Gomphonema curatorum E.Reichardt, 2015

Reichardt, Erwin, 2015, Two new species of the genus Gomphonema (Bacillariophyceae) from Guayabo Waterfall, Cuba, Phytotaxa 203 (2), pp. 185-191 : 189

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.203.2.8



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scientific name

Gomphonema curatorum E.Reichardt

sp. nov.

Gomphonema curatorum E.Reichardt , sp. nov. ( Figs. 15–34 View FIGURES 15–34 )

Cells in girdle view barely clavate, nearly rectangular, mantles without additional structures except for the endings of the transapical striae. Valves only slightly gomphonemoid-cuneate, lanceolate with obtusely rounded ends. Larger valves somewhat inflated at mid-valve. Length 31–72 μm, width 6–9 μm (initial valves up to 13 μm). Raphe lateral, external fissures weakly arched to nearly straight, internal fissures slightly more arched. External and internal central raphe endings clearly distinguishable, the latter wider apart and deflected to the same side. Axial and central area combined to form a broad lanceolate hyaline field. No stigmoid present in central area. Striae slightly radiate to nearly parallel, 9–12 (mostly 10–12) in 10 μm, more densely spaced near the foot pole. Areolae in striae difficult to distinguish.

In SEM most ultrastructural details correspond to G. guayabense ( Figs. 28–34 View FIGURES 15–34 ) but G. curatorum lacks the granula present at the edge of the valve face/mantle junction in G. guayabense ( Figs. 29–30, 32–34 View FIGURES 15–34 ) and the pore field at the foot pole is clearly smaller ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 15–34 ). The foramina in the axial area are often more clearly C-shaped ( Figs. 32, 34 View FIGURES 15–34 ) and roundish to kidney-shaped depressions can be present around the external central raphe endings ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 15–34 ). Helictoglossa at the internal distal raphe endings only slightly or inconspicuously shifted to the secondary side ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 15–34 ).

Type:— CUBA. Salto del Guayabo. From mosses, Andreas Müller, 6 September 2003. Coll. Reichardt sample S2450 (holotype slide S2450- T02 Coll. Reichardt, Botanical Museum Berlin (B), holotype represented by Fig. 18 View FIGURES 15–34 ; isotype slide Zu 9/99, Hustedt Collection, Bremerhaven ( BRM)) .

Etymology:— This taxon is dedicated to all curators of diatom collections, especially to Friedel Hinz, curator of the Friedrich Hustedt-collection at Bremerhaven (BRM) for many years.

Distribution and Ecology:— Gomphonema guayabense and G. curatorum are only known from the type locality so far. The diatom flora of the type material is dominated by species of the genera Achnanthidium, Encyonema and Encyonopsis which often occur with strong appearance in semi aquatic habitats like trickled mosses ( Reichardt 2011). However, there is a remarkable occurrence of Brachysira australofollis Lange-Bertalot & Moser (1994: 17) in this sample, constituting about 6% of the diatom population. Brachysira australofollis is only known from New Caledonia and was found there associated with diatoms like e.g. Brachysira spp. and Frustulia spp. indicating acidic water. Diatoms of these genera are also present in the sample from Salto del Guayabo, Cuba. Therefore similar ecological conditions can be postulated.


Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung

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