Nesiosphaerion testaceum (Fisher)

Lingafelter, Steven W., 2008, Seven New Species of Elaphidiini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Dominican Republic with Taxonomic Notes, New Country Records, and a Key toElaphidionAudinet-Serville from Hispaniola, The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (3), pp. 353-379 : 353-379

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Nesiosphaerion testaceum (Fisher)


Nesiosphaerion testaceum (Fisher) View in CoL

( Figs. 4 View Figs , 5e,f View Fig )

Discussion. This species previously was known from only one specimen, collected in Haiti in 1922 ( Fisher 1932; AMNH 2008). During our 2004 expedition to the Dominican Republic, six additional specimens were collected. Three of these were taken at blacklight and three in sugar bait traps, all in Pedernales Province in the west.

Fisher (1932) did not determine the gender of the holotype. Based on additional material of both sexes, it is now clear that the holotype is a male. Sexual dimorphism is readily apparent: in males there are large anterolateral patches of distinctly smaller and denser punctation on the pronotum ( Fig. 5e View Fig ), whereas in females ( Figs. 4 View Figs , 5f View Fig ) the punctures are just as sparse in this region as on the remainder of the pronotum.

Complete collecting data is as follows (all Dominican Republic [new country

record], Pedernales Prov.): Parque Nacional Jaragua, Trail to Carlitos , ca. 6 km S. of Hwy 44, 106 m, blacklight, 17 ° 48.932 9 N, 71 ° 28.271 9 W, 8 July 2004, D. Perez, S. Lingafelter (3 females, USNM); same data, but sugar bait trap, C. Micheli, S. Lingafelter (3 females, USNM) .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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