Miltochrista miraculosa, Volynkin & Huang, 2022

Volynkin, Anton V. & Huang, Si-Yao, 2022, On the taxonomy of the genus Miltochrista Hübner with descriptions of five new species from India and China and notes on the genus Arctelene Kirti & Gill (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini), Ecologica Montenegrina 58, pp. 86-108 : 88

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scientific name

Miltochrista miraculosa

sp. nov.

Miltochrista miraculosa View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1, 2 View Figures 1–12 , 43 View Figures 43–46 , 59 View Figures 59–62 )

Type material. Holotype ( Figs 1 View Figures 1–12 , 43 View Figures 43–46 ): male, “ India mer., Kerala | 6km N Munnar, 1700m | Kodalar Tea Estate | 10’06N/77’04E | 14.– 15.4.1997 leg. | Schintlm. & Siniaev | Bergregenwald 14°С” / “Slide | ZSM Arct. | 297/2017 ♂ | A. Volynkin ” ( MWM / ZSM).

Paratype: female, India mer., 1000m, Tamil Nadu, Kalkad Wildlife Sanctuary, Manjolai , 6– 7.IV.1997, 8°15'N, 77°27'E, tea estate / rainforest, Sinyaev & Schintlmeister, gen. prep. No.: ZSM GoogleMaps Arct. 298/2017 (prepared by Volynkin) ( MWM / ZSM).

Diagnosis. The forewing length is 13.5 mm in the holotype male and 14.5 mm in the paratype female. The new species has a forewing pattern similar to M. inconspicua , M. aurora , M. monoklina sp. n. and M. kerala sp. n. but differs clearly from them in its markedly larger size and bright yellow forewing colouration, which is pink or yellowish-pink in the aforementioned congeners. However, the male genital structure of M. miraculosa sp. n. is most similar to M. ochracea . The male genital capsule of the new species is distinguished from M. ochracea by the less downcurved and evenly distally tapered uncus (it is medially dilated in the congener), the broader apex of the costa bearing a smaller distal process (directed ventrad in both the species), and the markedly shorter distal saccular process. Additionally, the valva of the new species is constricted postmedially and has a somewhat upcurved distal section whereas it is straight and evenly tapered distally in the congener. The phallus of M. miraculosa sp. n. is shorter and broader than in M. ochracea , has a longer coecum and a longer and broader dorsal proximal process. Compared to M. ochracea , the vesica of the new species is broader, has a shorter distal diverticulum, and a markedly more robust distal cornutus. In the female genitalia, M. miraculosa sp. n. is distinguished from M. ochracea by the anteriorly broader antrum, the broader corpus bursae with a markedly longer and broader semi-circular cluster of longer and thicker spines. Additionally, the lateral pockets of the 7 th abdominal sternite of the new species are longer than in M. ochracea and conical, whereas they are semi-elliptical in the congener.

Distribution. South India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the unusually large size and nice appearance of the new species. The name is a noun in the nominative singular in apposition.


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology













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