Holconotus gigas ( Andrewes, 1937 )

Fedorenko, D. N., 2022, Notes on some Abacetina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini), with descriptions of a new genus and new species, Russian Entomological Journal 31 (1), pp. 15-26 : 19

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.31.1.03



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scientific name

Holconotus gigas ( Andrewes, 1937 )


Holconotus gigas ( Andrewes, 1937) View in CoL

Fig. 1 View Figs 1–5 .

Andrewes,1937:563 ( Fouquetius ; Burma:Tharawaddy and Prome).

MATERIAL. Two syntypes, ( NHML): ♀ glued on paper rectangle, in very good condition, except that antennomeres 10–11, right middle leg, and metatarsomere 5 are lost, labelled: ‘ Tharawaddy ,/ Burma./ G.Q.Corbett’, red ‘ Type’, ‘ H.E.Andrewes Coll. / B.M. 1945- 97.’, ‘ Fouquetius / gigas / Andr. / H.E.Andrewes det.’, here designated as lectotype . Another ♀ (pinned, very dirty), labelled: ‘ Prome ’, ‘ H.E.Andrewes Coll. / B.M. 1945-97.’ and ‘Co-/type’ (circle margined with green) .

DIAGNOSIS. Very large for the genus, BL 6.8–7 mm, with infuscated tibiae. Mentum with one pair of very short setae (vs. missing in the other examined species).

REDESCRIPTION. Body ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–5 ) shiny pale red and glabrous, without microsculpture. Labrum, palps, antennomeres 1–3 and legs minutely and sparsely setulose; legs more distinctly so.

Head and eyes small, angle between them very obtuse, postocular groove fine yet distinct. Gena rather long; eye in lateral view, combined with gena in front of postocular groove nearly round in outline. Labrum quadrate, barely transverse, sexsetose. Clypeus truncate, frontoclypeal suture distinct, frontal sulci angulate, short, parallel and very deep anteriorly, strongly diverging toward and reaching anterior supra-ocular seta behind, shallower and vaguely punctate at bottom there. Mandibles very incurved, dorsal scrobal ridge barely convex in basal half, ventral one slightly more so and visible from above. Antennomeres 3–11 densely pubescent. Pronotum subquadrate, somewhat obtrapezoidal, flat in basal half, very convex before, almost half wider than long, PW/PL 1.44–1.46, twice or more as wide as head, PW/HW 2.0–2.05, broadest in middle, PLw/PL 0.50; apical angles angles right and very sharp, distinctly projecting, apical margin straight in between. Sides rounded, less so in basal half. Base nearly truncate, scarcely oblique laterally, about half wider than apex, PB/PA 1.52–1.54; basal angles obtuse, indistinctly incised in front of minute and indistinct apical teeth. Basal and apical transverse impressions vague, median line fine in between, very shallow behind the former. Basal sulci moderately deep, running on about basal third, converging apicad, finely punctate at bottom. Each side between sulcus and lateral margin with a group of ca. 20 fine punctures concentrated midway; left side and a vague trace of short outer sulcus. Apical bead very fine, obliterate in middle third. Lateral bead very fine, barely wider basad; lateral groove narrow, deep, finely punctate, punctures moderately dense, evenly spaced, arranged in a row. Basal bead very fine, traceable on ech side except medially and laterally.

Elytra very convex laterally and apically, with apical slope almost vertical, nearly parallel-sided, with a short and distinct preapical sinuation and plica, apices rounded combined, EL/ EW 1.39–1.45, EW/PW 1.18–1.19. Base slightly oblique, humeri very obtuse yet distinct, with microscopic tooth. Basal ridge entire, straight, slightly oblique toward suture; humeral angle obtuse and sharp. Lateral edge very finely serrate, hardly more distinctly in apical half. Striae deep, very deep in apical third, finely and densely punctate, very distinctly punctate in lateral groove; 6th abruptly shortened behind base for a short distance, 7th increasingly shallow basad in basal 1/3, obliterate just basally, 8th basally adjoining lateral groove. Intervals 1–4 barely convex on disc, otherwise intervals convex, costate in apical third, 6th and 8th, as well as 3rd and 5th, confluent pairwaise before apex in succession. USS: anterior group and posterior group widely separated; US 3, US 10 and US 14 large, US 3 and US 14 adjoining stri 8 and 9; US 9 and US 10 adjoining stria 8 or 9, respectively, US 10 just distal to US 9.

Legs as for other species (females only examined).

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Only known from two localities in Myanmar.



Natural History Museum, Tripoli

















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