Hyopsodus sp.

Bai, Bin, Wang, Yuan-Qing, Zhang, Xin-Yue & Meng, Jin, 2021, A new species of the “ condylarth ” Hyopsodus from the middle Eocene of the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China, and its biostratigraphic implications, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66 (4), pp. 767-777 : 770

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4202/app.00908.2021

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scientific name

Hyopsodus sp.


Hyopsodus sp.

Fig. 1B View Fig .

Material.— IVPP V 28283 , a left mandible with a heavily worn m2 and roots of m3 from the upper level of the lower part of the Arshanto Formation (AS-2), Huheboerhe, Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China .

Description.—The m2 is about 11% smaller than that of Hyopsodus arshantensis sp. nov. (IVPP V 28282) in longitudinal dimensions ( Table 1). It differs from H. arshantensis sp. nov. in having a more lingually extended paralophid, and the angle between the cristid obliqua and the posthypocristid is slightly less than 90°. Only the roots of m3 are preserved on the specimen. The m3 was almost as long as m2, but it appears to have been narrower than the latter. The cross section of the anterior root is an anteroposteriorly compressed oval, and that of the posterior one is an elongated ellipsoid.

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