Naddia aeneipennis CAMERON

De, G., 2014, The genus Naddia in Borneo (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1737-1765 : 1746-1747

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Naddia aeneipennis CAMERON


Naddia aeneipennis CAMERON View in CoL

(Figs, 4, 4a, 4al, 4b, 4bl, 4c)

Naddia aeneipennis CAMERON 1930: 166 View in CoL .

Naddia aeneipennis HAMMOND 1984: 206 View in CoL .

Naddia aeneipennis HERMAN 2001: 3353 View in CoL .

Holotype: N. BORNEO, BETTOTAN NR. SANDAKAN, Aug. 22 nd 1937. Naddia aeneipennis Cam. / Type / M. Cameron Bequest BM 1955-147 (in Natural History Museum, London).

Additional material 1: SABAH, Quoin Cocoa Estate, Block 93 nr. Tawau , xii.1981, J. Waage, pitfall trap. Naddia aeneipennis Cam. Det. A. Smetana 1990 (in NHML) ; 9 exx.: INDONESIA, Borneo, Kalimantan Tengah, Busang / Rekut confl. 0˚03’S 113˚59’E, Flight Intercept FIT 9, Brendell / Mendel August 2001, ‘ Barito Ulu’ BMNH(E) 2001-191 (in NHML) ; 1 & 1: SABAH, Danum Valley, B.R.L., f.i.t. 14-16.II.2007, G. de Rougemont (in RCO) ; 1 & 1: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Lahad Datu, Ulu Segama For. Res., Danum Valley Forest Centre, 04˚57.9’N 117˚48.1’E, 200 m alt., xi.2005, 1˚ Forest, FIT, coll. Mann, Slade & Villanueva, OUMNH-2006-051 (in OUMNH, 1 ex in LL)) ; 1: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Sandakan Div., Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Trail to OG2, N4º44.738’ E116º58.187’ N, 28-29.iii. 2011, 282 m amsl., coll. Mann (in OUMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Tawau 11-17.x.2012 4.66N 117.60E, 100m Alt. Coll. C.L. Gray, SAFE project area, F.I.T, Riparian forest strip in oil palm, OUMNH-2013- 056 (in OUMNH) GoogleMaps .

Redescription: Proportions (of a male from Danum valley in RCO): length: 11 mm; length of head: 1.4; total length of head: 1.6; breadth of head: 1.7; length of eye: 0.7; length of temple: 1.1; length of antenna: 2.1; length of pronotum: 2.7; breadth of pronotum: 2.6; length of elytron: 2.4; breadth of elytra: 2.3. Habitus: fig. 4.

Head quadrate, the temples only slightly dilated. Eyes very large, their diameter in dorsal view manifestly greater than length of temples. Antennomeres 1-3 elongate, 4-5 slightly elongate, 6-10 increasingly strongly transverse, 2-3 times broader than long. Protarsi less strongly dilated than in most Bornean species apart from N. asetosa .

Integument of whole body black; antennae and legs black, the protarsi reddish brown. Pubescence of head sparse, black, except for a few forwardly directed paler hairs on temples; pronotum with sparse visible white pubescence on anterior half of sides, a transverse band of such sparse pubescence a little before the middle, and a few more such hairs extending posteriad on either side of the mid-line; elytra covered with long reddish coppery pubescence except on anterior and lateral margins, the anterior 2/3rd of sides with very pale brassy pubescence that make them look as though the integument had a brassy reflex; abdominal tergites and paratergites III-V with some sparse, scattered very short silvery white hairs; tergite VI with in addition a very narrow continuous band of such pubescence along the anterior margin; tergite VII with scarcely any white hairs; male tergite VIII: see description below. Tibiae also with white pubescence.

Sculpture of head moderately coarse, consisting as in most Naddia species of discrete umbilicate punctures near posterior margin and on temples and longitudinal rugae on rest of surface; sculpture of pronotum moderately coarse, leaving an entire, relatively broad mid-longitudinal band, narrowed in the middle, the umbilicate punctures discrete posteriorly and laterally, much closer, sub-rugose near suture, the interstices coalescing into some oblique rugae anteriorly; puncturation of abdominal tergites very fine and dense.

Male: sternite VII (fig. 4c) modified, the long setae arising not only from the anterior margin of depression but also in clumps in the middle, the remaining visible surface of depression densely, isodiametrically micro-sculptured; tergite VIII (figs 4b, 4bl) with a deep median, almost foveate depression, behind this with two very dense brushes of long black setae directed inwardly, borne on a salient blade arising from the surface of tergite, overlaid by very long pale setae arising in front of the blade; the posterior margin of tergite produced into an obtuse point; sternite VIII with a small, broad and very shallow median emargination; aedoeagus: figs 4a, 4al, the median lobe not very dilated anteriorly in ventral view, truncate (the terminal structure in the photograph is an extruded part of the inner sac); basal sclerite dark, glossy, apparently occupying entire entire ventral surface of median lobe; paramere, uniquely in the Bornean species of Naddia , long, subparallel, occupying nearly half the length of median lobe between the basal foramen and apex, in lateral view visibly detached from median lobe, freely articulated,

Variability: females, especially the ones from the Maliau basin and from BRL (length: 12 mm; breadth of head: 2.3 mm) are larger than the type and other males.


Natural History Museum, Tripoli
















Naddia aeneipennis CAMERON

De, G. 2014

Naddia aeneipennis

HERMAN L 2001: 3353

Naddia aeneipennis

HAMMOND P 1984: 206

Naddia aeneipennis

CAMERON M 1930: 166
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