Goniographa gyulaipeteri, Varga & Ronkay, 2002

Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L., 2002, A Revision Of The Palaearctic Species Of The Eugraphe Hübner, [1821] 1816 Generic Complex. Part I. The Genera Eugraphe And Goniographa (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4), pp. 333-374 : 357-365

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587286

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scientific name

Goniographa gyulaipeteri

sp. nov.

Goniographa gyulaipeteri sp. n.

( Figs 13 View Fig , 14 View Fig , 38–40 View Figs 36–42 , 64, 65 View Figs 58–65 )

Holotype: female, Tadjikistan, cca 25 km from Kirovabad , at the road to Parkhar, 800 m, 12.X.1960, leg. Y.L. SHCHETKIN, slide No. RL7568 f (coll. P. GYULAI, in coll. HNHM Budapest).

Paratypes. Tadjikistan: 3 males, 8 females, Hissar Mts, Kondara valley , 1900 m, 24.IX.1979, coll. A. V. NEKRASOV (coll. HNHM Budapest, B. HERCZIG and G. RONKAY) ; 2 males, 8 females, from the same valley, August–September 1954 –56, leg. SHCHETKIN; 1 female, Hissar Mts, Kondara valley , 1800 m, 20.VIII.–1.IX.1994, leg. Y. SHCHETKIN ; 8 specimens, Hissar Mts, Kondara valley , 1100 m, 2–9.IX.1994, leg. Y. SHCHETKIN ; 1 female, from the same valley, 1100 m, 20.IX.1979, leg. PLYUSHCH; 9 specimens, Hissar Mts, Gushary , 1300 m, 22–31.VIII.1965, 17–25.IX.1985, 18.VIII. 1992, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 female, Hissar Mts, Ramit , 18.IX.1950, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 female, Hissar Mts, Kvak valley , 1800 m, 9.IX.1954, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 male, 2 females, cca 25 km from Kirovabad , 800 m, 30.VIII.1958, 12–13.X.1960, leg. Y.L. SHCHETKIN ; 3 males, 5 females, Obichingou river, n. Tawildara , 1850 m, 2–4.IX.1970, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 male, Peter 1st Mts, Darai-Nazarak valley , 1700 m, 26.VII.–3.VIII.1992, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 female, Peter 1st Mts , 2180 m, 16.VIII.1977, leg. SHCHETKIN (coll. A. BECHER, P. GYULAI & J. STUMPF) ; 2 females, vic. Dushanbe, 750 m, 3.IX.1970, leg. SHCHETKIN ; Pamir Mts, Shugnan Mt., Sangan-dara , 3650 m, 23.VII.2000, leg. Y. SHCHETKIN (coll. G. RONKAY) . Uzbekistan: Kara-tyube , S of Samarkand, 10–18.VIII.1896, leg. VERIGIN (coll. Z. VARGA) ; 2 females, Alai Mts, Dugobo , 2600 m, 16.VIII.1985, leg. DANILEVSKY (coll. HNHM Budapest) ; 1 male, 2 females, W Tien Shan Mts, Chatkal , 1600 m, 30.VIII.–1.IX.1997 ; 4 females, Seravshan Mts, Kitab , 1400–1600 m, 10–20.X.1997 (coll. A. BECHER & J. STUMPF) . Afghanistan: Badakhshan, Darwaz, Shewa valley, Basindj , 1900–2000 m, 27.VIII.1973, Nr. 1421, leg. C. NAUMANN (coll. NAUMANN) .

Slide Nos RL 7479m, RL 7572m, 3686VZ, 4643VZ, 7155VZ (males), RL7478f, RL7501f, RL7502f, RL7567f, RL7571f, RL7573f (females).

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Diagnosis. The detailed comparison of the two species are given in the diagnosis of G. marcida . A short summary of the specific features of G. gyulaipeteri are as follows: the median area of the forewing has stronger pale ochreous(-brownish)irroration, the filling of the stigmata is also paler; the inner area of the hind - wing is whitish in both sexes, in certain male specimens the whole wing is whitish with weak darker marginal suffusion only (these specimens resemble also G. decussa and G. discussa , but their crosslines are less prominent, the wing is less variegated, and the genitalia of the two species-groups show easily recognisable differences).

The male genitalia of G. gyulaipeteri are characterised by the rather uniform tripartite distal part of valva with relatively short processi, the shorter, more arcuate harpe, the subdeltoidal, rather broad juxta, the fully recurved vesica with short cornutus sitting on a broad, semiglobular basal bulb (see Figs 13 View Fig , 14 View Fig ).

The female genitalia of G. gyulaipeteri differs from its twin species by its longer, narrower ostium bursae, having shallow medio-caudal incision, longer ductus bursae without anterior crest and ventral verrucose plate and by the presence of a large, strongly sclerotized dorso-medial fold on the appendix bursae which is completely missing in G. marcida .

Description. Wingspan 27–35 mm, length of forewing 12–15 mm. The main external features of the species and the diagnostic external characteristics are given in the diagnoses of G. marcida and G. gyulaipeteri . The holotype (female)and a typical male are illustrated in Figs 64 and 65 View Figs 58–65 .

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Male genitalia ( Figs 13 View Fig , 14 View Fig ): Uncus strong, pointed; valva straight, elongate with nearly parallel margins; harpe straight and acute apically; pollex spine-shaped, shorter; juxta shield-shaped, broader; aedeagus strong, longer; dentate ribbon with fine teeth, nearly evenly arcuate, vesica broad, less saccate, fully recurved with a tiny, acute bulbed cornutus in submedial position.

Female genitalia ( Figs 38–40 View Figs 36–42 ): Ostium bursae with triangular, rather broad and long ventral plate with slight medial incision on caudal margin. Ductus bursae long, broad, flattened, sclerotized, ventral plate with fine, narrow, longitudinal suture at middle. Apical part of bursa copulatrix membranous, wrinkled-ribbed; appendix bursae large, apex membranous, dorsal side with large, sclerotized, more or less rounded fold. Corpus bursae elliptical-ovoid, membranous; signa absent.

Bionomics and distribution. The new species is widely distributed in the western Tien-Shan Mts, in the Hissar and Alai Mts, in the western Pamirs (Shugnan range)and also in NE. Afghanistan (Badakhshan).

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to our friend and excellent lepidopterist, Dr. PÉTER

GYULAI, who has discovered several interesting new taxa of Noctuidae in Asia.


The curious Noctuinae species “ Eugraphe ” ornata was originally described as “ Hydrilla ” ornata STAUDINGER, 1892 (type locality: Margelan – probably the Alai Mts). HAMPSON (1903) described the same species as Lycophotia macrina

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from the coll. PÜNGELER (type locality: Alexander Mts). WARREN (in SEITZ, 1910)synonymised L. macrina with H. ornata and placed it to the genus Rhyacia . He also provided the records of two pairs of specimens which were collected in versuta (PÜNGELER) , slide no. RL7503: genital capsula, 23 = aedeagus with vesica everted

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holotype, slide No. RL7547: 28 = female genitalia; 29 = posterior part in larger magnification

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paratype, slide No. RL7584: 34 = female genitalia, 35 = posterior part in larger magnification

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fication, 42 = X. (s. l.) hypographa sp. n., paratype, slide No. RL7542, female genitalia

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Prov. Kuliab ( Afghanistan), in these specimens the marginal field is not ochreous as in the type specimen but more greyish.

The study of the external and genital characters of this rather peculiar species (and its allopatric sibling)and the comparison of them with those of the taxa of Eugraphe inevitably showed their distinctness. Owing to the genitalia features of both sexes of X. ornata and X. hypographa sp. n. they should be placed into the genus Xestia (s. l.).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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