Leptopareia borneana ( Cameron, 1908 ), 2016

Rosa, Paolo, Wei, Na-Sen, Notton, David & Xu, Zai-Fu, 2016, Revision of the Oriental genus Holophris Mocsáry, 1890 and description of the genus Leptopareia Rosa & Xu, gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), Zootaxa 4083 (2) : 212-214

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scientific name

Leptopareia borneana ( Cameron, 1908 )

comb. nov.

Leptopareia borneana ( Cameron, 1908) , comb. nov.

( Figs 1C View FIGURE 1 , 2A View FIGURE 2 , 3A View FIGURE 3 , 7A–7F View FIGURE 7 )

Hedychrum borneanum Cameron, 1908: 61 . Lectotype (here designated), ♀, Borneo: Kuching (BMNH).

Hedychrum borneanum Cameron : Bischoff 1913: 18.

Ellampus (Holophris) bakeri Mocsáry, 1913: 287 . Holotype ♀, Philippine: Luzon, Los Baños (HNHM) (synonymized by Kimsey & Bohart 1991: 224).

Ellampus (Holophris) bakeri Mocsáry : Rohwer 1921: 691.

Omalus bakeri (Mocsáry) : Balthazar 1966: 188.

Holophris borneanus (Cameron) : Kimsey & Bohart 1991: 224.

Material examined. MALAYSIA: lectotype: ♀, [Borneo, Sarawak] Kuching , J[ohn]. H[ewitt] / P. Cameron Coll. 1914-110 . / Y20 / Type [red label] / B.M. Type Hym. 13.32/ BMNH(E) #970536 / Hedychrum borneanum Cam. Type Borneo / Syntype Hedychrum borneanum Cameron, P., 1908: 61 det. D. Notton, 2015 / Syntype / Lectotype Hedychrum borneanum Cameron, 1908 , desig. Notton & Rosa, 2015. INDONESIA: 1♀, W Java, 700 m Bandoeng, 24–30.X.1941, leg. J. Olthof ( NMLS); 1♀, S. Moluccas [= Maluku Is.], Ambon, IV.1941 C. Soja E. Lundquist ( NMLS). PHILIPPINE: 1♀, Ins. Philipp. / Los Baños P.I. Baker / Holophris Bakeri Mocs. type. det. Mocsáry / Holotypus Ellampus bakeri Mocsáry L.D. French / id nr. 135057 HNHM Hym. coll. ( HNHM); 4♀♀, Ins. Philipp. / Los Banos P.I. Baker / red label / Autotyp. / Not a Type det. L.D. French ( HNHM); 2♀♀, Mt. Makiling, Luzon, Baker / red label / Autotyp. / Not a Type det. L.D. French ( HNHM); 1♀, Cuernos, Mt. Negros, Baker / ♀ Holophris bakeri Mocs. Kuk '59 / Omalus bakeri ♀ Mocsáry det. L.S. Kimsey / Homotype Omalus borneanus ♀ (Cameron) det. L.S. Kimsey (BME); 1♂, Cuernos, Mt. Negros, Baker / ♂, Holophris bakeri Mocs. Kuk '59 (BME); 1♀, Cebu Philippines IV.1917 / F.X. Williams Collector / Homotype Ellampus bakeri Mocsáry det. L.D. French / Omalus borneanus (Cam.) det. L.S. Kimsey '87 (BME); 1♀, Manila, P.I., R.C. McGregor 25 Jan 1919 / Cornell U. Let786 Sub. 22 / Omalus s.s. bakeri Mocs. ♀ det. L.D. French / Omalus borneanus (Cam) det. L.S. Kimsey '86 (BME). THAILAND: 1♀, Phetchabun, Khao Kho Natl. Park, Mix deciduous near office, elev. 230 m, 16°39.6'N 101°08.1'E MT, 12–19.II.2007 leg. Somchai Chachumnan & Saink Singtong T1604 (BME); 1♀, Kanchanaburi, Khuean Srinagarindra National Pk. Huai Mae Kamint / Headquartier / 14°38'N 98°60'E, MT, Somboon & Daorueng, 9–16.X.2008, T3465 (BME); 1♀, Mae Hong Son Namtok Mae Surin National Park E/Huai Fai Kor reservoir, 19.20.6'N 97°59.3'E, 27.IV–4.V.2008 Kamkoon, MT, T3515 (BME); 1♀, Suphanburi Phu Toei Natl. Park Phu Toei hilltop/rd 14°57.3'N 99°27.0'E, 650 m, 19–25.IX.2008, P. Wangkum, MT, T3564 (BME).

Diagnosis. Leptopareia borneana ( Cameron, 1908) resembles L. purpurea ( Smith, 1860) for general habitus, and complete notauli with deep notaular pits. However, it can be easily separated from the latter by pronotum and mesoscutum impunctate (micro-punctate in L. purpurea ).

Redescription. Female. Body length 3.9–5.2 mm. Fore wing length 3.5–4.0 mm. OOL = 2–2.2 MOD; POL = 2–2.5 MOD; MS = 0.2–0.3 MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1:1.3:0.8:0.8.

Head. Head with deep and large punctures on frons and vertex ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ). In lateral view, longest distance between genal carina and lower margin of eye 1 MOD. Scapal basin usually deep, laterally with long setae, finely transversally wrinkled or striate. Gena with fine and oblique wrinkles and small punctures. Ocellar triangle isosceles; postocellar line deep and continuous. Occipital area beneath ocellar area with tiny punctures.

Mesosoma. Pronotum almost impunctate ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ), with sparse tiny punctures; with row of large and deep punctures on anterior margin, and large, deep and dense punctures on lateral margins. Mesoscutum impunctate, with sparse tiny punctures; notaular pits deep, round and large (0.6 MOD in diameter), notauli distinct and complete ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ). Mesoscutellum without fovea on anterior margin, impunctate antero-medially with or without tiny punctures; rest of mesoscutellum with round, deep and large punctures (0.5 MOD in diameter). Metanotum evenly round, with large (up to 1 MOD), deep and round or irregular punctures equally interspaced ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ). Mesopleuron with large and dense punctures, without wrinkles or elongated punctures ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). Tarsal claw with four teeth.

Metasoma. T1 impunctate. T2 almost impunctate, with dense tiny punctures close to lateral and posterior margins. T3 almost impunctate, with tiny punctures on lateral margins. T2 and T3 with wide (>1 MOD) semitransparent rim, on T3 medially interrupted by large metallic area (about 2 MOD) ( Fig. 7F View FIGURE 7 ).

Colouration. Body entirely metallic green to blue ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ); metasoma sometimes with violet reflections. Scape and pedicel metallic green; flagellum black, without metallic reflection. Tegula brown with green to blue metallic reflections. Legs metallic green, with tarsi brown and without metallic reflection.

Male. Similar to female, usually with a little smaller body (3.5–4.0 mm) and shorter F1 (1.1× P).

Variation. There are some differences among lectotype of Hedychrum borneanum and other examined specimens. F1 of lectotype partially metallic green, whereas black without metallic reflection in almost all other specimens; head of lectotype with large blackish spot around ocellar area, which is not observed in other specimens; scapal basin of lectotype striated, whereas largely smooth in other specimens.

Distribution. Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, * Thailand.

Remarks. Cameron (1908) described Hedychrum borneanum based on a series of female specimens collected in Borneo at Kuching and housed at the BMNH.

The lectotype of Hedychrum borneanum Cameron is here designated on the sole specimen left in the BMNH to fix the current interpretation of the species. The designation is needed because further syntype may exist in other collections, as already observed for the types of other Cameron species by Quinlan (1974) and Notton et al. (2009). The inference of holotype by Kimsey and Bohart (1991) is incorrect, since no holotype was designated and the number of specimens in the type series is unclear, ICZN recommendation 73F should be applied.


Natur-Museum Luzern


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Leptopareia borneana ( Cameron, 1908 )

Rosa, Paolo, Wei, Na-Sen, Notton, David & Xu, Zai-Fu 2016

Holophris borneanus

Kimsey, L. S. & Bohart, R. M. 1991: 224

Ellampus (Holophris) bakeri Mocsáry

Rohwer, S. A. 1921: 691

Hedychrum borneanum

Bischoff, H. 1913: 18

Ellampus (Holophris) bakeri Mocsáry, 1913 : 287

Kimsey, L. S. & Bohart, R. M. 1991: 224
Mocsary, A. 1913: 287

Hedychrum borneanum

Cameron, P. 1908: 61
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