Lavoisiera crassifolia Martius & Schrank ex Candolle (1828: 104)

Martins, Angela B. & Almeda, Frank, 2017, A Monograph of the Brazilian endemic genus Lavoisiera (Melastomataceae: Microlicieae), Phytotaxa 315 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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scientific name

Lavoisiera crassifolia Martius & Schrank ex Candolle (1828: 104)


13. Lavoisiera crassifolia Martius & Schrank ex Candolle (1828: 104) View in CoL . Type :— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: “in altis ad Serro Frio ( Diamantina ) Brasiliae,” C. F . P. Martius 1358 (holotype: M-0165450-n.v., online image!, photos: F!, NY!) .

= Lavoisiera camposportoana Barreto (1935a: 8–9) View in CoL . syn. nov. Type :— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: “Habitat in civitate Minas Geraes, in campis siccis arenosisque in Serra do Cipó, secus margines viarum ad vicum Morro do Pilar et ad urbem Conceicão do Serro, ubi frequentissima,” 3 February 1934, A. J. Sampaio 6580 (holotype: R-28758!; isotypes: R-28758a- n.v., online image!; R-28758b-n.v., online image!).

Erect, much-branched subshrubs 40–80 cm tall (sometimes perennating from a lignotuber) or rarely shrubs to 2 m, dichotomously branched, branches sometimes virgate, typically glabrous except for rare glandular trichomes on abaxial foliar surfaces of some leaves and at the apex of calyx lobes and petals. Branches and branchlets subrounded, slightly furrowed longitudinally on opposite faces, at first leafy to the base or leaves congested at the ends of branchlets, defoliating and decorticating basally with age; internodes 2–8 mm long, corky, with knobby thickenings that persist where a leaf has fallen away, nodes with short glandular trichomes mostly evident at the adaxial base of the blades. Leaves sessile to obscurely subsessile, petiole 1–1.5 mm long, flat, antrorsely spreading to subimbricate at the ends of the branchlets; blade 10–22 × 6–12 mm (rarely 24 × 17 mm), coriaceous, typically oblong-elliptic but varying to linear-oblong or ovate-oblong (Eiten & Eiten 6885), base subrounded to attenuate, apex obtuse to broadly acute, sometimes shortly mucronulate, margins entire, subcallose, reddish, glabrous on both surfaces, pale to dark green, flat or slightly keeled, 1-nerved. Flowers 5–6(–7)-merous, terminal, solitary or in simple dichasia, sessile or subsessile. Bracts subtending the flowers eventually become wider and longer (23 × 14 mm) than the principal leaves toward the end of the branchlets. Hypanthium (at anthesis) 5–10 × 4 mm (7–8 mm wide distally), campanulate and terete, glabrous, somewhat granulose, yellowish-green or occasionally flushed red. Calyx tube 0.5–2 mm long; calyx lobes (at anthesis) 3–6 × 4–5 mm, chartaceous, widely ovate to suborbicular, apex long-acuminate sometimes varying to cuspidate, margins entire, glabrous or sparsely glandular-ciliate abaxially and inconspicuously glandular-puberulent adaxially especially at the base, slightly keeled at the apex, persistent. Petals 18–28 × 15–25 mm, pink (pale or dark) lacking a discrete patch or band of white or yellow at the base, or occasionally white (with pinkish apex especially in bud) with a greenish-yellow band at the base, widely obovate to spatulate, apex truncate to emarginate or obtuse-apiculate, sometimes lacerate or shortly and inconspicuously glandular-ciliolate, base attenuate, margin entire. Stamens 10, 12, or 14, dimorphic: large (antesepalous) stamens (5–)6(–7), filaments 6–8 mm long, anther thecae 3–4 × 1 mm, oblong, yellow to orange-pink or rarely reddish then turning brown, rostrum ca. 0.4 mm long, yellowish-white, pedoconnective 4–6 mm long, appendage ca. 2–2.5 mm long, shallowly bilobed, yellow; small (antepetalous) stamens 5–6(–7), filaments 3–4 mm long, anther thecae 3 × 1 mm, oblong, yellow, rostrum ca. 0.3 mm long, pedoconnective ca. 2 mm long, appendage 0.5–0.7 mm long, rounded, yellow. Ovary 5–6-locular, 2/3 inferior, style 6–7 mm long, curved at the apex, glabrous, stigma punctiform. Fruiting hypanthium (including calyx lobes) 15 × 3–4 mm. Capsule (at maturity) 8–20 mm long, brown, enveloped by the persistent hypanthium and calyx lobes, dehiscing from the base to the apex. Seeds 1.19–1.41 × 0.50–0.65 mm, oblong to subreniform, yellowish-brown, periclinal cell walls of the testa concave (foveolate), the raphal zone about 30% the length of the seed. Chromosome number: n=12.

Illustrations:— Figure 34 View FIGURE 34 ; Martius (1831: t. 267).

Photographic images:— Figures 2D–F View FIGURE 2 ; 7E, F View FIGURE 7 .

Phenology:—Flowering all year; fruiting specimens have been collected in June, October, and November but sporadic fruiting surely occurs in other months as well.

Distribution and habitat:—Endemic to Minas Gerais where it can be locally common from the Serra do Cipó and Serra do Cabral north to the Diamantina plateau with one known population from the Serra da Jacobina in Bahia in campo rupestre, margins of gallery forests, campo sujo, and grassy meadows at 1200–1500 m elev. Figure 26 View FIGURE 26 .


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Conservation status:—This comparatively widespread species is known from about 100 collections representing many populations that have been sampled over many decades. The EOO is 5,306 km ² and the AOO is 76 km ². Several populations are protected in Parque Estadual do Biribiri, Parque Nacional Serra do Cipó, and Parque Estadual da Serra do Cabral. In view of its local abundance and comparatively broad geographic distribution we recommend a classification of Least Concern (LC).

Discussion:— Lavoisiera crassifolia is a prevailingly glabrous shrub with thick, leathery, oblong-elliptic leaves, branchlet nodes with a dense continuous ± flattened line of inconspicuous glandular trichomes at the adaxial base of each blade, 5–6(–7)-merous flowers, persistent calyx lobes that taper to a long-acuminate or cuspidate apex, and a 5–6-locular ovary. Although its leaf blades are largely glabrous, L. crassifolia exhibits some

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MARTINS & ALMEDA anomalous but uncommon foliar indumentum, and variation in floral merosity, petal color, and the color of the anther thecae on the larger set of antesepalous anthers. During field work we encountered one individual of this species, Almeda et al. 8484, from the município of Diamantina in Minas Gerais, with gland-tipped trichomes (mostly 1.5–2 mm long) on the abaxial surface and margins of leaves on some branches whereas all adaxial foliar surfaces and other branches on the same plant had completely glabrous leaves like typical L. crassifolia from throughout its range. We have also found this kind of anomalous indumentum in one individual of L. macrocarpa (see discussion under that species) and in Microlicia wurdackiana Almeda & A. B. Martins (2012: 468–470) but we are at a loss to explain its significance. In L. crassifolia , some of these anomalous gland-tipped trichomes are nested in a cluster of small sessile glands reminiscent of what is typical of L. glandulifera and L. harleyi .

Lavoisiera crassifolia is also variable in floral merosity and in the color of petals and the larger set of anther thecae ( Figures 2D–F View FIGURE 2 ). Floral merosity varies from 5–7-merous with most populations being modally 6-merous. The species exhibits two floral color morphs. Most of the populations have pink (pale or dark) petals that lack a discrete patch or band of white or yellow at the base. Plants from a region about 6–15 km north of Serro in Minas Gerais consistently have white petals with a greenish-yellow band at the base. The pink morphs have flowers ranging from 5–7-merous whereas all the white morphs appear to be consistently 7-merous. The color of the larger anther thecae can also vary from yellow ( Figures 2D, E View FIGURE 2 ) to pink or orange ( Figure 2F View FIGURE 2 ) or even reddish or brownish (Almeda et al. 8903). Based on our field observations it appears that all white-petaled flowers have yellow large anther thecae but the pink petal morphs vary across the color variation spectrum noted above. Additional field observations are needed to determine whether this anther color variation is genetic or age-related. Following pollination the anthers of most species turn brownish at least in part.

Mello Barreto (1935a) described Lavoisiera camposportoana from the Serra do Cipó (Minas Gerais) to include plants with large 5–6-merous flowers, dense foliage, and entirely flat leaves. This floral merosity and the measurements he gave for petal size (18–28 × 13–26 mm) are essentially identical to the range of variation we attribute to L. crassifolia . Because foliar density (especially on upper branches) and perceived flatness of leaf blades are variable in this species and are unimportant characters for circumscribing a species we here relegate L. camposportoana to synonymy.

Lavoisiera crassifolia resembles L. rigida in overall habit, leaf size and shape, and persistent calyx lobes. It seems likely that the two species are closely allied. This latter species differs in having (6–7–)8-merous flowers, an 8-locular ovary, shorter calyx lobes (1–1.5 mm), and exclusively pink-magenta petals with a white patch at the adaxial base. Another character that is present in L. crassifolia but lacking in L. rigida is the dense but inconspicuous nodal trichomes that form a more or less flattened line at the adaxial base of each leaf blade.

Additional specimens examined:— BAHIA: Igreja Velha, Serra da Jacobina, Blanchet 3390 (NY!). MINAS GERAIS: Mpio. Serro, estrada para o Distrito de Milho Verde, ca. 6 km da cidade de Serro, 18°38'S, 43°22'W, Almeda et al. 7807 (CAS!, UEC!); Mpio. Congonhas do Norte, off the road between President Kubitschek and Congonhas do Norte, 29 km N of the latter, 18°38'S, 43°39'W, Almeda et al. 8442 (CAS!, MO!, UEC!); Mpio. Diamantina , 10 km S of the turn-off to Cristais on the road to Biribiri, 18°11'S, 43°37'W, Almeda et al. 8470 (CAS!, UEC!); Mpio. Diamantina, Cachoeira Sentinela on the road to Biribiri, 18°10'S, 43°37'W, Almeda et al. 8477 (CAS!, MO!, UEC!); Mpio. Diamantina , Road to Mendanha in the vicinity of Córrego Soberbo, 18°11'S, 43°33'W, Almeda et al. 8484 (CAS!, UEC!); Mpio. Diamantina , Road to Mendanha in the vicinity of Córrego Soberbo, 18°11'S, 43°33'W, Almeda et al. 8485 (CAS!, NY!, UEC!); Mpio. Diamantina , 4 km W of Hwy MG 220 along the road to Conselheiro Mata , 18°16'S, 43°42'W, Almeda et al. 8499 (CAS!, MO!, NY!, UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó. Km 104 along the road from Lagoa Santa to Conceição do Mato Dentro, 19°15'S, 43°33'W, Almeda et al. 8605 (CAS!, MO!, UEC!); Serra do Cipó, Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Km 130 on road from Serra do Cipó (formerly Cardeal Mota) to Conceição do Mato Dentro just S of and downslope from the Juquinha memorial statue, 19˚15.593’S, 43˚33.176’W, Almeda et al. 8903 (CAS!, COL!, UEC!); Diamantina plateau, 11 km N of Guinda on the road to São João da Chapada, 18˚10.143’S, 43˚42.582’W, Almeda et al. 8941 (CAS!, MO!, UEC!); Mpio. Serro, Distrito of Milho Verde, 18˚28.055’S, 43˚29.53’W, Almeda et al. 9051 (BHCB!, CAS!, MICH!, UEC!); Mpio. Diamantina , 4 km beyond Mendanha, 18˚5.498’S, 43˚32.958’W, Almeda et al. 9107 (BHCB!, CAS!, COL!, MICH!, UEC!); Mpio. Diamantina , 5 km SW of Diamantina, Km 305 on MG 259, Anderson et al. 35427 (F!, MICH!, MO!, NY!, US!); Mpio. Diamantina , ca. 12 km by road W of Diamantina on road to Curvelo, Anderson 8432 (F!, NY!, US!); Mpio. Diamantina , 2–4 km S de São João da Chapada, 18°7'S, 43°46'W, Arbo et al. 4458 (CAS!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Badini 3832 ( US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Badini & Mello Barreto 3386 (R!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, próximo à estatua do Velho


Phytotaxa 315 (1) © 2017 Magnolia Press • 85 Juquinha, Benko-Iseppon 289 (SPF!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó; Fazenda Alto do Palácio, Bonfim et al. s.n. (BHCB!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada para São João da Chapada, Cordeiro et al. CFCR 9472 (CAS!, SPF!, US!); Serra do Cipó, Damazio 2029 (RB!); Serra do Cabral, Rodovia Joaquim Felício-Pirapora, Davis et al. 2496 (UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Kms 135–136, Duarte 2217 (F!, MO!, NY!, RB!); Entre Serro e Diamantina, Duarte 9052 (F!, G!, NY!, RB!, US!); de Serro para Diamantina, Duarte 9642 (RB!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, along road at Km 121, 19°18'S, 43°35'W, Eiten & Eiten 6885 (K!, NY!, UB!, US!); Mpio. Gouveia, Serra do Barro Preto, 43°54'S, 18°36'W, Furlan et al. CFCR 3223 (CAS!, SPF!, US!); exact locality not specified, Gardner 4582A (R!); Ibid., Gardner 4583 (BM!, K!); Mpio. Diamantina, Serro do Frio, Gardner 4584 (BM!); Mpio. Diamantina, Biribiri, Mocoto, Glaziou 18275b (P!); Glaziou 19267 (BR!, C!); Glaziou 19268 (BR-3!, C!, G!, K!, LE!, NY!, R!, US!); Mpio. Gouveia, Serra do Espinhaço, Hatschbach et al. 27301 (MBM!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada para Salto da Divisa, Hatschbach et al. 27421 (MBM!, US!); Mpio. Pres. Kubitchek, Rod. BR 259, Km 433, Hatschbach et al. 51003 (C!, S!, US!); Mpio. Gouveia, Rod. MG 259, próximo ao trevo para Datas, Hatschbach et al. 68142 (MBM!); Mpio. Diamantina, Guinda, Hatschbach 27366 (MBM!, US!); Mpio. Datas, Vila do Palmital, Hatschbach 27499 (C!, MBM!, US!); Mpio. Diamantina, Conselheiro Mata, Hatschbach 30209 (C!, MBM!, MO!); Estrada Serro-Milho Verde, Horta & Andrade 2 (BHCB!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 115 (ca. 140 km N of Belo Horizonte), Irwin et al. 20493 (NY!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, summit of Serra do Cipó, Km 145 (ca. 170 km N of Belo Horizonte), Irwin et al. 20632 (F!, MO!, NY!, RB!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, summit of Serra do Cipó, Km 145 (ca. 170 km N of Belo Horizonte), Irwin et al. 20645 (NY!); Serra do Espinhaço at Lapinha, ca. 15 km N of Serro on road MG 2 to Diamantina, Irwin et al. 20744a (MO!, NY-2!); Mpio. Diamantina, Serra do Espinhaço at Lapinha, ca. 19 km N of Serro on road MG 2 to Diamantina, Irwin et al. 20816 (MO!, NY!, UB!, US!); ca. 12 km SW of Diamantina, Irwin et al. 22189 (CAS!, MO!, NY!, UB!, US!); Mpio. Diamantina , ca. 15 km NE of Diamantina on road to Mendanha, Irwin et al. 22579 (CAS!, MO!, NY!, US!); ca. 44 km N of São João da Chapada, Irwin et al. 28242 (F!, NY!, RB!, US!); Road between Serro and Diamantina , 32 km SSE of Datas, Koyama et al. 13888 (NY!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, nas proximidades da divisa do Parque rumo Conceição do Mato Dentro, Leitão Filho et al. 27339 (UEC!); Mpio. São Gonçalo do Rio Preto, Parque Estadual do Rio Preto, 18°5'S, 43°20'W, Lombardi 2943 (BHCB!); Serra do Cabral, Lassance, Lutz 1592 (R!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, between Kms 111 and 128, Maguire et al. 44700 (NY!, RB!, UB!, US!); Mpio. Serro, estrada para Gouveia, Marcondes-Ferreira et al. 1354 (UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, próximo ao Km 170, Martinelli & Távora 2593 (RB!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada Turmalina/ Diamantina, MG 2, Km 33 antes de Diamantina, Martinelli 5929 (RB!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada para Conselheiro Mata, Km 192, Mayo et al. CFCR 10473 (CAS!, SPF!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 140 da estrada do Pilar, Conceição, Mello Barreto 201 (F!, NY!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, estrada de Conceição, Mello Barreto 202 (F!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 138 da estrada para Conceição, Mello Barreto 203 (F!, NY!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 138 da estrada do Pilar, Conceição, Mello Barreto 204 (BHCB ex BHMH!, F!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 143-Pilar, Mello Barreto 1304 (K!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 145, Mello Barreto 1305 (RB!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 128, Mello Barreto 6746 (RB!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 127, Mello Barreto 7034 (BHCB ex BHMH!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 145, Mello Barreto 8939 (F!); Mpio. Diamantina, Arranca Rabo, Mello Barreto 9362 (BHCB ex BHMH!, F!, NY!); Mpio. Diamantina, Serra dos Cristais, Mello Barreto 9557 (F!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 140, estrada do Pilar, Mello Barreto 9666 (NY!, RB!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada para Conselheiro Mata , 18°17'S, 43°45'W, Mello-Silva & Pirani CFCR 11045 (SPF!, US!); Mpio. Serro, base do Pico do Itambé, Mendes Magalhães 1652A (BHCB ex BHMH!); Mpio. Serro, Serra do Serro, Mendes Magalhães 18935 (NY!, US!); Mpio. Diamantina, Agua Limpa, Pereira 1460 (F-2!, M!, NY!, RB!, US!); Mpio. Diamantina, Pereira 2787 (RB!); Entre Serro e Tijucal, Pereira & Pabst 2869 (B!, F!, NY!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, regiao do Congonhas, M. Pereira 751 (CAS!); Mpio. Serro, Rodovia Datas-Serro, Km 438, Planalto de Diamantina , 18°33'S, 43°33'W, Pirani et al. 4069 (CAS!, SPF!); Serra da Lapa (Serra do Cipó), Riedel s.n. (LE!); Mpio. Diamantina, Romariz 120 (RB!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada para Biribiri, ca. 7 km de Diamantina , 18°17'S, 43°37'W, Romero et al. 5413 (CAS-2!, HUFU); Mpio. Diamantina, Rodovia Diamantina-Curvelo , ca. 4.5 km de Diamantina, Sakuragui & V. C. Souza 156 (ESA!); Mpio. Diamantina, Rodovia Curvelo-Diamantina (BR 367), Km 571 em direção a Couto Magalhães; barranco à esquerda, sentido Diamantina-Mendanha, Salatino et al. 39 (UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, estrada de Conceição, Sampaio s.n. (R!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, estrada de Conceição, Sampaio 6584 (R!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada Diamantina-Três

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Barras; próximo ao vilarejo Três Barras, Scatena et al. CFCR 10537 (CAS!, SPF!, US!); Mpio. Diamantina, Serra dos Cristaes, Schwacke 7802 (RB!, W!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, ao longo da Rodovia Lagoa Santa-Conceição do Mato Dentro-Diamantina, Semir & A. M. Joly 3749 (UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 136, Semir 6517 (RB!, UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 136, Semir 8655 (UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, 19°15'S, 43°33'W, F. C. Silva 101 (RB!); Mpio. Diamantina, Rodovia Curvelo-Diamantina , 5 km de Diamantina, J. P. Souza et al. 2189 (ESA!); Mpio. Serro, ca. 11 km de Serro em direção a Milho Verde, V. C. Souza et al. 8295 (CAS!, ESA!, SPF!); Mpio. Pedro Lessa, ca. 5 km de Trinta Réis em direção a Pedro Lessa, Km 437 da Rodovia Serro-Datas, 18°33'S, 43°33'W, V. C. Souza et al. 8434 (ESA!); Estrada Guinda-São João da Chapada, 18°10'S, 43°50'W, Splett & Gröger 658 (SPF!, UB!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 122, Tryon & Tryon 6842 (NY-3!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, entre Posto Palácio e Serro, Vidal s.n. (R!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, entre Posto Palácio e Serro, Vidal IV-1207 (1954) (R!); Mpio. Couto Magalhães, Chapada do Couto, Wanderley et al. CFCR 4627 (CAS!, SPF!, US!); Mpio. Serro, 15 km N of Serro, Williams & Assis 6774 (NY!); Mpio. Diamantina , estrada para o povoado de Três Barras; próximo do vilarejo de São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras, Zappi et al. CFSC 10514 (CAS!, SPF!, US!).


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden














Lavoisiera crassifolia Martius & Schrank ex Candolle (1828: 104)

Martins, Angela B. & Almeda, Frank 2017

Lavoisiera camposportoana

Mello Barreto, H. L. 1935: )
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