Lampona russell, PLATNICK, 2000

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2000, A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (245), pp. 1-328 : 73

publication ID<0001:ARAROT>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lampona russell

sp. nov.

Lampona russell View in CoL , new species

Figures 138–141 View Figs ; Map 13 View Map 13

TYPE: Female holotype taken in pitfall trap in Russell River National Park , 178189S, 1458589E, Queensland (Oct. 30, 1991 – July 24, 1992; P. Lawless, R. Raven, M. Shaw), deposited in QMB ( S19912 View Materials ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: This species seems to be the northern sister species of L. airlie ; males have a shorter, wider tip on the retrolateral tibial apophysis (fig. 139); females have a diamond­shaped epigynal midpiece (fig. 140) and widened spermathecae with very small anterior portions (fig. 141).

MALE: Total length 5.1. Abdominal dorsum with anterior pair of white spots small, median pair forming w­shaped stripe, not connected to posterior spot; anterior femora darkened, femora with distal, tibiae with proximal and distal dark rings. Palpal femur darkened throughout its length; retrolateral tibial apophysis basally triangular, tip long, directed dorsally (fig. 139); tegulum produced posteroventrally, extending to about one­third of tibial length; embolus narrow throughout its length (fig. 138).

FEMALE: Total length 7.2. Coloration as in male. Epigynal midpiece short, diamondshaped (fig. 140); spermathecae bipartite, posterior portion wide, globose, anterior portion small, bulbous, situated near midline (fig. 141).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Queensland: Broadwater Park , 35 km NW Ingham, 188229S, 1458579E, Dec. 16, 1986, rainforest, elev. 60 m (G. Monteith, G. Thompson, S. Hamlet, QMB S15633 View Materials ), 1 /; Mission Beach , 178509S, 1468069E, Jan. 29–Mar. 4, 1996, pitfall, elev. 10 m (M. Cermak, QMB), 1/, July 29–Sept. 2, 1996, pitfall, elev. 10 m (M. Cermak, QMB), 1/, (M. Cermak, QMB S40191 View Materials ), 1?, intercept trap, elev. 10 m (M. Cermak, QMB S40183 View Materials ), 1 ?; Mission Beach , 178529S, 1468049E, July 29–Sept. 2, 1996, intercept trap, elev. 40 m (M. Cermak, QMB S40190 View Materials ), 1 ?; Mount Graham , 8 km N Abergowrie, 188229S, 1458529E, Dec. 29, 1986, rainforest litter (S. Hamlet, QMB S34282 View Materials ), 1 /; ca. 5 km W Paluma , 198009S, 1468129E, July 12, 1971, Berlese, rainforest, elev. ca. 950 m (Taylor, Feehan, QMB), 1 /; Russell River National Park , 178189S, 1458589E, July 24–Nov. 25, 1992, pitfall (R. Raven, P., E. Lawless, M. Shaw, QMB S21743 View Materials ), 1?, 1/ (missing epigynum) .

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from northern Queensland (map 13).


Queensland Museum, Brisbane













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