Laccaria violaceotincta K. P. D. Latha, K. N. A. Raj & Manim., 2019

Deepna Latha, K. P., Anil Raj, K. N. & Manimohan, Patinjareveettil, 2019, Laccaria violaceotincta: a new species from tropical India based on morphology and molecular phylogeny, Phytotaxa 392 (2), pp. 140-146 : 141-144

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.392.2.3

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scientific name

Laccaria violaceotincta K. P. D. Latha, K. N. A. Raj & Manim.

sp. nov.

Laccaria violaceotincta K. P. D. Latha, K. N. A. Raj & Manim. View in CoL , sp. nov. Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1

MycoBank MB 828942

Etymology:— violaceotincta (Latin) , violet-tinted, refers to the color of the basidiocarps of this species.

Diagnosis:—Differing from Laccaria vinaceoavellanea in having smaller basidiocarps with a glabrous pileus that lacks a furfuraceous surface, violet-tinted lamellae that are rather narrow and occasionally furcate, a stipe that is covered with reddish gray or violet gray fibrils, the presence of both 2- and 4-spored basidia, occasional presence of crassobasidia, versiform cheilocystidia, a cutis-type pileipellis, a cutis-type stipitipellis disrupted by trichodermial elements, and a distinctive nrITS sequence.

Holotype:— INDIA. Kerala State: Kollam District, Kulathupuzha, Sasthanada , myristica swamp, 20 September 2014, K. P. Deepna Latha DKP303 ( CAL 1389 About CAL ). GenBank accession: MK141034 (nrITS).

Description:— Basidiocarps small, somewhat collybioid. Pileus 4–38 mm diam., initially convex with a slight central depression, becoming applanate or somewhat plano-concave still with a central depression at maturity; surface dark brown (9F5/OAC621) at the center, reddish brown (9D5/OAC624) towards the margin when young, becoming violet brown (11E4/OAC603) at the center and on the striations, dull red (11C3/OAC583) elsewhere, strongly hygrophanous and becoming grayish violet (17B3/OAC410), initially pellucid-striate, becoming somewhat sulcatestriate, glabrous; margin incurved when young, becoming decurved to somewhat reflexed with age, finely crenate or wavy. Lamellae adnate or emarginate with a small decurrent tooth, subdistant, rarely furcate, violet gray (16C2/ OAC402), up to 3 mm wide, with lamellulae of 3 lengths; edge crenate, concolorous with the sides. Stipe 16–50 × 1.5– 4 mm, central, terete, equal or slightly tapering towards the apex, solid; surface reddish brown (8D4, 8D5/OAC604), covered with appressed reddish gray (12C2/OAC584) or violet gray (17B2/OAC403) fibrils over entire length; base enlarged, with white, basal mycelium. Odor and taste not distinctive. Spore print not obtained.

Basidiospores (6)7–8(9.5) × (6)7–8(9.5) (7.54 ± 0.81 × 7.29 ± 0.85) μm, Q= 1–1.17, Qm = 1.04, globose to subglobose with fine spines up to 2 μm long, with a conspicuous hilar appendix up to 1.5 μm long, inamyloid. Basidia 31–47 × 10–13 μm, clavate, hyaline or pale yellow with amorphous contents, thin-walled, 2- to 4-spored; sterigmata up to 10 μm long. Crassobasidia occasional. Lamella-edge sterile or heterogeneous. Cheilocystidia 19–104 × 4.5–10 μm, versiform; flexuose, flexuoso-cylindrical, clavate, clavate with a mucronate apex, pedicellate with a capitate apex or irregular, occasionally thick-walled towards the base (up to 1.5 μm thick), with hyaline, amorphous contents. Pleurocystidia absent. Lamellar trama subregular; hyphae 2.5–15 μm wide, thin- to slightly thick-walled, hyaline or with a pale brown wall pigment; a few oleiferous hyphae present. Pileus trama interwoven; hyphae 2–13 μm wide, slightly thick-walled (up to 1 μm thick), with a pale yellow wall pigment. Pileipellis a cutis; hyphae 2–22 μm wide, thin-walled, with a pale brown wall pigment and a hyaline encrustation. Stipitipellis a cutis disrupted by trichodermial patches towards the apex; trichodermial elements 20–121 × 4–12 μm, with a pale yellow wall pigment and hyaline amorphous contents; hyphae 2–17 μm wide, thin-walled, with a pale yellowish brown wall pigment. Caulocystidia absent. Clamp connections observed on all hyphae.

Habitat: — On soil, among decaying litter, scattered or in small groups.

Geographical distribution range:—Known only from the type locality in Kerala State, India.

Additional specimens examined:— INDIA. Kerala State: Kollam District, Kulathupuzha, Sasthanada , myristica swamp, 29 September 2010, K. N. Anil Raj AR359 ( CAL 1392 About CAL ) ; 21 September 2014, K. P. Deepna Latha DKP311 ( CAL 1390 About CAL ), 4 November 2015, K. P. Deepna Latha & K. N. Anil Raj DKP 419 ( CAL 1391 About CAL ) .

Comments:—A BLASTn search with the nrITS (686 bp) sequence of L. violaceotincta showed L. vinaceoavellanea as the closest hit (97% identity; JN942803) followed by L. yunnanensis (96% identity; JQ670897). Laccaria vinaceoavellanea Hongo (1971: 62) , a species originally reported from Japan ( Hongo 1971) and later redescribed by Mueller (1992) based on the type specimen, shares a few features with L. violcaeotincta such as a depressed pileus, adnate to subdecurrent lamellae, globose and subglobose basidiospores of almost the same size ((6.4)7.4–9.2(-9.7) × (6.4)7.4–9.2(9.7)) μm, and the presence of clamp connections ( Mueller 1992). Laccaria vinaceoavellanea , however, differs from L. violcaeotincta in having larger, brownish vinaceous basidiocarps with a pileus which is furfaraceous at the disc, a stipe which is always equal, basidiospores with longer spines (3.2 μm long), consistently 4-spored basidia, and a pileipellis which is disrupted with scattered fascicles of perpendicular hyphae. Also, Mueller (1992) observed no cheilocystidia in L. vinaceoavellanea .

Laccaria yunnanensis Popa, Rexer, Donges, Zhu L. Yang & G. Kost View in CoL (in Popa et al. 2014: 1113), a species recently described from China ( Popa et al. 2014), resembles L. violcaeotincta in having glabrous and translucent-striate pileus, basidiospores of almost similar size ((7.5) 8–9 × (7.5) 8–10 μm) and shape (globose to subglobose), a lamella-edge with cheilocystidia, and clamped hyphae. It, however, differs from L. violcaeotincta in having gregarious, larger basidiocarps (pileus 60–100 mm, lamellae 5 mm wide, stipe 30–100 × 3–15 mm) with a brownish to flesh-colored pileus, adnexed to adnate, flesh-colored lamellae, a glabrous stipe, a hymenium showing pleurocystidia and consistently 4-spored basidia. Laccaria olivaceogrisea Vellinga (1986: 224) View in CoL , an Indian species described by Vellinga (1986), resembles L. violaceotincta View in CoL in having basidiocarps with a faint violaceous hue, basidiocarps of somewhat similar size (pileus 9–32 mm diam. and stipe 23–45 × 2.5–6 mm), an apically tapered stipe with a white basal mycelium, globose basidiospores of almost similar size (7.5–9 × 7.5–9.5 μm), and clamped hyphae. Laccaria olivaceogrisea View in CoL however, is distinguished from L. violcaeotincta by its olivaceous gray basidiocarps with a pileus that is minutely tomentose to slightly floccosetomentose at the disc, strongly intervenose lamellae, a fistulose stipe with a strongly fibrillose to subcostate surface, basidiospores with slightly longer spines (2.5 μm long), consistently 4-spored basidia, a fertile lamella-edge devoid of cheilocystidia, a cutis-type pileipellis with ascending hyphae, and a cutis-type stipitipellis ( Vellinga 1986).

The phylogram ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) generated from the ML phylogenetic analysis using nrITS sequence data recovered a monophyletic Laccaria View in CoL with maximum bootstrap support (100% BS). Within this clade, the newly discovered L. violaceotincta View in CoL was found clustered with two tropical species, L. yunnanensis View in CoL and L. vinaceoavellanea View in CoL , with high bootstrap support (100% BS). Within this cluster, however, L. violaceotincta View in CoL formed a lineage distinct from other two species with strong bootstrap support (85% BS).

Based on the morphological features such as the highly hygrophanous and violet-tinted pileus, violaceous lamellae and stipe, globose basidiospores with fine spines and the presence of both 2- and 4-spored basidia, this new species can be placed either in sect. Laccaria or in sect. Amethystinae of Laccaria ( Vellinga 1995) .














Laccaria violaceotincta K. P. D. Latha, K. N. A. Raj & Manim.

Deepna Latha, K. P., Anil Raj, K. N. & Manimohan, Patinjareveettil 2019

Laccaria olivaceogrisea

Vellinga 1986: 224

Laccaria olivaceogrisea

Vellinga 1986

L. vinaceoavellanea

Hongo 1971


Berkeley & Broome 1883
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