Lygus cruzi, Usinger, 1946

Usinger, Robert L., 1946, Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam, Insects of Guam II, Honolulu, Hawaii: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 189, pp. 11-103 : 65-66

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scientific name

Lygus cruzi

sp. nov.

61. Lygus cruzi View in CoL , new species.

Elongate-oval, convex above, the surface rugosely punctate and clothed with numerous backwardly directed hairs.

Head nearly half again as broad as long, 34:24; eyes large, nearly three times as long as anteocular region, 17: 6; and about as wide as narrowest point of vertex, 11.5: 11; surface impunctate, minutely rugose and clothed with very scattered inconspicuous hairs; vertex distinctly carinate. Rostrum short, its tip obscured but apparently reaching only to apices of middle coxae; proportion of segments one to three, 14: 13: 10. Antennae over ~ice as long as width of pronotum, 98: 46; proportion of segments, 17: 40: 23: 18.

Pronotum less than twice as broad as long, 46: 28; longer than head on median1 •line, 28: 24; disk rather strongly convex, the callosities poorly defined but slightly elevated, smooth; hind margin scarcely concave at middle.

Scutellum about as long as wide at base; slightly more than half as wide as pronotum, 25: 46; disk quite strongly convex, smooth only apically.

Hemelytra long, the membrane exceeding tip of abdomen by two fifths of its total length; commissure of clavus four fifths as long as scutellum.

Color brown above, the front of head reddish on juga and lora and brownish between eyes except for yellow at bases of antennae and along inner margins of eyes. Antennae with first segment pale basally and ferrugineous apically, second segment ferrugineous basally and dark brown apically, third segment white on basal half and dark brown on apical half, fourth segment white on basal fourth and darker apically. Pronotum with pale anterior collar, posterior margin and humeri. Scutellum pale apically. Hemelytra pale brownish with darker brown at middle of clavus, extreme inner apex of corium, and apical two thirds of cuneus. Outer apex of corium tinged with reddish and base of cuneus clear, hyaline. Membrane faintly embrowned throughout. Under surface pale brown tinged with red, the middle of abdominal venter yellow and tarsi very pale.

Size: length 4.1 mm., width (pronotum) 1.53 mm.

Holotype male, Upi Trail, May S, miscellaneous sweeping, Swezey.

The characteristic markings will distinguish this species from other Lygus of Guam and elsewhere. This species is named in honor of Antonio Cruz, Guam agriculturist, who helped us in so many ways during our visit.













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