Kapsulotaenia sandgroundi ( Carter, 1943 ) Freze, 1963

Chambrier, Alain De, Brabec, Jan & Scholz, Tomáš, 2020, Molecular data reveal unexpected species diversity of tapeworms of Australasian reptiles: revision of Kapsulotaenia (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae), Zootaxa 4869 (4), pp. 529-561 : 534

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scientific name

Kapsulotaenia sandgroundi ( Carter, 1943 ) Freze, 1963


1. Kapsulotaenia sandgroundi ( Carter, 1943) Freze, 1963 — type species

Syn. Proteocephalus sandgroundi Carter, 1943

Type and only known host. Komodo monitor, Varanus komodoensis Ouwens, 1912 ( Squamata : Varanidae ).

Site of infection. Small intestine.

Type locality. Komodo Island , Indonesia .

Additional localities. Flores Island, Indonesia.

Type material. Syntypes ( USNM 1337574 About USNM ) .

Material studied. Syntypes and vouchers (see de Chambrier 2006).

Morphological description. Carter (1943), Freze (1965), de Chambrier (2006); comparative measurements are in Table 2 View TABLE 2 .

Remarks. The species was described by Carter (1943) as Proteocephalus sandgroundi from Komodo monitor and then redescribed by Freze (1965) and de Chambrier (2006). It is a specific parasite of Komodo monitor ( de Chambrier 2006). Records from other hosts and geographical regions, such as that by Tran et al. (2016) from Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1768) in Vietnam, are considered erroneous, but no vouchers of these doubtful records are available for scrutiny.

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