Lycosepsis biseta L. PAPP, 2006

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 160-161

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111


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scientific name

Lycosepsis biseta L. PAPP

sp. nov.

Lycosepsis biseta L. PAPP View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 48–50 View Figs 45–53 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): THAILAND: Fang , Mae Fang National Park, Doi Pha Hom Pok, 2000 m, 20. XI. 2003, No. 8, UV light, leg. L. PEREGOVITS, M. FÖLDVÁRI, Á. KŐRÖSI, A. SZAPPANOS & B. MAKLÁRI-KIS.

Paratypes: 2 males (one of them with abdomen and genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): ibid., 1430 m, 21. XI. 2003, No. 9, swept along creek and forest road, leg. M. FÖLDVÁRI ; 1 male: 8 km E of Doi Anh Kang , over a rocky brook, Nov 2, 2004, No. 17, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI.

Measurements in mm: body length 3.85 (holotype), 3.10–3.30 (paratypes), wing length 2.53 (holotype), 2.23–2.40 (paratypes), wing breadth 0.76, 0.65–0.70.

Head less flattened than in L. oedipus : length 0.625 mm, height 0.49 mm. Anterior margin of frons and cheeks light yellow, almost all frons, as well as vertex, occiput and posterior part of genae black shiny, particularly so for orbitalia. Interfrontalia dark granulose. Subocular rim of genae dirty yellow. Palpus short, ca. 0.15 mm, thin, bat-shaped, apical hair minute. Scape and pedicel light yellow, first flagellomere infuscated. Vibrissa (holotype) 0.175 mm long.

Mesothorax, metathorax, prosternum and abdomen dark, subshining blackish brown, prothorax, except for its dorsal part, and postpronotum lighter. Mesonotum without any sign of sagittal microtomentose line. 1+2 dorsocentral pairs, anterior one well cranial to anterior notopleural. Acrostichal macrochaetae (3–4) not aligned in a straight line nor paired. Mesothoracic setae otherwise as in L. oedipus . Apical process of scutellum shorter and thicker than in L. oedipus : scutellum in sagittal line to the base of process 0.12 mm (holotype), process 0.062 mm long, lateral scutellar setae 0.065 mm, apical sc 0. 388 long, emerging from a globose process.

All coxae (incl. cx1) yellow, all tarsi except for the slightly darkened tarsomeres 2–5 or only 4–5 fore tarsomeres. Tibiae all dark but the apical 1/4 of mid tibia. Fore and hind femora strongly thickened, mid femur less so. Femora variegate in colour: fore femur lighter (ochre) in medial half, darker laterally, hind femur with a broad brown stripe medially and subapically each. Fore femur anteroventrally with 7(8) thick black spines in apical 2/5, shortening anteriorad. Mid femur with 2 spines anteriorly at 25/52 and 39/52. Hind femur with 2 longer (second one particularly long) and 3 shorter black spines on anteroventral 1/3. Mid tibial armature: posterodorsals: very long at 13/51, 27/51, shorter at 17/51, anterodorsals: shorter at 20/51, 31/51, long and thick at 46/51, medium long ventral at 35/51, a short ventral subapically.

Wing brownish, slightly darker at apical part of r1 cell. Costal sections R2+3 – R4+5 – M 14: 5 (holotype), 28: 9 (paratype), medial vein sections from base 40:31:87, i.e. 0.50: 0.39: 1.09 mm. Halteres dark brown, apical half of knob white.

Abdominal tergites 1–6 medially with thick grey microtomentum. Tergite 1 caudally and tergite 2 cranially with a short inverted U-shaped yellowish sign. Sternites similar to those of F. paratinctipennis but sternite 5 broader, its lateral “arm” thin, less sclerotized. Sternite 6 shorter, its sagittal incision larger. Male sternite 8 with a pair of 0.15 mm long, strong setae. Epandrium shorter and broader. Surstylus ( Fig. 48 View Figs 45–53 ) digitiform, slightly ventrally (caudally) directed. Cercal and surstylar setae medium-long. Surstylar process under epandrium triangular ( Fig. 50 View Figs 45–53 ). Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 49 View Figs 45–53 ) with modified stalk, intricately sclerotized basal part, distal part broad fan-shaped.

Lycosepsis biseta sp. n. keys to couplet 3 in ANDERSSON’ s (1976) key, but does not fit the description. It was named after the two strong spines on the anterior side of mid femur. Although its hind femur is thicker than that of L. hamata , it is easy to distinguish from L. oedipus , since its fore tarsomeres 2–4 are not black.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle













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