Hemiphileurus elbitae Neita and Ratcliffe

Neita-Moreno, Jhon César & Ratcliffe, Brett C., 2010, A New Species of Hemiphileurus Kolbe (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini) from Colombia, with Description of Its Larva and Pupa, The Coleopterists Bulletin 64 (4), pp. 347-355 : 348-354

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scientific name

Hemiphileurus elbitae Neita and Ratcliffe

sp. nov.

Hemiphileurus elbitae Neita and Ratcliffe , new species

( Figs. 1–19 View Fig View Figs View Fig View Fig View Figs View Fig View Figs View Figs View Figs View Fig View Fig View Figs )

Type Material. H o l o t y p e m a l e l a b e l e d “ COLOMBIA: Chocó , Municipio de Acandí , Capurganá , Serranía del Darién. En: Tronco descompuesto en pie de Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez (Lauraceae) . 8°37′28.91″N; 77°20′57.69″W. 10 m alt. 13 ene de 2010. J. C. Neita Leg. ” Single adult male paratype, one third instar paratype, and one pupal paratype with same data GoogleMaps .

Holotype deposited at the University of Nebraska State Museum (Lincoln, NE). Adult paratype deposited in the collection Jhon César Neita (Bogotá, Colombia). Larval and pupal paratypes deposited in the Museo Entomológico, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia).

Holotype Description. Length 21.8 mm; width 10.1 mm. Color black. Head: Frons and vertex longitudinally concave, rugopunctate. Frons with distinct, longitudinal tubercle anteromedial of each eye. Clypeus triangular, apex strongly reflexed into acute spine, a small carina extending from apex to base of each tubercle; surface lateral of each carina nearly smooth. Sides of clypeus declivous. Interocular width equals 3.3 transverse eye diameters. Antenna 10-segmented, club subequal in length to segments 2–7. Mandibles arcuate on lateral edge, apices acute, reflexed. Pronotum: Surface mostly densely punctate, a little less so on basal half; anterior angles rugopunctate. Disc at center with weak, longitudinal furrow in basal half only. Base with marginal line. Elytra: Surface between suture and humerus with 6 rows of punctures in weak furrows; punctures large, deep, ocellate-umbilicate. Intervals weakly convex, all of equal height, minutely shagreened. Sides with 5 rows of similar punctures. Pygidium: Surface densely punctate; punctures large, deep, setigerous; setae minute, pale. In lateral view, surface regularly convex. Leg s: Protibia tridentate, teeth long, subequally spaced. Apex of metatibia with upper angle prolonged into sharp tooth with 7 stout spinules below tooth on left leg, 5 spinules below tooth on right leg. Apex of first metatarsomere prolonged into long spine. Venter: Prosternal process erect, stout, subrectangular, apex nearly flat on top, posterior face at base with distinct ledge. Last sternite with transverse band of punctures at base and with a few sparse punctures elsewere. Parameres ( Figs. 2, 3 View Figs ): Distinctly hollowed in the center.

Adult Paratype. Male. Length 22.9 mm; width 9.5 mm. As holotype except apex of meso- and metatibiae with 4–6 spinules below tooth on right leg.

Third Instar Paratype Description. One larva, 3 exuviae. Cranium ( Fig. 4 View Fig ): Width of head

2) Caudal view; 3) Lateral view.

capsule 6.07–7.00 mm. Color reddish brown. Surface strongly punctate. Frontal suture and clypeofrontal suture distinct. Frons ( Fig. 4 View Fig ): Surface with 1 exterior frontal seta and 1 posterior frontal seta on each side; each anterior angle with 2 setae; remaining cranial surface with 3 dorsoepicranial setae, 10 epicranial setae distributed irregularly, and 7–8 paraocellar setae on each side. Anterior frontal setae absent. Ocellus present. Clypeus: Form trapezoidal. Surface of postclypeus reddish-brown, well sclerotized, densely punctuate; surface of preclypeus light brown, with 2 central setae and 2 lateral seta on each side. Labrum: Surface rugopunctate, slightly asymmetrical, with 6 posterior setae, 3 lateral setae on each side and 4 central setae. Epipharynx ( Fig. 5 View Fig ): Form suboval, asymmetrical, lateral edges angulate. Haptomeral process prominent, entire. Right chaetoparia with 57 setae; left chaetoparia with 43 setae, with some sensillae between the setae. Acroparia with 15 straight, long, thick setae; corypha with 5 slender, long setae; right acanthoparia with 8 short, curved, spine-like setae; left acanthoparia with 9 short, curved, spine-like setae. Pedium longer than wide, without setae. Dexiotorma narrow, elongate; laeotorma slightly shorter than dexiotorma; epitorma curved onto disc of pedium, pternotorma rounded. Dexiophoba absent; laephoba poorly developed; haptolochus and inner side of laeotorma with 13 small, slender setae. Sclerotized plate of right nesium elongate, truncate at apex; sense cone on left nesium represented by longitudinal, wellsclerotized plate, apex with 3 sensilla. Crepis poorly defined. Right mandible ( Figs. 6a–b View Figs ): Scissorial area with blade-like, apical tooth (S 1 + S 2 fused) and 1 small, rounded tooth (S 3) behind scissorial notch. Scrobe with 17 slender, long setae. Dorsal surface with line of 12 slender, long setae. Ventral surface with elongate-oval, stridulatory area formed by 37 narrowly separated ridges. Ventral process

7a) Left mandible, dorsal view; 7b) Left mandible, ventral view.

well-developed, rounded, with many asperites. Brustia with 8 stout, long setae. Calyx large, with 6 basolateral setae. Molar area with 3 wide, convex, ridged lobes (M 1 – 3). Left mandible ( Figs. 7a, b View Figs ): Form falcate. Scissorial region with 4 teeth, basal tooth separated from teeth S 1 –S 3; S 1 and S 2 separated from S 3 by scissorial notch. Scrobe with 15 slender, long setae. Dorsal surface with line of 8 slender, moderately long setae; acia welldeveloped, sharp, with 6 basolateral setae; dorso- molar area with row of 13 stout, slender, moderately long setae. Ventral surface with elongate-oval stridulatory area formed by 40 narrowly separated ridges; ventral process well-developed, rounded, with many asperites. Brustia with 14 stout, long setae arranged in form of a “U”. Molar area with 3 lobes, first molar lobe (M 1) large. Maxilla ( Figs. 8–10 View Fig View Figs ). Cardo subrectangular. Galea with 6 stout setae and 1 well developed uncus at apex. Lacinia with many stout setae and 3 unci fused at their bases, 1 st and 2 nd unci separated from third. Maxillary palpus 4-segmented, segment 4 twice as long as segment 2. Stridulatory area ( Fig. 10 View Figs ) with 6–7 blunt, truncate ridges, anterior process truncate. Hypopharynx ( Fig. 8 View Fig ): Glossa with 34 slender, long setae and 56 stout, short setae. Hypopharyngeal sclerome asymmetrical, concave medially, with acute dorsal process. Left lateral lobe with 22 slender, moderately long setae; right lateral lobe with 18 slender, moderately long setae. Left margin with row of 22 stout, moderately long setae directed toward center of sclerome and 4 setae near base of sclerome. Antenna: Four-segmented, segments 1–2 subequal in length, each slightly longer than segment 3; terminal segment about half length of segment 2. Apical segment on dorsal surface with 5 sensory spots ( Fig. 11 View Figs ), ventral surface with 7 sensory spots ( Fig. 12 View Figs ). Thorax: Pronotum wide, irregularly and weakly sclerotized, with 6 slender, long setae. Prothoracic spiracle ( Fig. 13 View Figs ) 0.237 mm long, 0.158 mm wide; respiratory plate dark brown, regularly shaped as a closed “C”, spiracular bulla rounded, slightly prominent; distance between respiratory lobes less than diameter of bulla; plate with 25 holes across diameter at middle, holes with irregular edges ( Fig. 14 View Figs ). Dorsum of prothorax with transverse row of 6 long, slender setae and 2 spinelike setae. Mesoprescutum with transverse, irregular row of 14 long, slender setae; mesoscutellum with transverse row of 10 long, slender setae and 33 spine-like setae. Metaprescutum without setae; metascutellum with 6 long, slender setae and 22 stout, spine-like setae. Legs: Tarsal claws ( Fig. 15 View Fig ) with enlarged apical process, 1 basoexternal seta, and 1 internal, preapical seta. Tarsal claw on pro- and mesothoracic legs longer than those of metathoracic legs. Coxa, trochanter, and tibiotarsus of all legs with many fine setae. Abdomen ( Fig. 16 View Fig ): Abdominal spiracle I 0.23 mm long and 0.16 mm wide, shorter than spiracles II –VII. Spiracles on segments II and V equal in size (0.26 mm long and 0.17 mm wide), slightly larger than spiracles on segments VI –VII (0.23 mm long and 0.17 mm wide). Spiracle on segment VIII slightly larger than those on segments I–VII (0.21 mm long and 0.17 mm wide). Abdominal segment I with 4 long, slender setae and 18 short, spine-like setae on prescutum; subscutum with 4 long, slender setae and without short subscutum with 4 long, slender setae and without short, spine-like setae; scutum with 15 long, slen- der setae and 54 short, spine-like setae; scutellum with 2 long, slender setae and 46 short, spine-like setae. Abdominal segment V with 6 long, slender setae and 60 short, spine-like setae on prescutum; subscutum with 4 long, slender setae and without short, spine-like setae; scutum with 14 long, slender setae and 55 short, spine-like setae; scutellum with 2 long, slender setae and 48 short, spine-like setae. Abdominal segment VI with 6 long, slender setae and 58 short, spine-like setae on prescutum; subscutum

13) Thoracic spiracle; 14) Spiracular holes.

setae; scutum with about 5 short, spine-like setae and 1 long, slender seta; scutellum with about 37 short, spine-like setae and 13 long, slender setae. Abdominal segment II with 4 long, slender setae and 42 short, spine-like setae on prescutum; subscutum with 4 long setae and without short, spine-like setae; scutum with 2 long, slender setae and 36 short, spine-like setae; scutellum with 15 long, slender setae and 50 short, spine-like setae. Abdominal segment III with 4 long, slender setae and 44 short, spine-like setae on prescutum; subscutum with 4 long, slender seta and without short, spine-like setae; scutum with 2 long, slender setae and 44 short, spine-like setae; scutellum with 12 long, slender setae and 46 short, spine-like setae. Abdominal segment IV with 4 long, slender setae and 57 short, spine-like setae on prescutum; with 4 long, slender setae and without short, spinelike setae; scutum with 10 long, slender setae and 48 short, spine-like setae; scutellum with 2 long, slender setae and 44 short, spine-like setae. Abdominal segment VII with 2 rows of 16 slender, long setae and 54 short, spine-like setae mixed. Abdominal segment VIII with 2 rows of 12 slender, long setae each, and 39 short, spine-like setae. Abdominal segment IX with 9 slender, long setae distributed irregularly and 36 short, spine-like setae mixed. Abdominal segment X with approximately 60 moderate to long, slender setae and 22 short, spine-like setae mixed. Pleural lobes with 6–12 long, slender setae and short, spine-like setae absent. All spiracular areas with 6 long, slender setae and 2 short, spine-like setae. Raster: Surface without palidia; campus with 4 slender, long setae; teges with 55–62 short setae that project toward superior anal lobe; barbula with 33 long, slender setae. Anal slit transverse. Dorsal body length approximately 74.6 mm ( Fig. 14 View Figs ).

Pupal Paratype Description. Female ( Figs. 17– 19 View Figs ). Length 26.13 mm; widest width 11.75 mm. Body shape elongate, oval, stout, exarate. Color dark reddish orange. Entire body with fine, velvety-gold vestiture. Head: Surface glabrous, bent sharply beneath thorax, mouthparts directed ventrally; antenna, labrum, mandibles, maxillae, and palps discernible; antennal tecae expanded, stout, with apices rounded. Compound eyes sunken, scarcely visible, with 2 tubercles between eyes. Thorax: Pronotal s urface glabrous. Form transverse, with wide, anteromedial, round apex, tubercle slightly defined. Meso- and metanotum well differentiated. Elytral and posterior wing tecae closely appressed, curved ventrally around body; elytral tecae extending to middle of abdominal segment II; posterior wing tecae extending to middle of abdominal segment III. Protibia with 3 distinct teeth on external edge. Meso- and metatibiae with inner and external spines well developed at apices. Abdomen: Segments III–X (ventral view) well-defined. Segment VII slightly long than preceding and VIII 0.25 times longer than segment VII; segments VIII and IX fused. Segment X with small genital ampulla (female). Segments I–X (dorsal view) with welldefined, dioneiform organs between segments I– II, II –III, III–IV, IV– V, V – VI, and VI –VII, the first strongly sclerotized. Pleural lobes rounded. Spiracle I elongate, with fine peritreme, covered by wing thecae; spiracles II –IV ovate, prominent, each with strongly sclerotized peritreme; spiracles V –VIII closed. Abdominal apex rounded, with fine, short setae .

Distribution. Hemiphileurus elbitae is known only from the type locality in the Chocó region of Colombia.

Locality Records. (2 adults, 1 larva, and 1 pupa examined). COLOMBIA: Chocó, Municipio de Acandí , Serranía del Darién .

Temporal Distribution. January (2 adults, 1 larva, 1 pupa).

Diagnosis. The males of this species are most easily recognized by the unique form of the parameres which, in caudal view, are distinctly hollowed in the center of each paramere ( Fig. 2 View Figs ). In addition, this species is characterized by the presence of frontoclypeal tubercles (not horns), pronotum strongly punctate everywhere, elytral intervals smooth and of equal height, last sternite densely punctate only across base, and tridentate protibia.

The third instar of Hemiphileurus species may be distinguished, tentatively, from other phileurine larvae by the angulate margin on both sides of the labrum, absence of anterior frontal setae, and an entire haptomeral process ( Ritcher 1966; Ocampo and Morón 2004). However, our knowledge of phileurine immatures is still so fragmentary that many more larvae must be known in order to study characters at the species level and arrive at accurate diagnoses for the species.

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Lic. Elba Moreno de Neita, mother of the first author, to honor her memory.

Biology. The larva and pupa were found in a rotted tree trunk of Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez (Lauraceae) . The adults were observed preying on the larvae of a species of Chrysina Kirby ( Scarabaeidae : Rutelinae: Rutelini).


1. Abdominal spiracle I shorter than spiracles II–VII. Last segment of antenna with 5 dorsal sensory spots .................................................. H. elbitae Neita and Ratcliffe , new species

1′. Abdominal spiracles similar in size. Last segment of antenna with less than 5 dorsal sensory spots.....................................................2

2. Last segment of antenna with 2 dorsal sensory spots. Inner margin of left mandible, distad of molar area, with a short, rounded tooth .................................... H. dispar Kolbe

2′. Last segment of antenna with 3–4 dorsal sensory spots. Inner margin of left mandible, distad of molar area, with a prominent, triangular tooth ...................... H. illatus LeConte


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