Nama iuliae, Borovec, R. & Meregalli, M., 2013

Borovec, R. & Meregalli, M., 2013, Soil insect research in South Africa. 1. A new genus of terricolous weevils with four new species from the Richtersveld National Park (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Trachyphloeini), Zootaxa 3646 (5), pp. 501-515 : 508-510

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scientific name

Nama iuliae

sp. nov.

Nama iuliae View in CoL n.sp.

Figs 21–30 View FIGURES 21 – 30 , 43, 47, 51, 55 View FIGURES 41 – 56 .

Holotype: 3, South Africa, Northern Cape, Richtersveld National Park, mountain S of Helskloof Pass, 28°21.416'S 16°58.899'E, 815 m, 22.ix.2012, M. Meregalli lgt. (TMSA).

Paratypes: same locality as holotype, 1 3 (BOR), 1 Ƥ (MER).

Description: Body length (rostrum excluded): 1.94–2.06 mm, holotype 1.94 mm.

Appressed scales on entire body irregularly angular, dense, completely covering integument, finely longitudinally striate. Elytra with a dense row of reclined setae. Setae spatulate, wide, almost as long as half width of interval and longer than the length of a scale. Pronotum and head with rostrum with setae similar to those on elytra, but shorter, irregularly scattered, on sides erect, strongly prominent. Pronotum with a dorsal anterior fringe of setae, setae long, directed anteriad. Scales and setae uniformly coloured, greyish or pale brownish.

Rostrum very short, 1.9–2.1 times wider than long, slightly and regularly tapered anteriad, with straight sides. Dorsum almost parallel-sided, wide, flat, with a barely delimited, almost invisible, very short and narrow longitudinal median furrow in apical half. Frons not separated from epifrons, short, squamose. Antennal scrobes in dorsal view visible as a short slender furrow in apical half of rostrum, in lateral view short, distinctly widened distad, almost triangular, with ventral border feebly curved, directed towards ventral margin of eye but not reaching it, dorsal border indistinctly curved, directed slightly above dorsal margin of eye. Scrobes separated from eye by a squamose stripe. Rostrum in lateral view convex. Eyes small, convex, in dorsal view not prominent, in lateral view placed in dorsal half of head. Vertex flat. Temples in lateral view visibly longitudinally striate below and above eye.

Scape at basal third slender, conspicuously S-shaped, in apical two thirds moderately robust, gradually widened apicad, widest at apex, 1.3 times wider than club and 1.2 times wider than middle of protibia. Funicles with segment 1 conical, distinctly bigger than segment 2, 1.6–1.7 times longer than wide and 1.9–2.0 times longer than segment 2, which is 1.4–1.5 times longer than wide, segments 3–5 1.1 times wider than long, segment 6 1.2– 1.3 and segment 7 1.3–1.4 times transverse. Clubs slender, 2.1–2.3 times longer than wide.

Pronotum 1.3 times wider than long, maximum width at basal third, slightly constricted behind anterior margin, with rounded sides, base arcuate; in lateral view flat.

Elytra long-oval, 1.4–1.5 times longer than wide, with slightly rounded sides, widest at midlength, base arcuate, apically broadly rounded, in lateral view flat. Striae distinct, narrow, intervals wide, almost flat, first stria curved laterad at base, sutural interval widened at base.

Protibiae short, with lateral and mesal edge straight, apex dull, with 5 scarce, fine, short, yellowish spines and a long, hook-shaped mucro. Tarsi short, segment 2 1.6–1.7 times wider than long; segment 3 1.6–1.7 times wider than long and 1.4–1.5 times wider than segment 2, segment 5 distinctly widened apicad, 2.3–2.4 times longer than wide and 2.3 times longer than segment 3, at apex narrower than segment 2.

Ventrites densely squamose, 1.2 times longer than wide. Ventrite 1 slightly longer than ventrites 2–4 combined. Ventrite 2 longer than ventrites 3 and 4 combined. Ventrite 5 subtruncate at apex. All sutures straight, suture between ventrites 1 and 2 fine, other sutures deep and broad.

Penis long, 3.0 times longer than wide, parallel-sided, slightly widest at apical portion, apex broadly rounded.

Female genitalia. Sternite VIII with apodeme moderately long, slender, 4.2 times longer than plate, extending into plate, terminal part ill-defined. Caput small, indistinct. Plate small, oval, not clearly delimited from membranes at base, and with very narrow translucent, apical border. Gonocoxites flat, triangular, translucent, tapered apicad, with apical cylindrical setose styli. Spermatheca with indistinct corpus and robust straight ramus, twice as long and wide as curved nodulus, oblique to ramus.

Collection circumstances. The three specimens were sifted below and at the margin of large and flat stones and underneath mesembryanthemoid shrubs, amidst detritus and dry soil litter.

Etymology. This species is named after Giulia Meregalli, M. Meregalli's daughter. See etymology of N. erikae for further remarks.

Differential diagnosis. Nama iuliae is very similar to N. erikae sp. n. in the following characters: elytra with very dense row of subspatulate erect setae; head with eyes not protruding from outline; the straight suture between ventrites 1 and 2. It can be differentiated by the apex of the protibia with straight mesal and lateral edges, the more slender pronotum (1.3 times wider than long), the shorter first two funicle segments, the long penis, parallel-sided, slightly widest at apical portion, with broadly rounded apex and the nodulus of the spermatheca oblique to the ramus.

















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