Melanothereva frayjorge, Winterton & Irwin, 2023

Winterton, Shaun L. & Irwin, Michael E., 2023, Revision of the South American stiletto fly genera Entesia Oldroyd and Melanothereva Malloch, with the description of a new genus (Therevidae: Agapophytinae), Zootaxa 5269 (1), pp. 1-82 : 59-63

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scientific name

Melanothereva frayjorge

sp. nov.

Melanothereva frayjorge View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 39 View FIGURE 39 ; 40 View FIGURE 40 ; 43E, F View FIGURE 43 ; 53 View FIGURE 53 )


Diagnosis. Dark species with numerous robust macrosetae and light brown dorsocentral vittae; male with additional macrosetae on occiput; small black setae on frons above antenna; wing smoky infuscate; thorax and legs black; female lacking spermathecal sac.

Description. Body length.7.0– 8.5mm (male),8.0– 9.6mm (female). Head.Frons flat,pubescence silver ventrally, brown dorsally, small patch of short black setae above antenna in male, female setae short and sparse, male with eyes contiguous below anterior ocellus; male postocular setae black, elongate and recurved, additional macrosetae irregularly arranged on occiput, occiput relatively convex, pubescent silver; antennal scape shorter than flagellum, black, overlain with grey pubescence, relatively few large, black setae; flagellum brown. Thorax. Scutum black, overlain with grey to light brown pubescence as a pair of dorsocentral medial vittae joining posteriorly, scattered black setae, denser anteriorly, macrosetae black, chaetotaxy: np, 4; sa, 1; pa, 1; dc, 4–6; sc, 1; scutellum black, overlain with brown pubescence; pleuron black with sparse grey pubescence, black setae on anepisternum, katepisternum and katatergite; coxae black, overlain with silver-grey pubescence, setae black; femora dark brown, short black setae admixed with longer white setae, hind femur lacking subapical macroseta; tibiae and tarsi black with black macrosetae; wing smoky infuscate, darker and yellowish anteriorly, venation dark, costal margin setae arranged in two rows; haltere brown. Abdomen. Dark brown to black with brown pubescence dorsally, mostly dark setae, longer laterally in male, male abdomen without silver velutum, abdominal tergite 2 with patch of short modified setae posteromedially; terminalia brown. Male terminalia. Epandrium elongate, pointed posterolaterally; cerci elongate, brown; macrosetae dark and robust on epandrium and gonocoxites; gonocoxites and appendages brown; outer gonocoxite process small, triangular; phallus with dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath narrowly forked; distiphallus straight and tapered; ejaculatory apodeme narrow; gonocoxal apodemes relatively broad. Female terminalia. As per genus description, spermathecal sac absent.

Etymology. The species epithet is derived from the type locality, Fray Jorge National Park.

Comments. Melanothereva frayjorge sp. n. is a typical member of the genus, with a black body, dark infuscate wings and numerous macrosetae. It is very similar in appearance to M. lugubris , and can be differentiated by the lighter wing infuscation and pair of dorsocentral vittae on the scutum. The spermathecal sac is also absent in the female of this species, a trait shared only with M. lugubris ; all other Agapophytine species have a spermathecal sac and its absence in these two species is clearly secondary and supportive of the sister pair relationship.

Type material— Holotype male, CHILE: Coquimbo Region: Quebrada los Hornitos, Fray Jorge National Park road [-30.6197, -71.5622], 4.XI.1997, M.E. Irwin, 440 ft. (MEI106579; MEUC) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. CHILE: Coquimbo Region: 5 males, same data as holotype (MEI106559, 106572, 106576–8; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 9 males, Fray Jorge National Park , park entrance gate [-30.6325, -71.6104], 19.XI.1997, E.I. Schlinger, 1100 ft. (MEI106561–2, 106565–71; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, Fray Jorge National Park [-30.6505, -71.6887], 2.XII.1997, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger, Malaise in rocky creek bed, 240 m (MEI106573, 106687; MEUC) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Fray Jorge National Park, El Mineral [- 30.6571, -71.6657], 3.XI.1997, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger, 225 m, Malaise in wet creek bed (MEI106560; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, Fray Jorge National Park, Quebrada Las Vacas , 2 km NW administration, [-30.6448, -71.6572], 2.XI.1997, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger, Malaise across damp wash 550 ft., (MEI106681; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, Fray Jorge National Park [-30.6448, -71.6572], 2.XI.1997, Malaise on bank of Quebrada Las Vacas, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger, 190 m, (MEI106686; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Vicuna , substation experimental [-30.0435, -70.6881], 29.IX–3.X.1997, M.E. Irwin, D.K. Yeates, Malaise in dry ravine (MEI106788; CSCA) GoogleMaps .

Other material examined— CHILE: Coquimbo Region: 1 female, same data as holotype ( MEUC) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, Fray Jorge National Park [-30.6397, -71.6495], 12.XII.2003 – 1.I.2004, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, Malaise in picnic area, pan trap, 250 m ( CASC) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, Fray Jorge National Park, El Mineral [-30.6573, -71.6651], 1–7.XI.2003, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, 224 m, Malaise in wash upstream of seep ( CASC) GoogleMaps ; 15 females, Quebrada El Arrayan , 33 km S La Villa [-30.1951, -70.9338], 16–19.X.2003, M.E. Irwin, 653 m, Malaise in vegetated draw ( CASC) GoogleMaps . Maule Region: 1 male, 20 km E Petrero Grande, El Relvo [-35.1858, -70.9357], 23.I–8.II.2004, J.E. Barriga, Malaise ( CASC) GoogleMaps .


Universidad de Chile


California State Collection of Arthropods















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