Ipsiura obidensis ( Ducke, 1903 )

Lucena, Daercio A. A., Kimsey, Lynn S. & Almeida, Eduardo A. B., 2016, The Neotropical cuckoo wasp genus Ipsiura Linsenmaier, 1959 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae): revision of the species occurring in Brazil, Zootaxa 4165 (1), pp. 1-71 : 56-57

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Ipsiura obidensis ( Ducke, 1903 )


Ipsiura obidensis ( Ducke, 1903)

( Figs 157–162 View FIGURES 157 – 162 )

Chrysis obidensis Ducke, 1903: 231 . Lectotype Ƌ [examined by photos]: BRAZIL: Pará, Óbidos (MNHN). Designed by Bohart, in Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 511).

Chrysis anisitsii Brèthes, 1908 . Lectotype ♀ [not examined]: PARAGUAY: Asunción (MACN). Designed by Bohart, in Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 511). Synonymized by Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 511).

Hexachrysis anisitsi Bischoff, 1910 . Lectotype ♀ [not examined]: PARAGUAY: Asunción (ZMHU). Designed by Bohart, in Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 511). Synonymized by Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 511).

Neochrysis (Ipsiura) obidensis: Kimsey & Bohart 1981: 78 .

Ipsiura obidensis: Bohart 1985: 710 .

Diagnosis. Ipsiura obidensis most closely resembles I. lata Bohart. It can be distinguished from I. lata by the metanotum irregularly cristate medially (strongly cristate in I. lata ), and the TFC closed medially, much broader than long (slightly interrupted and longer than broad in I. lata ). Ipsiura obidensis can be distinguished from other Ipsiura species by the following combination of characters: T3 with six distal teeth, the lateral teeth usually are strongly obtuse, prepit swelling sloping gently, and large lateral whitish spots; large S2 spots, that touching medially; scapal basin densely covered with silvery pubescence and the TFC forming broad enclosure, and closed medially.

Male description. Body ( Fig. 157 View FIGURES 157 – 162 ). Length: 6.2 mm. Coloration: head predominantly bluish green, with dark purple highlights on vertex; F1 bluish green, F2 brownish green; mesosoma metallic blue, with dark purple bands on dorsum, particularly on pronotum and mesoscutum; metasoma metallic blue, with transverse dark purple stripes on dorsum of T1 and T2; T3 with purplish highlights, and large lateral whitish spot; wing membrane light brown, with brown veins; femora and tibiae bluish; tarsi brown, hind basitarsus brownish blue. Head: TFC enclosing the median ocellus, closed medially, much broader than long ( Fig. 158 View FIGURES 157 – 162 ); F1 longer than broad, 1.2× as long as F2; scapal basin densely covered with silvery pubescence. Mesosoma: fore femur with discrete flattened area on outer surface of distal margin, without ventral tooth-like projection; fore wing with short M distal to discoidal cell, R1 shorter than stigma (e.g. Fig. 190 View FIGURE 190 ); dorsal surface of pronotum wider than head; lower lateral pronotal surface smooth, punctate anteriorly, without distinct posterior area delimited by transverse ridge; metanotum irregularly serrate to cristate medially; mesopleural lower posterior margin carinate, with distinct close together tooth-like projections. Metasoma: T3 with six distal teeth, the lateral teeth are broadly obtuse ( Fig. 159 View FIGURES 157 – 162 ), pit row exposed, represented by distinct, small foveae, prepit swelling sloping gently; S2 spots large, touching medially ( Fig. 160 View FIGURES 157 – 162 ). Punctation: outer surface of fore femur punctate, with definite sparse punctures; largest punctures on T1, mesopleuron and metanotum. Genital capsule ( Fig. 161 View FIGURES 157 – 162 ): aedeagus longer than gonostylus and cuspis; cuspis shorter than gonostylus, broader basally than apically; digitus very narrow, shorter than cuspis, strongly clavate; gonostylus and cuspis with short setae apically.

Female. Same as male, except for the characteristic shape of S2 spots as shown in Fig. 160 View FIGURES 157 – 162 , and usually shaperst T3 lateral teeth.

Variation. The body coloration varies from the usual blue to green, especially in specimens from northeast Brazil: Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Bahia. Body length 6.1–6.5 mm.

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Argentina (Salta, Santa Fe); Brazil (AM, BA, CE, MA, MG, PA, RN, SP); Paraguay ( San Pedro, Villarica) ( Fig. 162 View FIGURES 157 – 162 ).

Material examined. BRAZIL: Pará, Óbidos , 29.vii.1902 A. Ducke / Lectotype Ƌ ( MNHN).

Additional material. ARGENTINA: Salta, Tartagal 11.viii.1973, 1♀, coll. C. Porter [BME] . Santa Fé, Tostado , 1Ƌ, coll. Andres Giai [BME] . BRAZIL: Amazonas, Manaus 22.xi.1910, 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Bahia, Jequié , DIRFAV 13.x.2006, 1♀, coll. J.C. Silva-JR [ LEBIC] . Same data except 10.ii.2006, 1♀ [ LEBIC] . Jequié, UESB II, 28.ii.2007, 1♀, coll. J.C. Silva-JR [LEBIC]. Same data except 19.ix.2006, 1♀ [ LEBIC] , 20.xi.2006, 1♀ [LEBIC], 25.xi.2006, 1Ƌ [LEBIC]. Ceará, Baturité 25.vii.1908, 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Maranhão, Caxias 29.iv.1907, 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Codó 24.vi.1907, 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Minas Gerais, Barbacena 22.x.1905, 1Ƌ, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG]. Chapada?, 1♀ [BME] . Pará, Óbidos 22.vii.1903, 1♀, A. Ducke [ MNHN] . Same data except 8.vii.1903, 1Ƌ [ MPEG] , 13.xii.1903, 1♀ [MPEG], 10.i.1904, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 21.i.1904, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 22.xii.1904, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 2.i.1905, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 2.i.1907, 2Ƌ [BME], 22.xii.1904, 1♀ [BME], 1.i.1907, 1♀ [BME], 5.i.1905, 1♀ [MPEG], 7.i.1905, 1♀ [MPEG], 11.i.1905, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 31.xii.1906, 1♀ [MPEG], 1.i.1907, 1♀ [MPEG], 2.i.1907, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 4.i.1907, 2Ƌ 1♀ [MPEG], 5.i.1907, 2Ƌ [MPEG], 8.i.1907, 1♀ [MPEG], 5.iv.1907, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 1.xii.1907, 1Ƌ [MPEG]. Alenquer 29.xii.1903, 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Same data except 1.i.1904, 1♀ [ MPEG] . Almeirim 8.iv.1903, 1♀, A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Same data except 12.iv.1903, 1Ƌ [ MPEG] . Faro 15.xii.1904, 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Madeira Mamoré , 1♀, [ MPEG] . Pará 26.ix.1901, 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Same data except 28.ix.1901, 1Ƌ [ MPEG] , 24.iii.1903, 1♀ [MPEG]. Prainha 12.v.1903, 1Ƌ 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG] . Rio Grande do Norte, Mossoró , Faz. Sta. Júlia 6.iii.2007, 2Ƌ 4♀, coll. D.R.R. Fernandes [ RPSP] . São Paulo, Luis Antônio , Est. Ecol. Jataí 24.x.2007, 1♀, coll. N.W. Perioto [ LRRP] . Same data except 5.xii.2007, 1♀ [ LRRP] , 26.xi.2008, 1♀ [LRRP]. Paulo de Farias , Est. Ecol. P. Farias 9.xii.1998, 1Ƌ, coll. Garófalo, Gazola & Serrano [ CAVS] . Teodoro Sampaio, Parque Estadual Morro do Diabo , Sítio Manoel 18.x.2011, 1♀, coll. P.R. Lopes [ RPSP] . PARAGUAY: Villarica xi, 1♀, coll. Sternitzky [BME].

Comments. The redescription above is based on a male from Brazil: Pará, Almeirim.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Universidade de Sao Paulo














Ipsiura obidensis ( Ducke, 1903 )

Lucena, Daercio A. A., Kimsey, Lynn S. & Almeida, Eduardo A. B. 2016

Chrysis anisitsii Brèthes, 1908

Kimsey 1991: 511
Kimsey 1991: 511

Hexachrysis anisitsi

Kimsey 1991: 511
Kimsey 1991: 511

Ipsiura obidensis:

Bohart 1985: 710

Neochrysis (Ipsiura) obidensis:

Kimsey 1981: 78

Chrysis obidensis

Kimsey 1991: 511
Ducke 1903: 231
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