Meri tambor, Rheims & Jäger, 2022

Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80 : 63

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scientific name

Meri tambor

sp. nov.

Meri tambor View in CoL spec. nov.

Figs 253–256 View FIGURES 253–259 , 260–262 View FIGURES 260–264 , 318 View FIGURES 315–318

Type material. Holotype: BRAZIL: Amazonas : ♂, Parque Nacional do Jaú (‑1.8671, ‑61.5875), 1–8 August 2001, I. Ghizoni Jr. leg. ( INPA 3522 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratype: BRAZIL: Amazonas: 1♂, from the same vial as holotype ( INPA 3522 View Materials ) .

Etymology. The specific name refers to the Tambor community, original inhabitants of the area that now encompasses the Jaú National Park; noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males of M. tambor spec. nov. resemble those of M. vanini spec. nov. ( Figs 285–288 View FIGURES 285–291 ) by the palp with RTA distally blunt and embolus bulging prolaterally at base, with long, distad, laminar subdistal projection and barely conspicuous membranous area (see Fig. 100 View FIGURES 99–102 ). They are distinguished from the latter species by the RTA longer than wide ( Fig. 255 View FIGURES 253–259 ) and embolus bulging retrolaterally at base ( Fig. 256 View FIGURES 253–259 ) (RTA wider than long and embolus without retrolateral bulge in M. vanini spec. nov.). Females are unknown.

Description. Male (holotype): Total length 11.6. Prosoma 5.0 long, 4.5 wide. Opisthosoma 6.1 long, 3.4 wide. Eyes: diameters: 0.40, 0.32, 0.24, 0.31; interdistances: 0.30, 0.11, 0.45, 0.42, 0.30, 0.21. Legs: I: 31.5 (8.2, 2.7, 9.0, 9.3, 2.3); II: 33.6 (9.1, 2.9, 9.6, 9.6, 2.4); III: 22.0 (6.5, 2.0, 6.2, 5.8, 1.5); IV: 25.8 (7.2, 2.2, 7.0, 7.4, 2.0). Spination following the generic pattern. Palp: PTA subtriangular, distally rounded, roughly 1.5 times wider than long; RTA roughly 1.5 times longer than wide; cymbium with long retroproximal projection; subtegulum visible between 9–11 o’clock in ventral view; tegulum with small protrusion close to conductor base; conductor widest at base, distally fanned; embolus with subdistal projection roughly 2 times longer than wide (in ventral view) ( Figs 238–241 View FIGURES 238–244 , 245–247 View FIGURES 245–249 ).

Female: unknown.

Variation. Males (n = 2): total length 10.1–11.6; prosoma length 5.0–5.1. femur I length 7.8–8.2.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality ( Fig. 318 View FIGURES 315–318 ).













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