Lychnophora hatschbachii (Robinson) Loeuille, Semir & Pirani, 2019

Loeuille, Benoît, Semir, João & Pirani, José R., 2019, A synopsis of Lychnophorinae (Asteraceae: Vernonieae), Phytotaxa 398 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Lychnophora hatschbachii (Robinson) Loeuille, Semir & Pirani

comb. nov.

9. Lychnophora hatschbachii (Robinson) Loeuille, Semir & Pirani View in CoL , comb. nov. Lychnophoriopsis hatschbachii Robinson (1992b: 644) . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Diamantina , rodovia Guinda–Conselheiro Mata, km 20, 21 May 1989, G. Hatschbach & V. Nicolack 53058 (holotype: MBM [MBM0128682]; isotypes: CTES e! [CTES0013956], MO e! [MO934299], US [ US 00386309]) ( Fig. 22 G View FIGURE 22 ).

Distribution and habitat: — Brazil (Minas Gerais, in the Diamantina Plateau). Campo rupestre; 1000–1220 m.

Taxonomic Notes: —A rarely collected species, quite distinct by the glabrous phyllaries.Similar to L. candelabrum : see that species for a discussion of the differences.

Representative specimens: — BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Diamantina, estrada Conselheiro Mata– Diamantina, km 166, 23 February 1986, J. Semir et al. CFCR 9552 (SPF, UEC); ibid., rodovia Guinda–Conselheiro Mata, 19 March 1997, G. Hatschbach et al. 66511 (MBM, NY, US); ibid., estrada para o Telésforo, morro próximo a cidade, 18°16’52”S, 43°58’15”W, 1062 m, 21 October 2007, P.O. Rosa et al. 935 (HUFU, SPF).

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