Metrichia longiphallata, Mey & Ospina-Torres, 2018

Mey, Wolfram & Ospina-Torres, Rodulfo, 2018, Contribution to the Trichoptera fauna of the river La Vieja, Bogotá, Colombia (Insecta: Trichoptera), Zootaxa 4504 (1), pp. 23-40 : 30

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scientific name

Metrichia longiphallata

sp. nov.

Metrichia longiphallata spec. nov.

( Figs 6 View FIGURES 4–6 A–6C, 14B)

Holotype ♂, Colombia, Bogotá, Chapinero, Quebrada La Vieja , 6.ii.2017, hand net, leg. W. Mey, genitalia slide Mey 23/17 ( ICN).

Paratypes: 2♂, same locality, 6.ii.2017, hand net, leg. W. Mey, genitalia slide Mey 06/18 ( MfN) .

Etymology. Latin adjective longiphallata , “with long phallus,” named for the extreme length of the phallic apparatus.

Description. Male. Length of each forewing 2.8 mm. head and palpi brown, vertex with grey hairs; antennae short, dark brown, with some white flagellomeres in middle and in subapical position; each with 22 flagellomeres, apical segment acute; ocelli large, black-ringed; forewings each with black ground colour and white spots at apex and arculus; legs brown, hind tibiae with long hairs dorsally, spurs 1.3.4.

Male genitalia ( Figs 6 View FIGURES 4–6 A–6C, 14B): Segment IX in lateral aspect about 1.5 times as long as inferior appendages, posterior margin straight, anterior margin narrowed, membranous dorsally; superior appendages large and elongate; segment X long, triangular, reaching middle of inferior appendages; dorsolateral hooks nearly straight, apex pointed; inferior appendages in lateral view longer than high, each with ventral margin nearly straight, dark spots or teeth absent on rounded apical margin; phallic apparatus much longer than segment IX and inferior appendages together, inflated basally then abruptly constricted and straight, two small subapical teeth present, apical part laterally winged; inner side with dark ductus seminalis from base to tip.

Diagnosis. Because of the very long phallic apparatus with a long, dark internal tubule (= ductus seminalis) the new species appears to be most similar to M. macrophallata Flint 1991 . It can be distinguished from this species by the much longer phallus, the different form of the inferior appendages, and the little curved dorsolateral hooks.

Rhyacopsyche matthiasi Flint 1991

Material: 1 ♂ Colombia, Bogotá, Chapinero, Quebrada La Vieja , 16.xi.2016, hand net, leg. W. Mey, genitalia slide Mey 03/17 ( ICN) .

Remarks. The species was described from Colombia, Antioquia. This is the second record of the species, which is suggestive of a wider distribution in the Colombian Andes.


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Museum für Naturkunde













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