tinto, Barra de Mamanguape (6°46.140'S 34°55.025'W), intertidal: Paratype 9 ( MNCN 16.01/ 16551), coll. 11 August 2010.

Additional material examined. Odontosyllis australiensis Hartmann-Schröder, 1979 . Australia, Western Australia, Kimberley region: Lafontaine Is. (14°10'S 125°47'E), 15 m: 1 specimen (AM W28933), coll. P.A. Hutchings, 19 July 1988; reef south of Lucas Is., Brunswick Bay (15°16'S 124°29'E), 2 m; 1 specimen (AM W28932), coll P.A. Hutchings, 24 July 1988; Calliope R., Gladstone (23°51'S 151°10'E), silty sand, 5.6 m: 1 specimen (AM W198074), coll. P. Saenger, October 1980.

Description. Small to medium-sized body, largest specimen incomplete, 10.2 mm long, 0.8 mm wide, with 58 segments ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ). Live specimens without pigmentation, body beige after preservation. Palps distally rounded, basally fused ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A–D). Prostomium ovate with two pairs of eyes in rectangular to trapezoidal arrangement, anterior eyespots absent ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A); lateral antennae inserted on anterior margin of prostomium, about twice as long as combined length of palps and prostomium; median antenna inserted on middle of prostomium, between eyes, 1.5 times length of lateral antennae ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 A–F; 9A); nuchal organs as a broad semi-circular rows of cilia, from bases of lateral antennae to lateral borders of prostomium ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 D–F; 9A), bordering posterior margin of prostomium ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 D, F). Peristomium dorsally reduced, with semi-circular occipital flap covering middorsal area of posterior prostomium ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 A–B, D–F; 9A), occipital flap with fringe of cilia on anterior boarder ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A–B, D, F); dorsal peristomial cirri slightly longer than median antenna, ventral peristomial cirri about same length as median antenna, inserted ventro-lateraly, close to mouth ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C). Chaetiger 1 with transverse row of cilia extending dorsally for short extension from bases of dorsal cirri ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A); midbody with lateral constrictions between chaetigers, with tufts of cilia ventrally at bases of cirrophores ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 O) and a tuft of cilia in either side, anterior and posterior, of parapodial lobes ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 G–H). Dorsal cirri of chaetiger 1 slighly longer than dorsal peristomial cirri ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 B); dorsal cirri of chaetigers 2 and 3 ca. 1/2 and 2/3 as long as dorsal cirri 1, respectively; remaining dorsal cirri slightly shorter than dorsal cirri 2 ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A). Antennae, peristomial and dorsal cirri throughout with short cirrophores ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 A–G; 9A; 10A), cirrostyles distally tapering, alternating between long, similar in length to body width or slightly shorter, and short, ca. 2/3 as long as longer cirri. Ventral cirri rounded to ovate, slightly shorter than parapodial lobes ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C). Parapodial lobes conical, bilobed distally ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 G). Anterior parapodia with 17–22 falcigers each ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 C), midbody with 5–16, posterior parapodia with 8–14 falcigers each ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ); shafts of falcigers subdistally spinulated, with straight tips in anterior parapodia and in dorsalmost falcigers of each fascicle throughout; from midbody onwards, shafts of ventralmost falcigers subdistally inflated, sigmoid, with short, forward directed tips ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 C, E, I; 10B, D, F–G, J, M–N); ligament between shafts and blades spinulated, especially on mid- and posterior body chaetigers ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 C, E, I; 10G, J); blades of falcigers spinulated and bidentate, teeth of similar size on anterior and midbody parapodia, falcigers of posterior parapodia with subdistal tooth shorter, difference in length of teeth more conspicuous in ventral chaetae ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 C, E, I; 10B, D–L); blades with inverted dorso-ventral gradation in length, 6–17 µm long on anterior chaetigers, 5–16 µm long on midbody, 8–14 µm long on posterior chaetigers ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ). Dorsal simple chaetae beginning on chaetigers 2–24 ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ), thin, ca. 1/3 as thick as shafts of falcigers, slightly sigmoid, subdistally spinulated ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 G; 10B) with rounded tips; ventral simple chaetae only present in last chaetigers ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ), sigmoid, bidentate, subdistal tooth triangular, sligtly smaller than distal tooth, subdistally spinulated, about 1/2 as thick as shafts of falcigers ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 H; 10O). Anterior parapodia with 2–3 aciculae each, midbody with 1–2, each posterior parapodium with single acicula; aciculae subdistally enlarged, with collar of spines, and short, acute tip ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 B, D, F). Pygidium not seen. Pharynx through 2–3 segments ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A; Table 1 View TABLE 1 ), trepan with six teeth and two lateral plates ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 C); proventricle through 6–8 segments, with ca. 60 muscle cell rows ( Figs. 9 View FIGURE 9 A; 11A–B; Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).

Remarks. Odontosyllis brevichaetosa sp. n. is characterized by having short, bidentate falciger blades with inverted dorso-ventral gradation in length, and shafts of ventralmost falcigers from midbody parapodia onwards subdistally inflated, with sigmoid tip. At first glance, the pharynx of O. brevichaetosa sp. n. seems to lack denticles. In fact, they are very difficult to see, even after dissection, because they are covered by an opaque hood ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 A–B).

Odontosyllis australiensis Hartmann-Schröder, 1979 View in CoL , from Australia, closely resembles O. brevichaetosa View in CoL sp. n., in having an occipital flap of similar size, dorsal cirri with a similar pattern of alternation between long and short cirri along the body, falcigers with short, bidentate blades, with heavily spinulated ligament between shafts and blades, dorsal and ventral simple chaetae morphologically similar, same number of aciculae per parapodium throughout, and pharynx and proventricle of similar length. However, O. australiensis View in CoL has one transverse row of cilia dorsally on each chaetiger, extending to parapodial lobes, falcigers with all shafts similar in shape and blades with teeth about same size throughout, and trepan with five teeth (San Martín & Huchings 2006). On the other hand, O. brevichaetosa View in CoL sp. n. has a fringe of cilia on anterior border of peristomium and, except for chaetiger 1, dorsal rows of cilia are absent on chaetigers; falcigers with more sigmoid, subdistaly inflated shafts ventralwards, blades with distal tooth larger than subdistal one on posterior parapodia; and a trepan with six teeth.

Odontosyllis polycera ( Schmarda, 1861) View in CoL a widely reported species, with type locality in Table Bay, South Africa, resembles O. brevichaetosa View in CoL sp. n. in the morphology of the falcigers and dorsal simple chaetae.

Nevertheless, it is a larger species, with proportionally larger occipital flap, covering most of the prostomium, and has up to 50 falcigers per parapodium on anterior body, blades of falcigers 23–15 µm long, and ventral simple chaetae with short subdistal tooth (San Martín & Huchings 2006). In contrast, O. brevichaetosa View in CoL sp. n. has shorter occipital flap, 17–22 falcigers per parapodium on anterior body, blades of falcigers 5–16 µm long, and ventral simple chaetae with large subdistal tooth.

Odontosyllis brevichaetosa View in CoL sp. n. differs from the other species of this genus occurring in Brazilian waters except for O. cf. fulgurans sensu Fukuda & Nogueira, 2006 View in CoL in lacking dorsal colour patterns. However, Odontosyllis cf. fulgurans View in CoL , has falcigers with longer, bidentate blades throughout, with teeth of similar size.

In addition to the presence of color patterns, O. guarauensis View in CoL has longer and ciliate palps; shorter and proportionally stouter antennae and dorsal cirri throughout; roughly rectangular occipital flap, almost as wide as the prostomium, covering posterior and, sometimes, the anterior pairs of eyes; shafts of dorsalmost falcigers with subdistal, nearly triangular enlargement and thin, straight tip (see Fukuda et al. 2013, Figs 4 View FIGURE 4 C–D; 7E, G); aciculae irregularly enlarged distally; and trepan with nine teeth (Fukuda et al. 2013). Odontosyllis aracaensis View in CoL has a characteristic distribution of body ciliation, shafts of falcigers with straight tips and thinner and elongated blades, and characteristic aciculae, subdistally enlarged and slightly spinulated, sometimes with short, acute tip (Fukuda et. al. 2013); Odontosyllis guillermoi View in CoL has 28 and 20 falcigers on each anterior and midbody parapodium, respectively, falcigers with sharp and slightly shorter subdistal tooth on anterior chaetigers, much shorter from midbody onwards, and a pharynx extending for 9–10 chaetigers.

Distribution. Atlantic Ocean: only know from off the northern coast of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil.

Etymology. The species epithet refers to the characteristic short size of the blades of falcigers.

TABLE 1. Morphological features of the type series of Odontosyllis brevichaetosa sp. n. (inc. = incomplete).

Odontosyllis brevichaetosa View in CoL sp. n. Number of chaetigers Holotype MZUSP 2806 49 Paratype 1 MZUSP 2807 65 Paratype 2 MZUSP 2808 26 (inc.) Paratype 3 MZUSP 2809 14 (inc.) Paratype 4 MZUSP 2810 18 (inc.) Paratype 5 ZUEC- POL 17003 14 (inc.) Paratype 6 ZUEC- POL 17004 38 (inc.) Paratype 7 ZUEC-POL 17005 57 Paratype 8 MNCN 16.01/16550 14 (inc.) Paratype 9 MNCN 16.01/16551 34 (inc.)
Total length (mm) 6.0 8.4 3.7 1.5 2.3 1.7 5.8 7.1 1.3 5.0
Width at proventricle (mm) 0.50 0.45 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.50 0.55 0.45 0.50
Pharynx (number of chaetigers) 2 2 3 2 3 3 2.5 2 2 2
Length (chaetigers) / (mm) 7/0.80 7/ 0.84 7 / 0.94 7 / 0.75 6 / 0.77 7 / 0.85 7 / 0.98 7.5 / 0.90 7.5 / 0.60 5.5 / 0.90
Number of muscle cell rows 59 61 56 ~64 ~58 ~61 67 69 ~57 66
Length of blades of falcigers (μm) / number of falcigers per parapodium Anterior body (chaetigers 1-10) Midbody (chaetigers 11-25) Posterior body (or 5 last) 9-15/15-20 7-12/10-16 6-11/ 3-8 8-14/ 13-19 7-13/ 9-15 7-10 / 3-6 7-15 / 19- 21 7-15 / 13- 19 7-15 / 11- 14 7-15 / ~22 5-12 / ~15 - 7-15 / 17- 20 7-16 / ~16 - 8-17 / ~20 5-13 / ~16 - 8-15 / 18- 22 7-12/ 9-13 7-12 / 8 7-16 / 15-21 6-14 / 9-16 7-12 / 3-7 7-13 / ~20 6-14 / 10 - 7-15 / 15-22 5-13 / 12-15 7-12 / 7-10
Dorsal / ventral simple chaetae starting from (chaetiger) 36 / 40 42/ 45 - / - - / - - / - - / - 24 / 35 32 / 34 - / - - / -
Number of aciculae per parapodium (anterior, mid-, posterior body) 2, 1, 1 2, 1, 1 2-3, 2-3, 2 2, 1, - 2, 2, - 3, 2, - 2,1,1 2-3 / 2 / 1 2, 1, - 2, 2, 1

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Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
















Odontosyllis brevichaetosa

Paresque, Karla, Fukuda, Marcelo Veronesi, Martín, Guillermo San & Nogueira, João Miguel De Matos 2015

O. cf. fulgurans sensu

Fukuda & Nogueira 2006

Odontosyllis australiensis Hartmann-Schröder, 1979

Hartmann-Schroder 1979

Odontosyllis polycera (

Schmarda 1861
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