Leptohyphes pilosus Allen and Brusca 1973

Baumgardner, D. E. & Mccafferty, W. P., 2010, Revision of the genus Leptohyphes Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) in North and Central America, Zootaxa 2360 (1), pp. 1-33 : 23

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Leptohyphes pilosus Allen and Brusca 1973


Leptohyphes pilosus Allen and Brusca 1973 View in CoL

Leptohyphes pilosus Allen and Brusca, 1973:91 View in CoL ; Allen, 1978.

Diagnosis: The larvae of L. pilosus possess long hair-like setae on the head, thoracic nota, and legs, which distinguishes this species from others in North and Central America.

Description: Male Adult: Unknown. Larva: Length. Body, 4.5 mm; caudal filaments, 5.0 mm. General coloration light yellowish brown. Head: pale brown with black markings; antennae pale. Thorax: pale light brown; without anterolateral projections or median tubercles; original description lists long seae along margin of nota, which are not present on the holotype (see “Discussion” below). Legs. Missing from specimen with no associated slide(s) (see “Discussion” below). The following brief description is based upon the original written description and figures ( Allen and Brusca, 1973). Proleg (see fig. 10a, Allen and Brusca, 1973): femur with transverse row of elongate setae along dorsal surface; anterior margin with scattered robust and numerous filiform setae; posterior margin with elongate setae medially, and numerous filiform setae along entire margin; tibia with two rows of elongate setae along anterior margin, and numerous filiform setae; posterior margin with numerous filiform setae; tarsus row of elongate setae along anterior margin, and numerous filiform setae along anterior and posterior margin. Meso- and metalegs (see fig. 10b, Allen and Brusca, 1973): femora with scattered, stout setae on dorsal surface; anterior margin with numerous filiform setae; posterior margin with numerous filiform setae, and evenly spaced elongate setae along most of margin; tibia with numerous filiform and elongate setae along anterior and posterior margins; tarsus with elongate setae along anterior margin, and filiform setae along posterior margin. Claws of all legs with four to five marginal, and one submarginal denticle. Abdomen (see fig. 28, Allen and Brusca, 1973): terga light brown with black median macul on all tergites, and with black sublateral maculae on terga one through seven; numerous elongate setae present medially on terga; sublateral margins of terga with numerous elongate setae; operculate gill grey with pale markings; gill formula 2/?/?/?/? (most gills missing from body).

Distribution: This species is known only from the holotype larval specimen collected in Veracruz, Mexico.

Discussion: Examination of the holotype does not resemble the description given for this species in terms of long hair-like setae on the abdominal terga. The holotype specimen does not match figure 28 given by Allen and Brusca (1973), or figure 37 given by Allen (1978). Also, the holotype has faded to yellow, with no other markings or maculations as given in the original description. In addition, slides associated with the holotype specimen cannot be located, which evidently contained all the legs and mouthparts. The validity of this species will remain in doubt until additional specimens matching the description can be found or the holotype slides located.

Type material examined: HOLOTYPE (female larva): MEXICO: Vera Cruz : Río San Marcus at Apapantilla 3 mi. SE Villa A. Camacho (elev. 700 ft.), 12.xi.1968, RK Allen. [ CAS Type #11979]

Other material examined: None.


California Academy of Sciences














Leptohyphes pilosus Allen and Brusca 1973

Baumgardner, D. E. & Mccafferty, W. P. 2010

Leptohyphes pilosus

Allen, R. K. & Brusca, R. C. 1973: 91
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF