Nothobranchiidae, Garman, 1895

Neumann, Dirk, Obermaier, Henriette & Moritz, Timo, 2016, Annotated checklist for fishes of the Main Nile Basin in the Sudan and Egypt based on recent specimen records (2006 - 2015), Cybium 40 (4), pp. 287-317 : 297

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Two Nothobranchius species occur in the Nile Basin: N. virgatus Chambers, 1984 and N. nubaensis Valdesalici ,

Bellemans, Kardashev & Golubtsov, 2009. Both seem to be restricted to seasonal pools along southern affluents of the Nuba Mountains. How far populations descend inside Khors and Wadis and reach the Sudd or the floodplains of the Upper White Nile is currently unclear. In 2010, aquarium hobbyists confirmed both species at different location in the area of El Fula (11°43’N- 28°20’E) inside the watershed of Wadi Al Ghallah, N. nubaensis additionally 9 km southeast of Kadugli inside the Khor El Hafein (10°56’N- 29°49’E) GoogleMaps .

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