Meriania penningtonii Rob.Fern., R.Goldenb. & Michelang., Nordic J. Bot.

Fernandez-Hilario, Robin, Goldenberg, Renato & Michelangeli, Fabián A., 2023, A synopsis of Meriania (Melastomataceae: Merianieae) in Peru, Phytotaxa 602 (1), pp. 1-101 : 50

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Meriania penningtonii Rob.Fern., R.Goldenb. & Michelang., Nordic J. Bot.


18. Meriania penningtonii Rob.Fern., R.Goldenb. & Michelang., Nordic J. Bot. View in CoL 39(3)-e02669: 2 (2021).

Type:— PERU. San Martin [Amazonas]: Rioja to Pedro Ruíz , border with Amazonas [near to CP Buenos Aires], 1800 m, 05°45’S, 77°40’W, 04 Dec 2003 (fl.), T.D. Pennington, R.T. Pennington & A. Daza 17639 (holotype: MOLF! [barcode 000003 ]; GoogleMaps isotypes: E! [barcode E00177820 ], K! [barcode K000544378 ], MOLF! [barcodes 000004 , 000005 ]) . ( Figures 42–43 View FIGURE 42 View FIGURE 43 ).

Comments:— Meriania penningtonii is clearly distinguished by its quadrate and 4-winged internodes (the wings projections up to 3.5 mm high) ( Fig. 43B View FIGURE 43 ), the nodes without interpetiolar flaps, callose dorsal projections on the calyces, spreading, reddish-purple corollas, and stamen connectives with dorsal appendages as mere humps ( Fig. 42E View FIGURE 42 ). Other species such as M. tetragona ( Ecuador and Peru) and M. nobilis Triana ( Colombia) have quadrangular-winged internodes, but none of these species have evident winged projections like M. penningtonii . Additionally, the dorsal projections on the calyx are whitish and much lighter than the rest of the calyx and hypanthium when dry ( Fig. 42G View FIGURE 42 ), which makes M. penningtonii easily recognisable. Meriania callosa , M. fantastica Alvear, Humberto Mend. & Almeda , M. rigida and M. sessilifolia have spreading corollas and calyces with callose dorsal projections, but in these species the projections are never whitish when dry. A detailed comparison of M. penningtonii with other related species can be found in Fernandez-Hilario et al. (2021).

Distribution and phenology:— Meriania penningtonii is endemic to northern Peru (Department of Amazonas) and occurs in montane forests at 1800–2180 m ( Fig. 44 View FIGURE 44 ). It has been collected in flower in July and December.

Specimens examined:— PERU. Amazonas: Prov. Bongará, Dist. Yambrasbamba, bosque “El Toro” de la Comunidad Campesina de Yambrasbamba , 2088 m, 05°39’16.9”S, 77°54’36.9”W, 23 Jul 2015 (fl. bud), S. Almeyda & C. Castillo 18 ( MOLF!, UPCB!), GoogleMaps Abra Patricia-Alto Nieva Private Conservation Area, Abra Patricia , from the highway to the mountain top, 2180 m, 05°40’03.67”S, 77°46’14.56”W, 20 Jul 2014 (fl.), Y.F. Deng et al. 1660 ( USM!), GoogleMaps inmediaciones del CP Miraflores , 1960 m, 05°42’16.44”S, 77°55’54.18”W, 10 Nov 2020 (fl. bud), R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2030 ( HOXA!, MOLF!, NY!), GoogleMaps ruta desde CP Santa Rosa hacia bosque El Toro , 2000 m, 05°40’15.03”S, 77°55’26.60”W, 11 Nov 2020 (fl.), R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2058 ( HOXA!, MOLF!, NY!, UPCB!), GoogleMaps ruta desde CP La Florida hacia finca de Don Ilario , 2100 m, 05°40’21.68”S, 77°57’16.02”W, 12 Nov 2020 (fl.), R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2072 ( HOXA!, MOLF!, UPCB!) GoogleMaps .






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