Jasmineira gustavoi, Capa, María & Murray, Anna, 2015

Capa, María & Murray, Anna, 2015, A taxonomic guide to the fanworms (Sabellidae, Annelida) of Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, including new species and new records, Zootaxa 4019 (1), pp. 98-167 : 121-125

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scientific name

Jasmineira gustavoi

sp. nov.

Jasmineira gustavoi View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs 9–10 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 )

Material examined. Queensland, Lizard Island: Holotype: AM W.43875, MI QLD 2333 (in 2 pieces). Paratypes: AM W.47334, MI QLD 2444 (2).

Other material examined. Queensland, Heron Island: AM W.41162, AM W.41171, AM W.41172, North Wistari Reef, 23°27′07′′S, 151°52′02′′E, coral rubble, 12.5 m, 11 Nov 2009; AM W.39512 (on SEM), AM W.47335, Sykes Reef, 23°25′57′′S, 151°02′02′′E, coral rubble, 30 m, 14 Nov 2009; AM W.41165, Lamont reef, 23°36′08′′S, 152°03′02′′E, coral rubble, 15 m, 19 Nov 2009; AM W.41166, First Point, 23°25′56′′S, 151°56′02′′E, coral rubble, 13 m, 12 Nov 2009; AM W.41169, “Twin Peaks” fore-reef, 23°28′20′′S, 151°57′02′′E, algae, 13 m, 13 Nov 2009.

Description. Holotype with body 5 mm long, crown 3 mm long, 0.6 mm maximum wide, eight thoracic and 26 abdominal chaetigers. Live specimens are whitish-translucent with orange radiolar crown and bright orange-yellow gut, at least along the thoracic and mid anterior abdominal chaetigers ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A–B). Two large, red peristomial eyes present ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 C). Preserved specimens whitish, opaque, with no pigment in radiolar crown or body, only the peristomial eyes, brown after fixation, remain. Specimens fixed in 100% ethanol and stained with methyl green show pronounced single transverse bands in each segment of the ventral thorax and abdomen, stronger staining on the thoracic ventral shields, with the distal rim of the crenulated collar remaining unstained, as well as the dorsum of the thorax ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 D–F). Radiolar crown with semicircular lobes each with 10 radioles, with pinnules all similar in length ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 A–C, 10A, D). Four pairs of ventral radiolar appendages. Dorsal and ventral basal flanges absent. Basal membrane reduced, radiolar flanges absent ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A–C). Two rows of vacuolated cells supporting radioles basally. Radiolar eyes absent. Dorsal lips rounded, without dorsal radiolar appendages, pinnular appendages absent. Ventral lips and parallel lamellae present, ventral sacs absent. Posterior peristomial ring collar with dorsal margins fused to faecal groove, similar in height all around, with crenulated anterior margin, and ventrally separated by a midventral incision half the length of collar ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 D–E, 10A–D). Narrow glandular ridge around chaetiger 2 ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 D–E). Thoracic ventral shields not conspicuous ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 D). Interramal eyespots absent. Collar chaetae narrowly-hooded arranged in oblique rows ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 E). Following thoracic chaetigers with slightly elevated notopodia narrowly-hooded superior chaetae, paleate inferior chaetae with long mucro and an additional anterior row of bayonet chaetae ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 G, 10F–G). Thoracic neuropodial uncini acicular, with more than five rows of teeth diminishing in size posteriorly, covering half the length of main fang; basal row with three larger teeth ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 H, 10H–I). Companion chaetae absent. Abdominal chaetigers with inconspicuous neuropodia with elongate, narrowly-hooded chaetae ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 J). Abdominal uncini avicular, elongated, with five rows of similar-sized teeth, occupying half the length of main fang; reduced breast and medium-length handle ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 I–K, 10K). Pre-pygidial abdominal depression absent ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A, F). Pygidium conical, with a cirrus as long as five chaetigers, pygidial eyespots not seen ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 L). Tube not observed.

Pairsof Pairs of rad. Collar Collar Collar Collar Bayonet Vascular Abdominal Pygidial radioles appendages lateral midventral ventral lappets anterior chaetae loops chaetigers cirrus

incisions incisions margin

. analis Ehlers, 1908 View in CoL 3 3 present present elongate??? 7–15?

. bermudensis Hartman, 1965?? absent absent (?) absent? present? 31?

. reayi ( McIntosh, 1916) View in CoL ? 4??? crenulated present present??

. regularis Hartman, 1978 5? absent present low, rounded??? 24–28?

. schaudinni Augener, 1912** 12-16? absent absent long, rounded smooth present present 46–67 present

. gustavoi View in CoL n. sp. 10 4 absent present absent crenulated present reduced 17 present Probably not a Jasmineira View in CoL

Examination of specimens from NTNU University Museum, Trondheim (NTNU VM 23890), identified by P. Knight-Jones.

Variation. All the specimens collected, except for the holotype, had radioles broken off at the abscission plane, near the base of the crown, so the variation in the number of radioles, ventral radiolar appendages and other radiolar structures is awkward to assess, as is the variation of the total length of the specimens. Body length varies from 3–5 mm. Other features as described in holotype.

Remarks. Of the 17 species of Jasmineira considered as valid up to date ( Table 3), 12 are characterised by possessing a posterior peristomial ring incised midventrally (for two additional species this information is unknown), but of these, only four lack ventral lappets on the ventral margins of collar (for two species this information is unknown), and only one of them has been described with a crenulated anterior margin of the collar, Jasmineira reayi ( McIntosh, 1916) , described from Ireland. Jasmineira gustavoi n. sp. and J. reayi are distinguished by several morphological attributes: J. reayi was described as possessing inferior thoracic chaetae with medium-sized mucro ( Tovar-Hernández 2007b), whereas the new species has a very long mucro compared with other described Jasmineira species (e.g. Fitzhugh 2002), and J. reayi bears three rows of teeth over main fang on thoracic uncini whereas this new species bears around five. Other diagnostic features, such as the presence of a pygidial cirrus, could not be compared between the two species as the description of J. reayi lacks these details.

Etymology. This graceful species is dedicated to Gustavo Capa. He participated in the fieldwork as part of the Lizard Island Polychaete Workshop 2013 and was of good help in the laboratory despite his six years of age. Sabellids are, because of their beauty, his preferred polychaetes and yellow his favourite colour.

Habitat. Muddy sand, sand and Halophila seagrass, from 9 to 24 m depth.

Type locality. Lizard Island.

Distribution. Australia (Queensland: Lizard and Heron Islands).














Jasmineira gustavoi

Capa, María & Murray, Anna 2015

J. kikuchi

Nishi et al. 2009

J. labrofusca

Fitzhugh 2002

J. lobata

Fitzhugh 2002

J. crumenifera Hartmann-Schröder, 1986

Hartmann-Schroder 1986

J. bilobata

Day 1973

J. filiformis

Hartman 1965

J. filatovae

Levenstein 1961

J. pacifica

Annenkova 1937

J. princei

McIntosh 1916

reayi (

McIntosh 1916

J. caeca

Ehlers 1913

J. macrophthalma

Ehlers 1913


Ehlers 1908

J. elegans

Saint-Joseph 1894

J. caudata

Langerhans 1880
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