Haplophilus dimidiatus (Meinert, 1870)

Cassar, Thomas & Zapparoli, Marzio, 2021, Additions to the centipede (Chilopoda) fauna of the Maltese Islands, with new distributional records and an updated checklist, Soil Organisms 93 (3), pp. 153-160 : 156-157

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Haplophilus dimidiatus (Meinert, 1870)


Haplophilus dimidiatus (Meinert, 1870)

Material examined. MALTA: 1 ♂ (85 mm long, 125 lp) , 1 ♀ (79 mm long, 129 lp), Misrats Gtsar il-Kbir, 02 February 2020, leg. T. Cassar ; 2 ♂♂ (63, 64 mm long, 121 lp), 1 ♀ (70 mm long, 121 lp), Buskett, 27 February 2021, leg. T. Cassar .

Distribution. Europe: France (SW mainland, Corsica), Italy (mainland, Sicily), Malta, Portugal (mainland, Madera Is.), Spain (mainland, Canary Isl. and Balearic Isl.); North Africa: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia (Minelli & Zapparoli 2011, Iorio 2014).

Chorotype. W-Mediterranean.

Notes. New record for the Maltese Islands. Multiple specimens collected from two nearby locations which, however, represented different habitats – a karst garigue (Misrats Gtsar il-Kbir) and a semi-natural woodland (Buskett).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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