Nansenia boreacrassicauda Poulsen

Poulsen, Jan Yde, 2015, A new species of pencil smelt Nansenia boreacrassicauda (Microstomatidae, Argentiniformes) from the North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4020 (3), pp. 517-532 : 518-519

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scientific name

Nansenia boreacrassicauda Poulsen

sp. nov.

Nansenia boreacrassicauda Poulsen View in CoL , new species

Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 A–D; Table 1 View TABLE 1

Type materials. Holotype. ZMUC P192172, 232.0 mm SL (65°32'N, 30°57'W).

Paratypes. ZMH 122532 ( ISH 174-1986), 197.2 mm SL (57°46'N, 18°5'W); ZMH 120802 ( ISH 968-1982), 265.2 mm SL (49°48'N, 25°54'W); ZMH 122530 ( ISH 264-1986), 226.0 mm SL (57°34'N, 18°12'W); ZMH 122553 ( ISH 201-1986), 230.8 mm SL (57°43'N, 17°40'W); ZMH 120833 ( ISH 967-1982), 268.0 mm SL (43°42'N, 28°27'W).

Comparative materials. Nansenia ardesiaca . AMS I.22817-025, 129.3 mm SL (Indian Ocean, off the Australian Northwest Shelf); BSKU 28403, 134.5 mm SL (Okinawa Through, Okinawa, Japan).

Nansenia cf. ardesiaca (adipose fin not pigmented). AMS I.22817-025, 124.2 mm SL (Indian Ocean, off the Australian Northwest Shelf); BSKU 13127, 155.0 mm SL (Northwestern Pacific Ocean, off Kochi, Japan); MCZ 159274, 82.6 mm SL (31°26'N, 16°28'W).

Nansenia atlantica . ZMH 103928 ( ISH 335-1966), 90.8 mm SL (10°46'N, 23°54'W); ZMH 105441 ( ISH 457- 1968), 110.8 mm SL (16°14'N, 22°24'E); ZMH 105453 ( ISH 686-1968), 152.0 mm SL (08°21'N, 24°10'W); ZMH 105485 ( ISH 1311-1968), 169.0 mm SL (16°08'N, 22°22'W); AMS I.20066-072, 81.1 mm SL (off Brush Island, New South Wales, Australia).

Nansenia iberica (paratype). UAB 1985.6.14, 237.0 mm SL (Northwestern Mediterranean Ocean, off Blanes, Spain).

Nansenia oblita . MCZ 66132(2), 43.6 and 77.3 mm SL (37°01'N, 00°05'W); MCZ 66134, 87.8 mm SL (39°57'N, 06°43'E).

Nansenia cf. oblita (adipose base pigmented). MCZ 66133, 59.3 mm SL (14°30'N, 21°47'W).

Nansenia cf. pelagica (vertebrae 46). ZMH 120958 ( ISH 465-1982), 106.5 mm SL (45°24'N, 27°41'W).

Nansenia tenera . MCZ 66016, 96.4 mm SL (49°53'N, 39°18'W).

The complete mitochondrial DNA sequences (mitogenomes), except a part of the control region, were determined for the holotype of N. boreacrassicauda sp. n. as well as a southeast Greenland specimen (64°57'N, 34°27'W) of Argentina silus ( ZMUC P192172 and P192171, respectively). They were determined using conventional lab-methods employing DNA extraction (Qiagen Puregene kit), long-amplification (LA) PCR of the entire mitochondrial genome ( Cheng et al. 1994), nested short PCR using the LA PCR product as template, direct cycle-sequencing with dye-labeled terminators and Sanger Sequencing on automated DNA sequencers (Applied Biosystems). Lab-work and sequencing were carried out at the Ocean Research Institute ( ORI), University of Tokyo, and at the Biodiversity Laboratory and Sequencing Facility at the University of Bergen (UIB). Universal fish primers covering a range of teleost fishes were employed (e.g. Miya & Nishida 1999; Byrkjedal et al. 2011).


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Institut fuer Seefischerei


Kochi University


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona


Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport


Ocean Research Institute

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