Megophrys (Xenophrys) parva ( Boulenger, 1893 )

Mahony, Stephen, Kamei, Rachunliu G., Teeling, Emma C. & Biju, S. D., 2020, Taxonomic review of the Asian Horned Frogs (Amphibia: Megophrys Kuhl & Van Hasselt) of Northeast India and Bangladesh previously misidentified as M. parva (Boulenger), with descriptions of three new species, Journal of Natural History 54 (1 - 4), pp. 119-194 : 131-133

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Megophrys (Xenophrys) parva ( Boulenger, 1893 )


Megophrys (Xenophrys) parva ( Boulenger, 1893) View in CoL

Leptobrachium parvum Boulenger, 1893, p. 344 View in CoL , Pl. XI, fig. 2, In: Concluding report on the reptiles and batrachians obtained in Burma by Signor L. Fea, dealing with the collection made in Pegu and the Karin Hills in 1887 – 8. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 2 (13), 304 – 347 + pls. VII – XII.

Lectotype. Male (MSNG 29412 A) from ‘ Karin Bia-po ( Birmania) ’ [location now encompass northwestern Thandaunggyi township, Hpa-An district, northern Kayin state, eastern Myanmar], collected by M.L. Fea, between 22 May and 5 November 1888 ( Vinciguerra 1890; Capocaccia 1957).

Examined material. Two adult female paralectotypes ( BMNH 1947.2 .25.9 [ex. BMNH (18)] & BMNH 1947.2 .25.10 [ex. BMNH (18)]), and two adult male paralectotypes ( BMNH 1947.2 .25.11 [ex. BMNH (18)], & BMNH 1947.2 .25.12 [ex. BMNH (18)] [ Figure 3 View Figure 3 ]) from ‘ District of Karin Bia-po ’, Myanmar, purchased from L. Fea, date registered 1893 ( BMNH Accessions Register).

Paralectotype description BMNH 1947.2.25.12 (measurements in mm). Adult male ( SVL 33.9) ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 ). Head small, longer than wide ( HW 11.5, HL 11.9, IFE 5.4, IBE 9.2); snout rounded in dorsal view, obtuse in lateral view, protruding beyond mandible ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (c)); rostral appendage absent; loreal region slightly acute, concave, canthus rostralis angular; dorsal surface of snout slightly concave; eye longer than maximum tympanum diameter ( EL 4.0, TYD 2.2), slightly shorter than snout length (SL 4.2); eye – tympanum distance ( TYE 1.5) less than maximum tympanum diameter; tympanum circular, not obscured by

supratympanic ridge ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (c)); pupil vertical; nostril oval, orientated laterally, closer to eye than to snout ( EN 2.2, SN 2.4); internarial distance greater than eyelid width and narrowest point between upper eyelids ( IN 3.7, UEW 3.4, IUE 3.3); pineal ocellus not visible externally; vomerine ridges tear-drop shaped, weakly raised, with short vomerine teeth, positioned between choanae, closer to each other than to choanae, choanae broadly crescent shaped and larger than vomerine ridges; maxillary teeth present; tongue moderately large, distinct notch posteriorly and medial lingual process absent.

Forelimbs moderately long, thin ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (a,b)); forearms slightly enlarged relative to upper forelimbs, forearm shorter than hand length ( FAL 7.1, HAL 9.5); fingers long, narrow, lateral dermal fringes absent ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (d)), digit length formula I <IV = II < III ( FIL 3.3, FIIL 3.9, FIIIL 6.6, FIVL 3.9); interdigital webbing, and inner metacarpal, subarticular and supernumerary tubercles all absent; thenar and outer metacarpal tubercles weak; fingertips slightly expanded, flattened, with circular pads, terminal grooves absent on digit tips. Hindlimbs long, thin ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (a,b)); thigh shorter than shank, and longer than foot (TL 14.4, SHL 14.8, FOL 13.5); toes long, rounded, lateral dermal fringes absent ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (e)), relative digit lengths I <II < V < III <IV; toe tips slightly dilated, with distinct circular pads, terminal grooves absent on digit tips; webbing rudimentary; outer metatarsal, subarticular and supernumerary tubercles absent; inner metatarsal tubercle indistinct; ridge of callous skin present on ventral surface of all toes.

Skin of dorsal surfaces of body, limbs, and dorsal and lateral surfaces of head weakly granular; tympanum smooth, slightly concave with borders slightly raised; small tubercle present on outer edge of upper eyelid; supratympanic ridge narrow anteriorly, widening considerably posteriorly, extending from orbit in a straight line to upper tympanum border, broadly curving obliquely downward along posterior border of tympanum, terminating above axilla on each side ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (c)); flanks with medium-sized scattered tubercles; moderately strongly raised dorsolateral ridge extends from behind supratympanic ridge to approximately 70% of trunk length on both sides; moderately weak, ‘ Y ’ - shaped parietoscapular-dorsal ridge present, extending posteriorly from above tympanum on each side, meeting medially at level of forelimb insertion ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (a)); short transverse ridges present on dorsal surface of thighs, shanks and lower forelimbs. Gular region, chest, abdomen and ventral surfaces of limbs smooth; pectoral glands mediumsized, tubercular, positioned on chest at level of axilla ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 (b)); femoral glands medium-sized, flat, positioned sub-equally distant from knee and cloaca. Minute white spinular skin asperities present, moderately dense on dorsal surfaces of body (including all dermal ridges), sparse on dorsal forelimbs, shanks and tarsus, posterior abdomen and ventral thighs, posterior lower mandible, region around tympanum and posterior upper eyelids. A discrete patch of fine white spinules present on inner surfaces of axilla extending marginally onto pectoral region.

Refer to Figure 3 View Figure 3 for colouration and markings in preservation. Colouration in life not originally documented.

Variation. See Table 2 for morphometric variation in the paralectotype series consisting of two adult males and two adult females. The other examined paralectotypes differ from that described above by the following characters: on three other paralectotypes, webbing between toes appears to be absent; on adult male BMNH 1947.2 . 25.11, nuptial pads appear to be absent (this might be artefact of preservation); on BMNH 1947.2 .25.11, vomerine ridges explanation of measurement abbreviations and collection acronyms.


Obafemi Awolowo University


Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, (CSIC-UPF)




Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Megophrys (Xenophrys) parva ( Boulenger, 1893 )

Mahony, Stephen, Kamei, Rachunliu G., Teeling, Emma C. & Biju, S. D. 2020

Leptobrachium parvum

Boulenger 1893: 344
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF